How well do you honestly see it performing commercially in the long-run?

How well do you honestly see it performing commercially in the long-run?

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And yet again another Overfag thread.

Kill yourself and stop playing cartoon shooters made for people under 15.

Children don't play cartoony FPS games user. The average age of a TF2 player is mid 20s.

Yes because Blizzards marketing always win people over.

I hope it fails, youtubers seem to be making it out way better than it actually is.

Fine if they support it and don't fuck it up somehow, two things Blizz seems incapable of doing lately.

I can't speak for how well it's going to do financially but if we take the playerbase as a reference point it's probably going to get a lot of hype at launch and then a month later 85 percent of all those people will stop playing. After that it's going to get even less players until it hits a limit where only the fans will remain. Once in a while the sales will rise with every update. The games takes a lot from TF2 but not adding mod support is what's going to "kill" it.

Found the beta really fun but it's not something you could keep playing for long without new content, which has me worried that it'll go the same route as TF2. Character loadouts, item grinding, going f2p, etc.

As long as they add regular content from time to time it will do nice just like lol

Heavily depends on Blizzards support and new content for the game, it has lots of potential but it's lacking in actual content.

If Blizzard keeps their word and gives OW players lots of shit in the first year after it's release this could become a huge cash cow for them.

If they don't keep or even break their word i can see i fail and doing major damage to the consumer trust blizzdrones have

It's going to explode. Bigger than any of the haters can even dream.


>Movies hypes up this story about retired heroes coming back to save the world against the evils of -ReaperX- and Aayla Secura.

>Actual game is just team deathmatch with any mix of heroes/villains working together and fighting eachother, completing goals that have nothing to do with helping anybody.

i still like tf2
so if tf2 can last for years, overwatch will too.

Diablo 3 got support for years and people still amazingly enough play it.

Overwatch is gonna be fine.

What happened to HotS, anyway? Never heard of it again.

every game they have made in the past decade except for starcraft 2:WoL has been complete garbage with no redeemable features
and yet all of their games are very financially successful
what the fuck do you think

Relatively small cult fanbase.

This game is marketed at 12 year olds though

just low population of dedicated players, i think OW will be way more popular than HOTS, and they are still adding content to hots so.. OW will be fine in terms of getting regular content i hope

80% of the playerbase dies within 6 months

Tf2 does an MVM with mannpower grappling hooks, competitive is released the right way and we forget Overwatch excepted.

How is it marketed towards 12 year olds? How would you know? Only a 12 year old would know.

The only good thing to come out of HoTS:

The funny thing is that in the circle of people i know personally, the agegroup 25+ is the most interested in the game, while the kids usually say something like "It's cartoony, it looks like it's for babies" and "the game sucks because i cant aim down sights"

Many TF2 pros alrdy switched to OW and they already got more money for their tournaments in the Beta than they got ever in tf2.
Since being a professional is about getting money they will stay there as long as it's more profitable for them

Name some tf2 pros that made the switch

I only know of STAR_, jerma and clockwork and they arent playing competitive/arent doing well in competitive recently

Yeah, I don't get why there's that much lore for something like this.

The whole Gosu gamers overwatch tournaments thing consists of ex tf2 players.

Can we get a refund if we've preordered, I'm having second thoughts.

I know of that league already, clockwork is in it (and not doing well despite being top scout in the world)

I recognize very few other people

Diablo had a established fanbase and it has single player content.

This game is purely multiplayer, it will depend on blizzard a whole lot more to stay alive

I have with other games, even after it's released. Worth a try. Tell them you didn't look at the required pc spec or something, claim you have potato and will by when upgraded.

>I can't speak for sales figures or anything accurate with sources but here's what's going to happen

They are very different games, comparing their longevity is pointless.

Look at how Rocket League is doing on steam alone. It's been floating around the top 10 since launch with arguably less content. OW will last at least a year. Being that it's Blizzard, it's probably going to last a very long time

>stop playing cartoon shooters made for people under 15.
but people under 15 are playing CoD


Funny thing is that actual adults rarely give a shit if a game is marketed for kids, or if it's cartoony or childish, as long as it's fun to play. It tends to be ~15 year old teens who want be "hardcore" and look like adults who care most about if a game looks "childish" to them.

That's because CoD is cool and meant for adults, so they are are cool if they play it.

No not really. CoD's audience is stagnant. They're like 22 year old dudebros now.

15 year olds play TF2 and CSGO nowadays.

I see them progressing the story (such as it is) through short stories, comics, and animations. Then that will coincide with the addition of new heroes/maps/skins to the game, probably.

Otherwise it would make zero sense. I mean Winston fucking killed Reaper in that one short.

That doesnt mean 10-20 WONT be the major demographic play

Overwatch is the game i would buy my son, not COD.

Except Blizzard games have had a tendency in the past several years of selling incredibly well (almost entirely on hype) and then mere months later the playerbase dissolves rapidly.

The only real exception there is Hearthstone.

The character's are designed very similarly to MOBA heroes with very peculiar toolkits. I really doubt they'll ever be adding weapons to Overwatch, probably just more heroes.


>no gibs
>20$ cheaper
>cute characters

I bet you are one of those people that whine that there is no stats so you can't flex with your K/D ratio while losing matches because you play it like it's TDM.

And hearthstone is a shell of it's former self

But im not fit to discuss that since i've only played during closed beta

It's Blizzard, everything they make has tons of lore. They probably thought a ton of this shit up before anyone even thought "do we really need lore for a multiplayer FPS?"


Reaper can't die he keeps coming back to life.

don't know who seagull is but b4nny said he wouldn't switch because OW doesn't have much depth

>Otherwise it would make zero sense. I mean Winston fucking killed Reaper in that one short.

Reaper is immortal. After that movie, you see a tiny piece of his ghost form escaping the lab.

Ok apparently I don't know shit.

And I wasn't paying attention, too.

Clockwork is being a huge faggot about the entire thing. He's now saying he was never hyped for Overwatch and it was a terrible game that won't last.

The reason? A_Seagull is taking all the Twitch viewer hits and that's made Clockwork salty as fuck that he's not getting any recognition.

Hearthstone is Blizzard's best game you dumb fuck. Stop talking shit if you never even caught up.

>didn't even pay attention
>Tries shitty on the story

I dont really think of clockwork as a big thinking player. I think the shift away from the importance of mechanical skill is what's killing him

He's so used to being able to go in and frag anyone 1v1, but now he needs to pay attention to 6 other "ubers" and engaging at the wrong time just kills you

>someone making something other people enjoy and ahve fun.
>I hope it fails

Main reason you are alone in life.

Yeah I saw him complaining about that in a poorly thought out rant.

>Genji is so poorly designed, he's anti-FPS because he just deflects everything

Keep in mind Genji's reflect is just a superpowered Pyro airblast which he's probably dealt with as Soldier/Demoman countless times, and it's literally useless against any hero with beam weapons. But instead of changing heroes, he just slams his head against the wall over and over as Tracer.

I'm 32 and it has been looong time since I had so much fun with an online game as I did with Ovewatch beta, and it has been long time since I have been this exited about any game release.

It will do well because I feel PCfags should be desperate for any fucking fps that isn't CSGO

>it has been looong time since I had so much fun with an online game as I did with Ovewatch beta

And this is the part where people start screaming "shill"

Overwatch is going to do well at launch but I predict the game is going to drop off heavily unless Blizzard releases content regularly (not this 1+ year per major patch bullshit like they do with WoW and Diablo) makes custom maps and dedicated server hosting possible.

Anybody who unironically uses the term shill needs to fuck off back to 4x2chan.


Everyone is hyping up the launch and then everyone is going to call it a flop later when everyone has exhausted the content and Blizzard fails to deliver new content patches in a timely fashion.

I would assume it's not going to be a problem since making few heroes or maps for Overwatch is pretty trivial when compared to whole WoW expansion, and they have already hinted that they are already working on new maps/heroes.
Only problem is that since they have stated that all future heroes and maps are going to bee free, that might cause them to focus more on cosmetic etc stuff that they can make more profit from.

best thing would be they go starcraft2 on overwatch and sell little singleplayer campaigns per hero for 5-10 bucks.
But that will never happen.

I would actually happily buy little single player mission packs that would tell the backstories of the heroes for $5 or so.

Blizzard is pretty good with consistent content releases. Hell HoTS is still getting updates and that game flopped harder than Evolve.

5$ for single player content sounds good to me depends how much content it is though


We have a major situation here
my video game buddy doesn't want to buy overwatch he says its just a lame Tf2 clone, he literally hates all video games besides monster hunter and path of exile....

how can i shill him into buying it

Get video game buddies with better taste.

Why dont you play tf2 with your buddy

Stacking teams and getting autobalanced is fun

I always do stupid shit like go spy and try to only kill my buddy

show him how much more porn potential there is for overwatch and not tf2

You get a casual friend and leave this man alone