We did it bros

we did it bros

Where the fuck is "Nintendo is finished/Iwata is dead", Doc? Give me the full dose.

An 80 really? That game runs like trash and is pretty mediocre. Horrible buyers regret for that game.

These can't be right

Until dawn was pretty good, they shouldn't of set it up as infinite differences between playthroughs though. It's really a 1 and done kinda game

>bloodborne 92 not 100
fucking retards

> Cites metacritic
> Bloodborne listed twice

PS4 doesn't have many games.

>giving a game 100 ever
No game is perfect senpai, there is always room for improvement.

Fuck you. the game is great.

>third person action
>third person action
>third person action
>third person action
>third person action >third person action
>third person action
>third person action >third person action
What a variety of games

Similar to your PC

Why do people do this?

No idea.
Happens vise versa as well, though.

indie isn't a genre just like AAA isn't a genre, dumb fuck

More like:
Bloodborne: Action RPG
Uncharted 4: Action Adventure
R&C: Jump and Run
Infamous: 3rd Person Action (at least you got ths one right)
Disgea: Turn based strategy / RPG
Until Dawn: Adventure
Bloodborne: Action RPG
Alienation: Never heard of it

>100% green
>100% exclusive

>including dlc

Hey OP, would you mind describing explicitly what you and fellow ps4 gamers actually did? Like, what is your personal achievement here? Not trolling, just genuinely want to understand the mentality of a fanboy.

>worth buying a console

worth building a pc

What, are you posting from your PS4?

Fuck, i missed a meme arrow, shamefur dispray, committing sudoku

>muh 1080preorder

This wouldn't have happened if you weren't posting from your PS4

Is Uncharted really more fun than Bloodborne?

>muh online subscriptions for a crappy online service
>muh 1 good game per year at best
>muh sub 30 fps framerate

Nice projecting

>PC exclusive
>literally 100%

consoles confirmed for inferior

>Bloodborne listed twice

You can't make this shit up.

Gotta justify the $400 paperweight before it becomes obsolete.


HAHA consolecucks btfo

For some reason I thought this was a comparison of Sony competing against itself. They've done it before.

That's the Old Hunters DLC you retards.