Finally played this three years after its release. Sup Forums was actually right, this game is stupidly overrated

Finally played this three years after its release. Sup Forums was actually right, this game is stupidly overrated.

Let's have a TLOU thread. What do you like or dislike about it? Do you think that it's a "10/10" experience? Would you call the writing "good"?

It's not on master race platform, so it's an istant 0/10 to me.

It was alright but I started to get bored around the time Joel got injured and you had to kill those cannibals as Ellie. I beat that part and then uninstalled the game about a year ago.

Let's not and say we did.

But winter was the best bit

It's fucking brilliant

This. It was comfy.

It was fun. The multiplayer is still awesome.

It was interesting enough that I watched an entire longplay of it. Not worth buying a console for, though if I had a PS3/4 I'd definitely buy it.

I played lately and I got blast. Gameplay remind me of old survival horrors - limited supplies, slow approach, looking for variety and thinking instead of shoot everything as fast as you can. Environment is gorgeous and well detailed, one of the best post apocalyptic visions I saw in game. Only flaw is medicore enemies AI. Not tried MP yet.

Why so much people shit on his game here anyway?


>Why so much people shit on his game here anyway?

Because normies loved it.

Could have been a nice movie or short series, ended up an abomination of sorts, the gameplay and cutscenes just dont fit together at all.

Would be even better if had more exploration like other chapters though.

>the gameplay and cutscenes just dont fit together at all.

How so?

It was hailed as the greatest game of the generation/ever made by a lot of people and this triggers Sup Forums

I thought it was below verage in all respects and the story was fucking stupid.

It put me to sleep just watching my friend play(read walk and talk) and when he got stuck and I helped him the game responded like shit and it was easy.

>Joel getting super fucked up by a single nail in a cutscene although hes constantly getting shot during gameplay and walks it off
>Ellie being a small girl gets utterly destroyed by a single adult male and only survives because he dicked around in a cutscene genocides countless men who try real hard to kill her during gameplay
>generally, both chars are held back by their age and Ellie cuz shes female, but they still kill hundreds of adult men in gameplay. The movie part tries to be realistic, those 2 "weak" characters are a fucking army tho
>Cutscene going full emotional about Ellie and Joel parting, gameplay resumes, Ellie walks into a wall immediately cause the AI sucks, ruins mood
>Cutscenes should make me feel bad for killing others who just want to survive, but gameplay throws hundreds of nameless guys with no background to kill at you, complete contradiciton in what Im supposed to feel

Do I post my webms yet?

I actually really enjoyed it. Recently replayed it on grounded mode and got my dick pushed in.

Joel was right

Not as good as tumblr thinks, but not nearly as bad as Sup Forums thinks

Sequel will either be goat or meh


Pls no. It's fine the way it is.

You don't have to say it we already know.

But unfortunately it will print money so it'll happen

It was a fairly good game with a nicely told story however I will never think that a game which is so linear, so safe, and where you fetch ladders to get by the next obstacle is "10/10 pinnacle of gaming" it's so fucking lame.

It is a fine game but how does it use the medium to do something awesome? It tells an above average plot I'll give it that but the gameplay is nothing special. 7 or 8/10 it deserves at most. Naughty dog makes good games but they're too safe and too boring all around to be considered masterpieces, I can only imagine extreme casuals hype this shit up all the time.

I enjoyed, there are a lot of cutscenes, but I think they're paced out pretty well.

The gunplay is good, but the stealth is kinda shitty.

As far as the writing goes, it's certainly good by video game standards, though that's not really saying much.

It's a solid 7 or 8/10.

I don't get why console loyalists are so insecure about their consoles; these retards are just pathetic.

TLOU is better than all four uncharted combined.

I'm enjoying 4 but TLOU is still altogether a much better game.

Nah, U4 is still better than TLOU. It's better than the first three games, but the character interactions in U4 put it above TLOU for me.

I agree, user, but it's inevitable...

Uncharted has god awful shooting.

How could you have god awful shooting when that's your ONLY part that has actual gameplay.

TLOU has surprisingly good shooting, very very satisfying

No. Uncharted 1 and 2 are definitely better than TLOU. Drake is a much better character than Joel or Ellie.

Sam is a much better character than I thought he'd be. Good bantz

Is 4s MP like 2s? That horde mode was so fucking clutch

Why is uncharted better? And don't use story or characters as reasons.

All of those games are highly optimized for a one-and-done run through the story, but TLoU is the absolute worst at it. There's no point replaying in Grounded if the game's so determined to have you play cinematic shit that you don't get into proper gunfight or challenging area for like half an hour. And then even after an actual shooting/stealth section you're back to "noninteractive hallway where you walk and listen to the dialogue" segments over and over again.

I seem to recall Uncharted 2 being the most fun to replay. 1 was still a bit wonky and 3 had that stupid-ass mindless wandering through the desert.

>don't use the only things these games have going for them in a big way


The story was good

The gameplay was pretty standard 3pers shoot and stealth

The atmosphere was amazing

Imho of coorzz

The melee and assassinating people felt satisfying as fuck

Nigga, that was no nail.

Yeah, it was fucking rebar

>single nail
Are you serious?
>hes constantly getting shot during gameplay and walks it off
So he should die after getting one hit? Game would be unplayable
>he movie part tries to be realistic, those 2 "weak" characters are a fucking army tho
It happens in all games user. They should put like 2 or 3 enemies to kill in game?
Ellie was trained in military school by the way.
>Cutscenes should make me feel bad for killing others who just want to survive
Which ones? Also every person you kill in game tiries to kill you.

They're video games user, gameplay is the only thing that matters

Then these games are 6/10 average at best

I really liked it. Just wish it was on PC so we could have even better graphics.

I liked the game, it was cool, but god damn, yes, so overrated, it's just a cinematic game where you from cinematics to shooting phases.

Not a bad experience, would play again, but it's nowhere near the status of masterpiece.

>>Cutscenes should make me feel bad for killing others who just want to survive, but gameplay throws hundreds of nameless guys with no background to kill at you, complete contradiciton in what Im supposed to feel

wat. Do you want Naughty Dog to show you the bandit's wife and kids? Do you want the bandit to go "Please, I got a family" just for the sake of "muh morals."

The whole point of the game is that there is no moral black and white. You shouldn't feel bad killing people who are trying to kill you, especially in the post-apocalypse you fucking SJW

Story and atmosphere is part of gameplay experience

6 is generous for uncharted, TLOU maybe

And that is why Uncharted and TLoU are trash.

>A single nail

Did you even play the game? He was fucking impaled on a piece of rebar.

Great dialogue. It still needed a "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids." to be a true 10/10.

a whole piece of fucking rebar right through the gut u mong

TLOU has a fun game beyond all the story nonsense. Uncharted is literally not fun to play and hobbles along with slick writing.

How so? They have good gameplay, story and graphics. Not happen much combined for games.

Was trying to back you up m8

dat aint me

>They have good gameplay

>good gameplay

Uncharted's gameplay, when it actually happens, it complete garbage. It's infurating how the industry sucks Naughty Dog's dick for a series that is so god awful when it comes to actual gameplay

I really liked the arcade feel of uncharted 1 though

You're right. Great gameplay I mean.

Nope again
Mediocre at best

>single nail
Are you serious?

Its been some time, who gives a shit what it was exactly. Dude gets shot tons of time and doesnt give a fuck and turns vulnerable in cutscenes, thats the point.

>So he should die after getting one hit? Game would be unplayable

As I said, thats why the game is an abomination, you cant have a realistic story with vulnerable people and then let them act like theyre Goku during gameplay.

Thats also why I said it would have been a great movie or series - no one would make a series where Joell kills hundreds of men, it would focus on the story and include MAYBE 10 kills. The story would be much better this way, not to mention real actors could have carried that shit much better than PS3/PS4 graphics.

>hes constantly getting shot during gameplay and walks it off
So he should die after getting one hit? Game would be unplayable
>he movie part tries to be realistic, those 2 "weak" characters are a fucking army tho
It happens in all games user. They should put like 2 or 3 enemies to kill in game?
Ellie was trained in military school by the way.
>Cutscenes should make me feel bad for killing others who just want to survive
Which ones? Also every person you kill in game tiries to kill you.

>Ellie was trained in military school by the way.
Cool, and all adult men spent the years after the infection picking their noses? They are all gun-carrying survivors and should have more experience and physical capability than Ellie.



+good writing and characters
+satisfying shooting and general gory feedback
+great atmosphere
+amazing presentation all around
+interesting multiplayer
+good length

-pacing issues
-shallow, mediocre systems and mechanics
-cliche and dull story
-little enemy variation
-horribly repetitive setups and encounters
-wonky AI and inconsistent animations
-fucking terrible mp matchmaking
-little replay value thanks to how the game is setup

its a "good" game, but its gameplay is a victim of its presentation.

>shootout with 5 guys
>pickup aammo
>run in linear path
>kill 5-10 more
>kill 20 people
>Ellie..are u OK
>linear path
>kill 10 guys in shootout
>Elliee..we really are the last of us..

10/10 gameplay gotyay

>who gives a shit what it was exactly.
Well, it makes your argument even more stupid?
>As I said, thats why the game is an abomination
According to your logic every game is abomination.
>They are all gun-carrying survivors and should have more experience and physical capability than Ellie.
And they have? Whole gameplay part with Ellie was based on taking enemies by suprise because she had multiple times less health than Joel and incapable of fighting with fist like him.

Its one of the few games where "cinematography" and sound design was good enough that it can affect your mentality.
Near the end you are thrown a gauntlet of lots of enemies and even those boomer guys. Due to the lighting and music used near the end it made the atmosphere feel calm and tension free despite the number of enemies so you just breeze through the area.

Also there's something poetic about grabbing an assault rifle at the last level and finding out its better than all the weapons that you have been with for hours and have been spending resources upgrading

>You kill enemies and collect ammo in third person shooters, holy shit how is this even accpetable?
>it's not full open world game so it's bad
>it's linear even though there are multiple paths to approach enemies and multiple ways to kill them

Originally, those Fireflies you slaughter your way through at the Hospital were all going to have individual character models, VA's and names, which they would call out to eachother as they were killed. To give you the sense you were fucking massacring an entire community.

The PS3 couldn't take it, so in the trash went the idea.

[citation needed]

I like the always low never empty thing they had going on.
They always tried to make sure the player never had a full cartridge of ammo types but also never empty so they programmed enemies to drop more shit when you have less shit.

Gonna need a citation on the necessity of a citation there user.

Lol to all people saying uncharted has bad gameplay when they haven't played 4

>Well, it makes your argument even more stupid?

Argument: Joel is Goku during gameplay, a bitch in cutscenes. Still stands, you still cant refute it.

>According to your logic every game is abomination.
Bullshit. Dante or The Chosen Undead arent bitches that nearly get killed by stuff like that in cutscenes In fact, its up to you to provide examples of other games with such an enormous gap between character power during gameplay and cutscenes. Also, most games dont try as hard to tell a story, TLOU clearly set a higher standard and failed.

>And they have? Whole gameplay part with Ellie was based on taking enemies by suprise because she had multiple times less health than Joel and incapable of fighting with fist like him.

Could an actual teenage girl do what Ellie did in RL? Maybe at a 0,001% chance if we are generous. That would be ok in a "pure" video game, but its shit when you try to tell a realistic story. Again, if it was a real movie, Ellie wouldnt kill so many guys, even with stealth.

There's nothing special about TLOU or Uncharted gameplay sorry. It has very little depth, there's a reason why these games are solely praised for their plots and characters over everything else. Gameplay was a second thought and a means to just move the story forward. You are a bigger shit eating casual than I imagined if you actually think it's really good.

its more in how the game repeats the same shit over and over and over. the same 3-4 enemies, the same gauntlets, the same "puzzles", the same setups in general. every now and then you get something interesting thrown at you, but for ~80-85% of the game its exactly the same only in a different area. the actual systems arent bad, but they dont do anything interesting with them. their grounded in reality to a fault.

I would have liked to play longer in the initial outbreak timeline. The whole chaos shit going crazy thing is never eally touched upon in games, it's always 10 YEARS AFTER.

>Joel is Goku during gameplay, a bitch in cutscenes.

He's not. For example after getting impaled in cutscene he can barely move in gameplay section. I don't see any cutscene when someone take him like a bitch.

>Bullshit. Dante or The Chosen Undead arent bitches that nearly get killed by stuff like that in cutscenes
So only games that are acceptable for you are those with supernatural overpowered charactes.
>Could an actual teenage girl do what Ellie did in RL? Maybe at a 0,001% chance if we are generous.
Like I said she wasn't actual average teenage girl.
There is nothing bad about it and all your arguments were silly like I proved it. In every review gameplay of TLOU and Uncharted is also praised so you are wrong.
>you are bigger shit eating casual
This is all you have? Underage insults? How old you are?

I liked the gunfight, Ellie, the character development, the global ambiance and the FEELS.

>He's not. For example after getting impaled in cutscene he can barely move in gameplay section. I don't see any cutscene when someone take him like a bitch.

Which is a direct followup to the cutscene that does a full 180 on how Joells body works up until that point.

>So only games that are acceptable for you are those with supernatural overpowered charactes.

Are you retarded or just dodging my point? I dont mind realistic characters at all, but if you make a video game that tries real hard to set up a realistic story and atmosphere, make your characters realistic throughout the entire game. You also didnt deliver a single example of a video game where the MC changes power level this hard during a cutscene, let alone in a story-oriented game.

Like I said she wasn't actual average teenage girl.
And no trained teenage girl could pull that shit off in RL, and especially not against a huge number of men who are also trained.

>Which is a direct followup to the cutscene that does a full 180 on how Joells body works up until that point.
Really? He's shown to hurt bad and barely moves right away.
>, but if you make a video game that tries real hard to set up a realistic story and atmosphere, make your characters realistic throughout the entire game. You also didnt deliver a single example of a video game where the MC changes power level this hard during a cutscene, let alone in a story-oriented game.
Again, according to your point there is no reason to make believable story and characters because they can't die with one hit. This is really stupid argument.
>fight with Vergil for the first time
>beat him easily
>in cutscene seconds later he put me down without effort
Your examples were pretty stupid too. Same goes for MGS series and other games.

the start of the game was fun besides the "cutscenes" sections . then it went all to shit after 2 hours of gameplay

It's a good game just not a 10/10 experience. I'm satisfied with my play through.

The game is good, but the final is fucking terrible

As long as the sequel isn't about Joel and Ellie. If its a prequel about Joel and Tommy I'd be happy.
Joel and Ellie's story is over and it would ruin the first game if they did a direct sequel with them in it.

Regardless of how anyone felt about it, the multiplayer was surprisingly good.

Just wish you had more aesthetic options.
(pic not related)

they said the sequel has new main characters

I feel sorry for you, how much of a low brain capacity you must have to think the shallow gameplay of tlou is good. It has zero depth.

It's the worst game Naughty Dog has put out on PS3. Still a good game, but just an 8/10 where all the uncharteds are 9 or above.

I don't see arguments just underage insults. I think it's you who have brain problems considering that,

Really? He's shown to hurt bad and barely moves right away.

Yes, and the entire game before he hardly gives a fuck about taking bullets to the stomach. Afterwards as well.

Again, according to your point there is no reason to make believable story and characters because they can't die with one hit. This is really stupid argument.

No idea what you are trying to say here, Realistic people get fucked up real hard by guns, Joell should get fucked up by guns or take the cutscene injury like everything else and hed be consistant. Joell isnt consistent at all.

>fight with Vergil for the first time
>beat him easily
>in cutscene seconds later he put me down without effort

Its still Vergil,what happens in TLOU is like Dante destroying Vergil and then losing a fight to a 5 year old. And DMC isnt all about story, its not as bad in this games case.

>MGS series without even bringing a specific example
Nanomachines, son.

>"Other series"
Nice argument m8, im convinced.

You can cover your ears and scream all you want but my point of it being an average tps with no depth is still there. Tlou is praised for being a movie. Fuck off back to plebbit

>its more in how the game repeats the same shit over and over and over. the same 3-4 enemies, the same gauntlets

>enemies with shotguns
>enemies with guns
>enemies with molotov coctails
>enemies with melee weapons
>enemies with assault rifles
>infected runners
>infected stalkers
>infected clickers
>infected bloaters

All enemies do different damage or have different health, speed, behaviour. There are multiple ways to take them down - melee/shooting, stealth - considering numbers, supplies and surrounding. TLOU is actually praised for combat variety.

>but my point of it being an average tps with no depth is still there
Your point is worthless considering it don't have any arguments.
>Tlou is praised for being a movie
Show me single review where game is called a movie or gameplay is not praised.
>Fuck off
Why are you so mad over video games? Are you underage?

I played it after shitting on it with Sup Forums. Was the game that actually taught me to stop listening to Sup Forums. Brother bought it so I figured why not. Actually loved it. To each their own. You don't need to love it or hate it.

>Yes, and the entire game before he hardly gives a fuck about taking bullets to the stomach. Afterwards as well.
There are multiple difficulty level. How do you expect any game with multiple enemies where you die with one hit? Are you serious?
>Its still Vergil,what happens in TLOU is like Dante destroying Vergil and then losing a fight to a 5 year old.
What? How so? It's inconsistent too. In one moment I beat enemy easy and take hits from him like nothing in other he put me down with 2 hits. Do you see how your argument is stupid?
>Nanomachines, son.
Snake had nanomachines? He take multiple bullets yet in another scene he's put down by getting couple of punches. And MGS has more cutscenes than TLOU. What now?
>nice argument
I know, it puts your to shame.

Also work on quotation, it's terrible.

>your argument has no argument

Kill yourself redditor