Sub-$400 PC outplays consoles; W3 and GTA V Ultra

Just so you know..

Other urls found in this thread:

Now add:
>comfortable high quality chair
>monthly electricity bill
>Internet (as you can't buy the game as a disk)
>room the computer will occupy (calculate it as a fraction from your property value)
Oh, what's the matter? You just realized you are spending thousands?


what about bloodborne and uncharted 4

KB+M is less than $15, but most already have that.

Monitors / TVs are also excluded from console prices.

>false flagging
Warm memo to report shitposting.

add in Canadian prices.

PS4 in Canada is $450
this PC would be around $900

Console cuck got triggered hard on this one

Most of those cost apply to consoles aswell don't they?
>Based consolefags

where is the $100 license of Windows?

PS4 and Xbone are $350 and less now

nigga all that is 5 dollars

>this PC would be around 900
Prove it, then.

cucked by that tiny brain again!


You can use a TV for a console but you can't use that for a PC, you need a monitor. So you can't ignore that cost.

>Most people already have a KB+M
Yes but not a gamer one

Nice try

Who the fuck cares about the initial hardware price?

If you're that poor, stay pleb. If you're not, build a decent rig instead, and save in the long run off them steam and GOG sales.

By that logic
>comfortable high quality sofa
>monthly electricity bill
>internet (gotta update)
>living room

Oh I fell for the bait

Why can't you use a TV for a PC? I mean, I never would but I don't see why you can't.

>PS4 is $350 and less now
Plus online.

>not getting a used PC with a Win COA on it for less than $100
>can even do that to completely replace getting a wholly fresh PC
Some are even as low as $40.

>You can use a TV for a console but you can't use that for a PC
Of course you can, you usually just don't want to

A shit game and a movie?

I can get uncharted in yt, and already played bb.

They are not compatible unless you have a monitor-compatible TV

>all these autistic pccucks getting triggered by jokes

>has HDMI
yes, they are

There is literally no point buying a PC unless you are willing to spend at least around $1k on it.

lol what? any HDTV with HDMI will work, are you dummy?

Exactly, I don't want to.

>I can get uncharted in yt

You can play it on yt?

Bloodborne is the only reason I bought a ps4 and the only thing I've played on it. Best and worst decision I ever made.

jesus christ this bait's getting insane

im going to steal this one for later if you dont mind

So any TV made past 2006?

Are you all fucking retarded?

Laughing while chilling on the couch and playing ds3 with pc quality on the tv.

don't forget a house, can't me gayming on the street, my nigga. :^)

If you are going to imply that everybody has a TV laying around somewhere in the house to use the console on then I'm going to imply the same for a monitor

nice! i have 1k to spend

Plz kill urself

>>not getting a used PC


Are you fucking retarded?
All tvs with a port that are on a mobo/gpu can be displayed on a tv.

>press triangle on command

Plus, even tomb raider is better than uncharted

>W3 and GTA V Ultra

KEK. You're a embarrassment to the master race.

who even cares about comfortably browsing the internet and watching movies, right, if you buy a pc it must be a $1k gaymin machine rite pc mustard race unite

What about food, alcohol and hookers?

a 960 2GB card in Canada is already around $250

Canada has a shit dollar and everything computer related is marked up a shit ton.

How the fuck do people literally not have this? Are they fucking under a rock?

Why dont you add a house and land and a car while your at it?


Ye just unplug your controller and press the right button when it comes up on the screen, same thing really.

hey, TR's pretty good, I'm just kinda sad they made the same game twice

This really, after a certain point I didn't even care anymore.

Computers can't possibly be used for anything other than gaming user.



>press triangle to command

Well yeah? You press buttons in every game? Are you retarded?

>even tomb raider is better than uncharted

Nope, Uncharted is higher rated

yeah, the HDMI ports on TVs are incompatible with the HDMI cords that plug into PCs.

that is actually more dependent on what outputs your video card has because nearly every hd has an input that will work
are you still using a crt to play your wii u?

>the HDMI ports on TVs are incompatible with the HDMI cords that plug into PCs.
not sure if bait or retarded.jpg

i haven't watched television in years and you honestly think i have a tv that doesn't have red yellow and white holes in it, nigger i need a tv for a console.

>what is shipping

gonna need a bigger bait son

very creativity

>two boring games that doesn't interest me

Ok cool I'll keep playing my wiiu

I'm serious a 960 2gb in Canada is around $250


I'm not told what buttons to press at a specific time to not die, and in some cases miss it and still win.

I have freedom of choice and can choose a button to press, plus on youtube I can pause the video when a new qte appears and press play to continue and get the same experience as consoles.

>going by rating

That must mean
Is just as good as uncharted right?

if that's CAD, there's not much of a difference, and it's cheaper than in germany

Uncharted is a glorified Assassins Creed game that doesn't even have open world

>>US import

>Uncharted is higher rated

>PC Cucks are this deluded
Yeah the pc magically comes with windows too right? How about speakers or a computer desk?

Go back to having mommy buy everything for you fuccboi

>you can't use that for a PC
>Yes but not a gamer one
Ok it's bait guys, move along

>You can use a TV for a console but you can't use that for a PC, you need a monitor.
I'm using a 48" HDTV as a monitor.

>$400 pc works better than consoles
Christ, this meme again? Most of my gaming is on a PC but don't spread this stupid idea around

>used pc


>I'm not told what buttons to press at a specific time to not die
Well, yes? Are you retarded?
> and in some cases miss it and still win.
Like in other games? Depending on difficulty?
>going by rating
We should go by your opnion, how so?

Also applies for a console?

>can't look up benchamarks

>complains about prices
>won't import

I meant "Gaming" PC

Yeah great,
Nice fucking hard drive, you could fit a whole OS on that. And its not even a SSD!
And good work in Summer when it catches fire loser
>Fucking 960
You're the type of guy who chooses to buy a game from the PS3 when its also on the PS4

>Grt a shitty setup that fluxs between 44 annd 49 fps and looks like shit all round

I'm buulding my PC today and your full of shit you need a lot of money in order to get games running at a solid 60 FPS

Not if you live in Canada

>I don't have a desk
You're too poor for mustard race anyways.

how about a screen? a home theater? + tv rack for console.
(a rack is more expensive than a desk)

Dood you don't know the struggle, Argentine Peso is $0,071 American and resellers sell everything at x2.5 the actual price

>athlon x4


It's an ultra budget proof of concept
You're not supposed to build this rig


I baited so many people this thread, damn


>Uncharted is a glorified Assassins Creed game that doesn't even have open world
Which makes it better than AssCreed

>I was only pretending to be retarded


Yes? You have problem with expression? Is this autism?

yeah, I'm making fun of that poster. it was a ridiculous assertion.

>running witcher 3 ultra

top kek

Do any of you have any experience with PC's? The 960 is more powerful then any modern console, And the build that OP posted is great.
I game on PS4 and PC, And PC is by far the better way to enjoy the hobby we all love so much.


You can get a PS4 for £180 now.

Keep up, user.

>Having basic equiptment is deluded
Oh ok so table, chairs and beds are optional then too?

BRB Simulating how much it costs for me to be born


>And the build that OP posted is great.
No. It's an ultra-budget proof of concept.
And the 960 may be more powerful than a piece of shit, but that doesn't make it more than a transition card for people who want to build on a budget, and leave their options open for later. Even then, there's no reason not to go for the 4GB version.
There's nothing great about that build, it's all just about scratching by.


>Most of those cost apply to consoles aswell don't they
consolefags live with their parents so no


Xbone is $350.

Try again PKEKS.

>960 2GB
maybe in 2010 but its almost the latter half of 2016 and the average vram is 4-8gb

had a 770 and 290 4gb and they where bottlenecked by such tiny amounts of vram
>waa u dont need it waa turn the settings down 4k textures and resolution are pointless
say you


>Garbage CPU
>320GB HDD
>Low quality case
>Unrated power supply

Don't be a fucking cheapskate

I'm going going though Mad Max on a 2GB 960 on Ultra at a steady 60 FPS. If you want to get into PC gaming, That build is a great starting point.

I also don't get why nobody considers the utility of a good computer when arguing over games.

the point here is that it has to cost the same as a PS4 you fuck of course we have to be cheapskates