None of the girls are virgins

>None of the girls are virgins


Other urls found in this thread:

>call the popular girls slut meme

Its getting warmer but it feels like summer.


how do you know?

because i fucked all of them
lucio is on the team

Cool story.

This thread is just as shitty as when you made it a few days ago, OP.

no hymen no diamond

The only one who would fall for the BBC meme is Mei because she's a disgusting ham beast deprived of affection. Her team doesn't like her, and nobody likes to play against her.

Just look at her fans. They're all degenerates. Case in point.

Tracer would, I think the only one who wouldn't is the Russian woman since she has a bigger penis.

Epic cuck meme

You don't know what cuck means do you?

They're all old hags too.

Pure SJW pandering.

Cuck as an insult is based on the Louis CK greentexts about niggers fucking white women during late 2014 that Sup Forums made

user, just cause you're a virgin doesn't mean everybody else should be too.

Zarya is pure

Of course the worst board would make a dumbass meme.

Tracer is pure!

Why did he get so mad about the insult 'cuck'?

Does he go around complaining that 'asshole' makes no sense because he's not literally a human sphincter?

Pure sex.

You mean best board

All I got from this is that he's a cuck.

Well she is British. Yeah, I could see her being the garbage bag clad brood sow for about six dozen little muzzies.

delete, mercy is pure

All they do is complain user, even Sup Forums doesn't bitch about everything every single second like they do.


viral everyday, dropped

>Read the comments
>Everyone is calling maddox a cuck

Why am I not surprised?

Because it hits too close to home.

That would mean she'd fuck an Aladdin person.

Mercy is pure. P U R E!

I slept with a chubby Chinese girl last night, feels good man.

Let's think about this logically.

>Pharah is 100% obsessed with duty and justice, wouldn't sleep with you unless you were Captain America and willing to commit to marriage, a mortgage and 2.5 kids
>Tracer has eternal youth and leaps through time, virginity status is irrelevant because she can immediately go back to a point in time after where her cherry wasn't popped
>Mei is a big fat fujoshi who lives in Antarctica, the closest she has come to sex is sitting on her gaming chair a little too fast
>Widowmaker is a nuthin personnel edgy goth chick who was made in a lab or something, theres a 99.9% chance she lost her virginity to the scientist who made her (or Reaper)
>D.Va is a gamurr gurrl so she has been probably been fucked by the leader of her WoW raid for loot priority
>Zarya has a clit larger than the average male penis, may have been hit on by some beta from /fit/ but it's not likely anyone has fucked her (or ever wanted to)
>Mercy is a doctor, may have given a war vet missing three limbs a pity handjob but that's very wishful thinking
>Symmetra is a poo in loo, probably has a husband (who she was arranged to marry) and has sex with him every so often

one thing you should never do when you're clearly pissed at someone is try bring them down by showing off, it only sounds like you're desperately mad, that's the error he committed

>people mouth off 'cuck' clearly without giving a fuck, just to dick around
>'lemme make a 10min video to tell them they're using the word wrong, they'll for sure be embarrassed and stop using it'
>lol fuck u i dont care

Widowmaker was married previously and got brainwashed into killing her hubby

>>Zarya has a clit larger than the average male penis, may have been hit on by some beta from /fit/ but it's not likely anyone has fucked her (or ever wanted to)
I wouldn't be surprised if Zayra had a boyfriend that was some weak cute guy who gets bullied that she loves standing up for, but also loves embarrassing his masculinity in good fun.

The comments section is undoubtedly cringeworthyt as fuck, but truth be told, I'm more surprised by the fact that Maddox is still even a thing.

jesus christ what happened to maddox, this is the most embarrassing thing I've seen in a long time

>look ma I made this thread again with the same text, look at me while I get 500+ replies! aren't you proud of me?

report and move on.

None of them are real, they don't have hymens or vaginas. They're fictional characters represented as 1's and 0's. Take your autism meds.

>actually posting all this garbage in a thread that divulged into garbage shitflinging everywhere because the OP was a doublenigger - a repost from a few weeks back

Why don't people lurk anymore?

>why doesn't everyone spend as much time on Sup Forums as me?

When did Maddox become a cuck?

exactly, so lurk more.