Because the other threads are shit.
Who is the Nameless King? What happens when we ring the bell?
Dark Souls
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>Who is the Nameless King?
You from the future
>What happens when we ring the bell?
Zetsubou da yo.
>who is Nameless King
The game flat out tells you who he is, it's not even subtle about it.
The bell is just a way to signal his son that the tendies have arrived
Yeah he is solaire.
Don't be silly, Solaire is the worm in Smouldering Lake
Assuming you're not memeing he's Gwyns first born.
Why not both?
NK is gwyns kid ye fokin nugget
The ringing of the bell is for Gwyn's firstborn to link the flame and become a lord of cinder
Its symbolic
But, Nameless King isn't even real. You go to Archdragon Peak by transcending. Are you saying that Solaire was an illusion or something?
> Nameless is god of war
> Faraam is name of god of war
Though description said dragon-slaying god of war, different I guess ?
I thought he was Ornstein's final form.
The lightning spear. The stances. You also find his old armor and weapon nearby.
Nah. Ornstein followed him there and either died like a bitch or turned into the dragon.
It's established by the lore that Ornstein is a meme. He's just whoever wears the dragonslayer armor.
While he is indeed a meme, everything in dark souls is. Does nobody remember finding Andre of Astora's body like 3 times in the first DS? Time is fucked.
>time is fucked
Literally this series' NANOMACHINES macguffin
He's Ornstein's master. They fight similarly because Nameless taught him that shit.
Still mad. Oreos was my favorite DS1 character and this *it's a hologram*, he's a meme, he fucked off to suck NK's dick shit triggers me hard.
Literally how do I beat this fucker.
by hitting them until they die
like this
Jump up her ass
you just gotta roll and r1
This guy was such a great bossfight when he got off his shitty dragon. Fuck his first phase and fuck that camera
Reduce her health to zero without allowing your health to be reduced to zero.
This is some serious bullshit since you can clearly see Archdragon Peak in the distance from almost anywhere in the game.
Beat her at SL20. She's a lot more predictable in her second form. Just dodge to her right and don't get greedy with counter-attacks.
>It's a "Nameless King is Solaire" episode
I used to absolutely hate phase 1, but after doing the fight a few more times I've come to appreciate it more.
The skill required in phase 1 is camera control; if you stay unlocked, and be as careful with the camera control as you would be at dodging in any other boss, you get a great sense of accomplishment from defeating P1 flawlessly.
Every single one of his attacks in P1 are both dodgeable and punishable if you handle your camera properly. I like the whole fight now.
Yeah but should camera control really a skill that should be challenged in this kind of game?
It feels rather immersion breaking
I'll be more specific: how the fuck do I counter that bullshit grab move she does?
Eh, I just think it's a tedious slog to get through if you end up losing against NK and have to waste time on the dragon just to try again. They should have just removed the Ancient Wyvern, had you fight King of Storms in his stead, and compensated for Nameless King being solo by making him more aggressive and giving him a wider variety of moves.
I see what you're saying, but I don't really feel that the boss fights are immersive in that way - in any challenging fight, you are always focused on the game first and foremost. I mean, you're rolling through swords and watching your stamina bar. It's a cinematic experience, but primarily a gameplay one, and I feel that in Nameless King they decided to use the camera as a gameplay element.
It's telegraphed as fuck
Just keep dying until you figure it out like a big boy
I mean, it's easy to see it coming. Just back away
She arches her back like a cat before doing it. The grab itself is very quick, but if you know how she telegraphs it, you'll never get hit by it again.
Dude, I felt completely the same way as you, right up until my last kill. I was trying my best to do phase 1 flawlessly, which is what led me to enjoy it a lot more after bettering my camera control.
Before that I felt the exact same way you do.
Nameless King is Gwyn's First-born who ran away. Either he turned to the dragons after he lost the Annuals, like a post-college kid bouncing around Asia until he settles down in a temple like a yuppie, or he gave up the annuals after meeting the dragons.
When you ring the bell you summon him. Why that leads to a fight is the more interesting question. Perhaps ringing the bell is a call to challenge, since Archdragon Peak's culture seems based around the art of battle and warfare. It would make sense since the dragon cults from the previous games were all based on PvP. The snake summoners call endless hoards of warriors from across Lothric, but only for one-on-one battle, and you can find the Calamity Ring in the temple.
The first phase is over in like 30-45 seconds if you use a fully upgraded bow. Feels like they gave that phase of the boss a defense penalty against arrows/bolts, since I him as hard with one that my normal weapons. And I can hit him constantly instead of having to wait for his head to hover the ground.
I should try a bow only run. How does the shitty amount of ammo you can carry work out?
I don't know I never did a bow only run. All I'm saying is that even on a normal, not bow-focused build, an upgraded bow deals really good damage to NK's first phase.
People keep saying he was Gwynn's first heir who trained Ornstein. Personally I think it's just Ornstein. People would immediately think it was him if it wasn't for the armor you find later on, but I always just took that as him putting it there, or the game just being ham fisted about who it is. The armor set practically says it's Ornstein. He even takes the Dragon's power in the exact same gentle hand on the neck way he took Smough's.
You're getting NK (space gwyn)and the lord of cinder mixed up you jizz sock.
>gentle on the neck
>rams spear sword into the dragon's skull
I don't think he was ever an illusion. I always thought:
>You canonically beat Ornstein first, Smough smashes hammer down and takes his powers. Kill Smough and get his soul. Ornstein survived though as you don't get his soul
>Robbed of his powers he retreats and becomes the Old Dragon Slayer. Doesn't use lightning in the fight because Smough took that shit
>Something something something
>..Something something King of the Storm
>Probably some soul searching nonsense or whatever lead him on the path of the dragon
>Became really fucking good at it, befriended a dragon like his armor says
>Based his armor off Gwynn because of old loyalties
>Lighting used during phase 1 is either him channeling the dragon, or he has recovered his powers over time, possibly via the path of the dragon
>Takes dead dragon's powers in phase 2 the exact same way he would have taken it from Smough in DaS1
>Has lightning powers again, uses similar moveset
>Find discarded Dragon Slayer armor after fight, either he stowed it away because sentimental but he has better shit now, or whatever thousand reasons he could have for that
I hate the illusion theory, it's just fucking stupid. I like the idea of following him through his career over the whole series.
I want to know what the Profaned flame is.
Was it an experiment to wrest control of the fire away from the Gods? Is this how Yuria perfected the Dark Sigil method? Was Kaathe helping her and the Sable Church?
Or was the Profaned flame created by those with an interest in cementing a permanent age of fire? The item descriptions on the gargoyle weapons say it never goes out, so this is also a possibility. It also only burns human flesh.
I think it's fairly obvious that the Profaned Capital was once Anor Londo. It fell to ruin and Irithyll was built on top of it, presumably at the behest of Gwyndolin. How was it destroyed, though? Does it have to do with the Profaned flame, or was it destroyed when the Giants conquered it? OR, was it destroyed when Vendrick pillaged it? After all, Yhorm is the descendant of giant conquerors, and Vendrick did pillage the ability to make golems. The boss guarding the path into Anor Londo in DS1 was the Iron Golem, so it all fits.
I'm also confused about the 3 Firelinks, and also the fact that you leave the kiln to link the flame.
It's also interesting that you find a vendor selling Artorias's gear in an area seemingly swallowed by the Abyss...
>I want to know what the Profaned flame is.
I think it's the chaos flame, if we're going by the idea that the Profaned Capital is Eleum Loyce. And it's called "profaned" because the Chaos Flame was originally an attempt at recreating the flame and extend the Age of Fire, an act some might consider a sin. But at the same time there was no indication of Eleum Loyce being near Anor Londo so heh.
>I'm also confused about the 3 Firelinks, and also the fact that you leave the kiln to link the flame.
One is the "normal" Firelink Shrine set in your world
Untended Graves is the past when the Fire was gone. probably right before Ludleth gave himself up and burned himself in the Kiln. Dialogs from the Handshrine maiden and item descriptions from THE CHAMP support this.
Third one is probably just another dimension just like the Kiln in DaS1 was.
Also, studying the geography of the area, it seems like the Swamp is what's left of the Forest, the Undead Settlement is probably what's left of the Undead Burg, and the Catacombs are what's left after Sen's Fortress collapsed into the Tomb of the Giants. I also have a hunch that the Cathedral of the Deep may have been built on top of the Great Hollow. If that's the case, then maybe the coming "Deep" is originating from Ash Lake and the Cathedral was built on the hollow to put a cap on it?
There's actually an incredible amount of thought and detail put into linking it to the first game.
They only had one model for blacksmiths.
It's not Andre 3 times but From being cheap. DeS had the same blacksmith models for the two blacksmiths in the game, the characters just played it off that they were twins.
just carry multiple ammo types senpai
nah, ornstein is in front of the anor londo bonfire, disguised as a silver knight
>That cheeky Silver Knight with the lighting spear
I hate you Vaat. I'm like 5'5" and I'm taller than you.
It's just confusing because there's no transition to the Untended Graves, you just kind of walk there. Also, how exactly did the fire rebound from being out? I don't know of any precedent for that, but if there was, then why even link the fire to begin with instead of just waiting it out?
I also had a theory that the final area was all in your mind as you sat at the actual first flame inside the kiln. It explains the crazy geometry and the collapsed Lothric, and also that you don't link it while physically inside the kiln.
I theorize that the entirety of Archdragon Peak may also be a metaphysical journey rather than an actual one, or at least that's what the cutscene seems to imply.
Why the Great Hollow? Wouldn't New Londo make more sense?
What if Ornstein is Gwyn's firstborn?
New Londo was flooded on purpose by actual people though. If the "Deep" is just another name for the Abyss, then yeah that makes more sense, but it seems to be distinct, and I can't think of anywhere with more water than Ash Lake.
I mean I guess. Doesn't really make too much sense though.
it says faraam is the name of A god of war, implying more than one exist.
What if Ornstein is Gwyn's firstborn's firstborn?
No one quite knows what the Profane Flame is. What is known is that it was out of control and the Yhorm, in an attempt to calm it, linked the flame. However, linking the flame caused the Profane Capital to fall to ruin and to burn only humans (similar to how when Gwyn linked the flame, his knights were burned). From some items descriptions, dropped by those hand monsters in the poison area, apparently mages had something to do with the Profane Flame going crazy before they became hand beasts themselves. We do also find a student of Big Hat there. Why is interesting question.
I doubt the Captial has anything to do with the Sable Church, but the Church is working with a Primordial Serpant, probably Kaathe. The Church is likely an extension of the Seekers of the Dark from DaS 2, imo. They say the dark and found it wanting. But they looked where no one else looked before: the very Hollows that are eternal and scourge the land.
The Profane Capital is either Eleum Loyce or New Londo. I'm leaning more to New Londo. What kind of "giant" Yhrom is also debatable. Is Yhorm a true giant descended from the blacksmith of the gods, a giant like those Vendrick stole from (not likely), or was simply a powerful soul like how Smough could be called a giant?
The Kiln in the Untended Graves is the Kiln before you arrive. Like said, it's possibly before Ludleth, but it's hard to say. What seems to happen is that you cause the Iudex to sink into the Abyss. Why the first Fire Keeper is there is interesting too, and whether or not she has a relation with the one who escaped the Abyss atop the normal Shrine too. At best, we can say the queen of Lothric knew of the Untended Shrine.
What if Ornstein is Solaire and Gwyn is his own firstborn?
>playing easy mode with meme hammers
>Witch of Izalith links the flame
>Demons are born and the flame behaves as a mutator, altering the nature of things it encounters
>Gwyn, a god, links the first flame
>Kiln of the First Flame is ground zero of a holocaust. Only a few black knights survived, wandering the wastes aimlessly
>Yhorm, a giant, links the flame
>The profaned flame is born, the seal between the Deep (Abyss?) weakens there. Most everyone in the city is burnt to a crisp. The Profaned Flame is born
The lesson is only Man should be linking fires if at all.
The weapon Eleonora states
"A strange weapon found among malformed inhabitants of the Profaned Capital.
The Profaned Flame was triggered by the curse of these women, relatives of a certain oracle, but despite their culpability, they went on living, without any cares."
Now, if we take into consideration the oracle from 2 then these women could very well be daughters of Manus. It should be mentioned that the court sorcerer we fight on the roof of the blue house in the profaned capital was also an oracle based on his armor description. There's also a portrait of Nashandra in Ithryill. The short-story Eleonora by Edgar Allan Poe should also be considered in this analysis.
>Untended Graves is the past when the Fire was gone. probably right before Ludleth gave himself up and burned himself in the Kiln.
Untended Graves is in the past, but it's also the end of the world. The Earth itself is twisting, presumably to bring the Lords of Cinder together. Remember when the Flame was going out - the Lords of Cinder were brough back. When the Lords refused their thrones, the unkindled Ash was brought back to fetch them. The opening monologue specifically uses the word unearthed or returned, there was a will or desire for this to happen. Either there's a higher, Overgod acting as an invisible hand or the World, itself, is trying to save its own ass.
Because unkindled ash have succeeded, existence is able to perpetuate beyond the end of the world. But its also why regardless of what ending you choose, it means nothing. It's comic book style time travel. There's a critical point in time that every resource is being sent to, paradoxically, even resources from a potential future.
I've got to be honest with you, I didn't enjoy Dark Souls 2 much at all, so I'm not really up on my DS2 lore. But geographically speaking, didn't DS2 take place on an entirely different continent? And the Profaned capital is exactly where the city proper of Anor Londo used to be (Irithyll is higher up, comparatively, to the Cathedral than Anor Londo was, making me think it was built on top). So is it safe to assume that the Oracles actually migrated over from the other continent?
The witch didn't try to link the First Flame though I thought, doesn't DaS1 say she tried to straight recreate it but failed, with the result being the Chaos Flame?
The Lords/main players of DaS1 are interesting to me because each of them has a completely different attitude to the Flame going out. The Witch tries to make a new one, Gwyn and his gang just try to keep it burning by using themselves and others as fuel, Seath is going full retard into crystal research so it won't matter to him, and the pygmy just splits his soul into infinite (?) pieces so everyone gets a chance.
Nito just wants to play with his skeletons and be chill as fuck, that's why he's the best lord.
Well Seathe is a dragon and probably doesn't give a fuck either way, he just wants to be immortal. And the pygmy probably wants the fire to go out so humans can be top dawg.
I played it on PC. Camera control is much better. However, time to time, camera starts spinning or lock-up after a kill. Dunno what that is about.
I hope one of the DLCs is about Seath's glorious return.
In Dark Souls 1 he was cool and a fucking science dragon, and in Dark Souls 2 it's revealed that he somehow made his soul able to retain his consciousness so he could continue science fun time.
Dark Souls 3 is the real outlier here. He has tons of references, and the consumed king is explicitly stated to be fucked up because he tried to follow Seath's teachings but
Where is he? Why has he not reincarnated in any way towards the end of the world here? If he was able to science shit up overseas and take mental control of a giant spider, why the hell does he not make a DaS3 appearance at all? Feels like a lot of buildup for literally nothing.
Will I fail Sirris of the Sunless Realms questline if I respec at Rosaria?
Yes, do it after you finish her questline. You'll know it's finished because you can find her talisman near a grave. She'll be dead.
Solaire is possibly the final boss
That said going by how fucky time is he could conceivably be both gwyn's son and the soul of cinder
I've been crushed by Nameless over and over
Two Princes took turns fucking my ass
But in three playthroughs with three different playstyles, I have not died to this boss once.
I don't get it. Am I just getting lucky
put it out of it's misery after being beaten to shit by whatever the player is using
I find Dancer relatively easy. And I feared her most, since she was officially hyped by From.
Nameless and Pontiff were raping my shit. But they're still cool fight. It's a great duel when you learn their movesets. Only it's a bit tedious to go over that wyvern bit before Nameless.
why does every NPC in these games fucking kill themselves after they complete whatever mission they're on? You're young and in your prime dammit. Don't just off yourself because you avenged your grandpa or killed some vampire queen or whatever
>People actually thinking Nameless King is Ornstein
Through descriptions of the Leo Ring and Ornstein's Armour we know that isn't true. Ornstein was the first knight of Nameless King, and when Lordran was going to shit and Gwyn was off smouldering in the Kiln he left Anor Londo in search of his old master. Given his armour is found right after beating Nameless King, we can assume no matter how long it took him, he eventually got there. Tfw all three Ornstein's you face in each game aren't actually him.
Hopefully we get another revisit of his character in the DLC. Maybe it'll even be about him
And when you actually meet him we see that that black goo shit took him over already
Which armor says that? DaS 1, 2, or 3?
The profane flame is related to the abyss, we know this because of the profane coal. Maybe, it's abyss corrupted flame, profane itself implies a lack of respect, especially for values that can be compared to "holiness/religious" shit.
Pontiff Sulayvahn discovered yhorm and the profane capitals ruins after the profane flame grew out of control to contain it, destroying their civilisation, hence all the burnt bodies in yhorm's room.
Yhorm himself has risen just like the ashen one, aldrich and the abyss watchers, and this is why siegward is coming at this point, he knows that the ringing of the bell indicates that the lords of cinder are needed to rekindle the flame, and siegward himself might be an ashen one like hawkwood, which would explain timeline inconsistency with catarina.
So Yhorm, ruler over a bunch of people once subjugated, descended from a lineage of conquerors, which is probably the dark souls 2 set of giants, as they are implicit in their turning to trees, and the message in yhorms room directly compares taking him down with the storm ruler to "storms destroying greatwoods" etc, in addition his general look and armour is far too familiar for it to simply be nothing.
Yhorm himself is abyss corrupted, we know that because of his red eyes, similar abyss corruptions can be seen in carthus, and the tainted abyss watchers who fought carthus, whereas wolnir himself was far too scared of the abyss to ever fall to it.
Pontiff Sulayvahn discovered the profane flame and remnants of yhorm's civilisation, and it gave him a burning ambition, during the fight with sulayvahn, he notably grows branch like wings, which extend violently outwards.
Other examples of this happening include the londor pilgrims, who eventually turn into the piglrim butterflies.
What we know of londor is that it is a land of darkness, and that kaathe is involved, therefore it can be tied to the abyss.
Therefore, tree's, londor, profane flame and yhorm are all connected.
Well I'll be damned. Man I really wanted him to be Ornstein. Oh well.
are the witches locks any good for pyromancers?
...Are they worth using in PVP?
Why the FUCK does the player version of Ornstein's armor NEVER HAVE THE FUCKING RED TASSLE?
It's literally the difference between that helmet looking awesome and looking stupid as fuck. Artorias' helmet has it, why the fuck not Ornstein. Fuck.
>claims to love Ornstein
>didn't even read his armor
So the abyss is the most powerful force in the game lore right?
I don't especially love Ornstein, I just really like the idea of him going on this journey and eventually becoming Nameless King.
if you're a pyro, you most likely want the Gargoyle Spear
But I'm assuming Chaos Estocs are probably pretty good too
The red tassel isn't part of the armour, it's his actual hair. Hence why some thought he's one of Gwyn's kids.
Well, some dude just went down there and murdered it's creator in Souls 1 so take from that what you will
Wait what? Source?