>nearly every boss arena in Dark Souls III is a church or a throne room
What happened to From Software's originality?
>nearly every boss arena in Dark Souls III is a church or a throne room
What happened to From Software's originality?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think anyone claimed FROM has originality
It's an intentional and also fitting motif, given the games entire plot.
They did that for a reason user.
This didn't bother me untill my second playthrough.
Am I just burnt out on Souls Games?
Because in Medieval times the only important buildings were churches and castles
because a castle generally served as a market for the surrounding villages and an emergency granary
I think DaS3 being very linear is really killing the replayability for me. Only one branching path that actually matters, after twk playthroughs I just don't care for the PvE. Invading being a shit show is also killing my drive to play.
But the boss is in the throne room.
Wouldn't hate invading so much if it didn't keep freezing at vital moments.
>literally nothing of interest in the history of the entire world doesn't have some minuscule connection to the people and events of the first age of fire
t. creative bankruptcy
well, considering that you killing 4 lords, they would be in throne rooms, and seeing how the pontiff and deacons were related, i imagine that cathedrals or church rooms would be one or two boss arenas. Those ones work thematically since lord slayer and all. There are a ton of non throne/church arenas though. Crystal sage, farron knights, gundyr 1/2, vordt, consumed king, nameless king, dragonslayer armor
>fighting kings, princes and religious fags
Well, what did you expect?
I put in hundreds of hours in both Dark Souls 1 and 2. I tried to make a new character in 3 and got bored at Farron Keep and dropped it. I tried to do a Ng+ playthrough but dropped that pretty fast too. The first impressions Ds3 had on me were so good, but it's replayability feels like ass.
From apparently recalled the patch that caused that issue. Still, Invading is a complete joke in this game. The Covenant rewards aren't even worth it unless you're a Trophy whore.
>killing the replayability for me
>200+ hours
>400+ hours
>400+ hours
>200+ hours
>50 hours
Seriously nothing is making me assmad than this. I feel completely burned out on das3 and it pisses me off that there's no replayability in this game. Magic is ass and so many of the melee weapons play exactly the same.
DaS3 has little to no reason to NG+. It's way too linear. Even DeS allowed me to go to any world after 1-1.
Give it awhile, I took a break for about 2 weeks and I'm doing a pyromancy build now. There's also the fact that you'll probably make a new playthrough every time a dlc drops.
>not worth 10 sword grass
What are ya?
too bad the throne room was not the main element of the castle for 99.99% of the people eh
O-obscuring ring is f-fun!
>no branching paths
Sucks man. I found all the areas except archdragon without any trouble or deviation. Get to the end of an area and i found myself saying, "thats it?" alot.
>he didn't kill the dancer before the catacombs
>Killing LORDS of Cinder
>"Why are we fighting in throne rooms?"
The one branching path I alluded to that lets you access the first half of Lothric Castle early.
Good job
Oh wow i can explore half an area early!
>yfw you realize firelink is a throne room
Castle entrance way
Could be a church
>Great tree
>Crystal Sage
Some ruins
>Abyss Walkers
Graveyard that leads way to Catacombs
Cliff edge/Treasure room
>Demon King
A firey cave
Big ass throne room
>Priests of the Deep
Could either be a shrine or a tomb?
Same room you fought biggie smalls
>Consumer King
A garden
Both times is more like a shrine/cliff
A bridge/walk way
>Twin Princes
A library
Literally in the sky
>Lord of Cinder
The kiln
So hows that nearly a church or a throne room? Might be missing a boss or two
I didn't realize that until you mentioned it
Pic related is part of the DaS charm
>game arbitrarily deactivates an item spawn for the key that lets you progress down that path if you come earily
Suck the filthiest part of my shit-encrusted asshole From
> Dark Souls 1: kill these 4 dudes
> Dark Souls 2: kill these 4 dudes
> Dark Souls 3: kill these 4 dudes
Why can't From be original?
You posted essentially what I was going to post, well done user.
How is Vort in a church?
You didn't realize it because it isn't fucking true you nostalgic memer.
Said could be. It's a big ass empty room
It's a large courtyard before a gate. It's not a church at all my friend.
Because Lordran/Drangleic/Lothric are in a perpetual timeloop because wankers keep fucking with an artifact that reboots everything
fucking anor londo, man
literally a 10-minute-long area
where did it all go so wrong
No shit, you're fighting the Lords of Cinders.
Fucking retarded post. Delete this.
But every fight is in a fucking room, except for nameless king
Yeah this. DaS1 and DaS2 were very nonlinear, but DaS3 kinda just railroads you down one path.
It makes every playthrough feel the same, especially since magic is shit this time around and heavy weapons are garbage.
Even better. Further disproves OP's statement.
>Dragonslayer is on a bridge with spooky butterflies flying around
>wolmir is in a contained abyss
> Aldrich is in the hall of Ornstein and Smoug
> the undead legion is inside their private kill yourself arena like artorias
>Crystal mage is in the ruins of a castle? A building? Eh
>Gundyr is in a open half broken arena on the edge of a cliff
>Greatwood is on a open area then then a shrine where purple people sacrifice vertebral shackles
>Soul of Cinder is in a burned meadow made of ashes under a dying leaking sun.
Kinda agree with you that somehow they all feel the same after some NG
graveyard, hall, courtyard and pit, ruin, holy grave, keep, abyss, fiery war ruins, church, cathedral, throne, bridge, garden ruins, graveyard, castle bedroom, kiln of the first flame, temple sidewalk an staircase, walking on a storm
Wow, literally all just throne and church rooms
>reuse tutorial area but jack the damage to eleven
Why aren't the knights in the area right before Anor Londo considered a boss yet?
is this supposed to be funny
You're so hilariously wrong it hurts, you clearly didn't play the game. Right off the top of my head the following bosses weren't fought in "rooms"
>Gundyr, both times
>Curse Rotted Greatwood
>Dragonslayer armor
>Ancient Dragon
>Nameless King
>Lord of Cinder
Besides the criticism was every fight takes place in a church or throne room, which is completely untrue. Now you're saying a "room", which basically means you want every fight to be outside? How many fights in DS1 took place inside a "room"?
use hidden body + spook senpai
>Every boss in DSII is some kind of humanoid
>Complains about the boss room being the same
>Abyss Watchers
>Nameless King
>Soul of Cinders
Still crashing on PC
I bought a copy for PS4 and I hate the framerate.
Almost all?
I'm counting six if the two princes were in a throneroom, I can't remember if they were.
Crystal sage? Dragon slayer armor? First boss in archdragon?
Yes, if you're not a jaded autist who isn't afraid to stray to websites outside of Sup Forums.
list of bosse arenas that are not a church or a throne room
>Iudex Gundyr
>Crystal Sage
>Abyss Watchers
>Old Demon King
>the Champ
>Nameless King
>Soul of Cinder
list of boss arenas that are a church or a throne room
Twin Princes is not a library. Did you miss the fucking bed?
wolnir's fight is in a sandy abyss,presumably carthus
Then it isn't a throne room either. Regardless the point stands.
>gothic shit
>lovecraft shit
>souls gameplay with le fast meme
Half of the bosses that take place in a cathedral/throne room directly have to do with a cult and their god. It's like bitching that team silent is unoriginal because every silent hill they worked on takes place in fog. It's kind of the point.
There's that unopenable door. Definitely gonna be dlc
Wasn't that same door unopebable in DS1? It's been awhile so I may be wrong.
I keep seeing mixed reviews about DSII. About to beat the first one and decided to keep going with the series.
Majority positive reviews on Steam but even a lot of those have criticisms of the sequel's design choices. Should I buy or just pirate?
>the biggest/strongest person in charge that is often hailed as some kind of God/is called a legendary Lord is found in the throne room.
Gee, it's like they're the head of whatever area they're in or something. Go figure.
> maybe if I called everything shit, people wouldn't laugh at me!
It's better than the first one desu (make sure you get SotFS)
People were overly critical of it when it first came out because of certain nitpicky pre-release reviews
DS2 did plenty right and I honestly don't know why so many people hate it. I'm going to get lambasted here by DS2 haters who will tell me I'm wrong, or my opinion is shit, or my taste is shit, or the fun I had wasn't genuine, but whatever. DS2 isn't as good as the other games but it's worth a playthrough.
>Ascetics to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Fun NPC invaders that didn't act like just another enemy
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and pickaxe
>Lockstones and Fragrant Branches manipulated the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning RES while boosting your fire RES
>NG+ added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even while hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to BC to solo the boss
>Drinking Estus in a fight was a gamble thanks to the slow speed
>Fists were viable
>Corrosive urns, so you didn't need pyro to break equipment
>Broken armor and weapons got a broken texture
>Iudex Gundyr
Some ruins
Entrance of Lothric
Cathedral grounds of something (ok)
>Crystal Sage
Some ruins
>Abyss Watchers
A mausoleum
>Deacons of the Deep
A tomb or something like that inside a cathedral (ok)
An abyss covered slope
>Demon King
Some ruins
Church (ok)
Throne room (ok)
A hall
Throne room...? (ok)
A bridge
Ruins or something?
>Champion Gundyr
Same as Iudex
Throne room (ok)
Open grounds
>Nameless king
A storm
>Soul of Cinder
Kiln of the First Flame
That's 31,5%, and 2 of those bosses are Lords in their respective thrones, and 1 is a Pontiff in his church. So the question is: Is OP literally retarded?
>the last demon's souls reference
Personally I'd play it, but there are significant faults, to go over them without ruining the game:
>bosses are mechanically simple, rely on spin tracking mechanics instead of actual circlestrafe combat techniques
>bosses and enemies in general have awful blocky hitboxes
>weapons in general share far too many movesets
>the area design is dull as fuck, with linear pathing and odd texture choice over dark souls 1
>world design is nonsensical and hugely disappointing after dark souls 1.
I'd certainly play it, definitely with the dlc, as that alleviates so many of the problems in that short amount of really good content.
But only play it so that when you do get to DS3, you realise how much better it is than 2.
>Throne room
Literally explicitly a church, what's wrong with you
A large majority of the bosses are recycles of dark souls 1 bosses or a big guy in armor that you strafe towards their shield until they swing and miss. None of the geometry makes sense (see: riding an elevator up at the top of a mountain with a visible sky and arrive at a castle surrounded by lava.) And the hitboxes are borderline broken. The game is neat enough but don't buy it if it's not on sale.
These are all things directly addressed in DS3. The first boss does something different with the "big armored dude" trope, you can constantly see the areas you're going to and areas that you've been at as you progress, and hitboxes are arguably perfect.
Really gotta fix that netcode though.
Yeah. You know how Demon's Souls/Dark Souls I had memorable bosses that weren't hard to beat but just had a unique setting/fighting style? Well Dark Souls II had still some of that. Dark Souls III is like "let's just get rid of that or re-use the same tropes" like the Storm Ruler gimmick that feels almost out of place against Yhorm
>other secrets like the pig and pickaxe
What are these?
I guess it means Old Demon King
There's a pig in the game that, if you follow it, will lead you to a pickaxe.
Lockstones opened special doors throughout the game.
>Every boss in DSIII is some kind of humanoid
It's mostly the hitboxes. Magnetic grabs from the Cyclops as though I'm experiencing latency in my offline single player experience is not ok.
So the occasional freezing is gone now? I thought maybe my video card was fucking up or some background program was interrupting the game.
It's a solid game, with 90% of the quality of the other games at worst
Most of the complaints are just nitpicks, only the ones related to the multiplayer are truly game-ruining
100% agreed, the hitboxes are the main reason I have reservations about going back to the game. But in my opinion it does more right than wrong an is a solid 7/10.
Like I said, worst in the series but still worth a play.
I finished ds2 multiple times and I don't know what those lockstones you speak of are.
Also where is that pig ?
why did they take out powerstancing
I believe that was the way to the area proper.
Other way around user. You have to lead the pig through Tseldora to the church at the end which is a pain in the ass.
You are not burnt out, as much as many of the really shit design choices stack up to be visible.
I think uniform weapon damage might be the 2nd biggest sin. It just means that Swords deals the most damage per stamina/time, and its really shit. It also makes magic even more shit, even if Magic don't have to deal with melee rolling.
And the worst sin is enemies tested against Bloodborne moveset. A lot of the bosses is bothersome to play against on most builds.
>unique setting/fighting style
>Dark Souls II had some of that.
Name as many bosses as you can for which that's true.
I agree with this, but I'd drop it to about a 6/10. You gotta get your basic gameplay down before you start working on all the little neat stuff.
For the lockstones, here ya go.
And the pickaxe
>Brightstone Cove Tseldora, mini-quest: You must guide one of the boars from the Royal Army Campsite bonfire all the way down towards the end of the level, past the boss Magus & Congregation and across the spikes. On the room where you are ambushed by ceiling-spiders, right before the dark room with many spiderwebs, there are mushrooms in the middle that will be eaten by the pig, revealing the pickaxe.
Yeah, my bad. It's been awhile.
The vast majority of bosses in Ds3 are 'dudes in armor'. Let me count them out for you, the number may shock you!
>Ludex Gundyr
>Abyss Watchers
>Dragonslayer Armour
>Champion Gundyr
>Twin Princes
>Lord of Cinder
Nameless King fits the description but is a two part fight so he gets a pass, Vordt is actually a dude in armor as well but people still sperg out when this is mentioned so might as well give him a pass too. When you look at the remaining bosses, there aren't many non-dudes in armor.
You know, I just plain don't find it funny and I couldn't care less that it's from Tumblr.
It's okay not to act like a bitter outcast from time to time, user.
>200+ hours
Literally how?
I dropped game on the ng+(and it was only 40 hours in) because it was so boring to replay
Returned only for the dlc
And you know, that's fine because humor is subjective. But when someone makes a joke, or posts an image meant to get a laugh, and your only reaction is "hurr is this supposed to be funny?" you look like an asshole. You realize normal people don't go out of there way to express their displeasure in something.
TFW people still play ds3, replayability consists of, this time I'll use pyro hurr.
mirror knight alone has a better gimmick than every ds3 boss combined
That's fair, honestly. I'll agree then, 6/10.