I like characters like these

I like characters like these.

I like the one with the thigh high socks

I like the one in the red dress

Me on the left.

Me on the left

You can add Towa and Elise to your party? I might actually have to play CS2.

>all these boring ass lolis with no character development

Make way for the queen, you lowlife peasants.

I like the first two. Specially the one with the scarf. Scarves are cute

More like queen of used goods, amirite? :)

Looks like my Etrian Odyssey party, to be honest.


name of the game in OP? Its not Etrian Odyssey

field study 2


Super Mario 64.

That fucking camera


Pure sex. I like lolis who knows how to please.

Jesus fuck am I glad that in CS II the characters are ditching the school uniforms and everyone gets a new design.

Also, reminder that Fie is the best part of this picture

It's about the purity of her heart, not her vagina. And she is very pure.

>having an all female EO team
Disgusting lad

I have 4 lolis and 1 adult male medic


And let me guess. You're one of the lolis?

I'm the medic.

Why is Fie so popular?

Well, I like these OP.

Having Fie and Towa in your party, this is bad taste desu.

She is a loli who is sleepy and boring. People love the archetype.

Is this FFXV?

Fie and Towa are pretty sexy

Wrong pic?

>Item being a third option

The only games where it doesn't need to be the first option is in SMT where you use your abilities more than items or in FF XII where you use items on the field.

>used goods 2.0



I like to believe Aniki saved her before that shit happened.

There's also nothing wrong with non-virgin lolis.

What's with her weird socks?

me on the left

Why is Towa so popular?

Talk shit get hit, faggot.

Leaving herself open for dicks

I don't know, she got pretty triggered at the list of victims. I don't think someone would get triggered off just body experimentation but that's just me.

Is this one 3.0?

What's with Falcom and their unattractive lolis?

The ones from YsVIII are just atrocious.

To add to that, what's with the lolis being all feisty and badass, holding phds and shit?

This one is a slut


What does camp menu mean?


Why is she walking in public in just her bloomers?

She has no sense of shame.

Oh how rude!

I love Towa!


Pure vagina > Pure heart

If the vagina is pure, the heart follows.

I like imouto-chan.

She got hurt because she was the only one who survived you insensitive jerk

Don't die on me thread. I pretty much only come here for trails threads nowadays.

We will see more people when CS2 is released

pssshh.. nothin' personnel kid
*teleports behind you*
*rips your guts out and savors the moment*

Why is this allowed?