System Shock Remastered is coming to PCand Xbox One

System Shock Remastered is coming to PCand Xbox One


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Citation needed you dipshit

also a post on Otherside's facebook last night. Gee, basic research sure takes a lot out of a person.

Don't sass me you fuckboy. I don't have to look for a proof of your claim for you

So what?
#thinlyveiledxBonealwayswins or something?

Does this mean Microsoft won?

Underage detected

I'm sorry I didn't look up list of Sup Forums approved insults, should I also study your trigger words?



I wonder how this will affect the hud. I'm not a fan of menus that were obviously designed for a controller and are just a pain to use with a mouse

Then again SS1 hud was a bit of a pain anyway so whatever I guess

Sorry he didn't use the Sup Forums approved "cuck."

welp, optimized for consoles confirmed. pack it in, boyz.

> console system shock game is somehow a good thing

The games would be unplayable on a controller so I'm mildly interested in seeing how they'll make it work.

>coming to Kickstarter

Wait I thought they were already making it. I guess it won't even happen then, I doubt it's getting funded

You're just mad because your precious PC is losing exclusives one by one.

If they market it as spiritual successor to Bioshock, they might

See Bioshock

Well that would just be really backwards and dishonest even

Literally no one cares.
If more people play the game, that's cool, stop whining about exclusives like some brand loyalist dog.

they always planned for consoles
the thing that rubs me the wrong way is that they already announced it and have functional gameplay but still want to go to kickstarter
it's a remake and will play differently to the original

Yeah but who's gonna check anyway, and if it gets the money, I say go for it

>all this passive aggressiveness

Isnt the worse news is that theyre thinking of Kickstarter?

Damn, I thought they were already dead set on making it.

So pretty much confirmed that the gameplay will be butchered.

>Literally no one cares.

Fuckboy/boi is a nuTeen/tumblr insult my friend

The kickstarter thing is worrying.
And the trailers music accompanied with the gameplay footage seemed to give off a bioshock vibe, rather than a system shock vibe.
But hopefully it's good.

Good for them, why should I care?


Do people actually own an xbones?

Get ready for new generations of 'gaymers'
aka newfag 15 year olds

Saying how overrated the game is

Microsoft's worst selling console so far at 20mil world wide. OGXB was at 24

What about the original game can't work on a controller? It's a simple game. If BioShock works this does. It's not SS2

Cucks who bought it at launch and only realized they're a tier lower than the PS4 a year later

They were probably shopping around the alpha (probably a reconstruction of the Med Level) and couldn't get a publisher.

Isn't that a good thing though? Optimising for one set of hardware is surely better for everyone.

BioShock doesn't have leaning, prone, customizable HUD, complex level design, cyber space, actually needing to pay attention and explore, etc. Hell, System Shock 2 would probably work better on consoles than 1.

Only for the Xbone. If they don't take multiple tiers of pc into consideration people that don't have good pc's could experience poor framerates. If they can't optimize for shit, then you get something like arkham knight.

One of those games that REALLY didn't need to be remastered.

Oh well, greedy jews get their money and consolebabbies get some leftovers.

>console port
ell ohh ell

So that's the reason why people here keep using it.

Remastered is still fine.

Reboot is a no-no.

The only thing that really needs remastering is the audio.

> didn't need to be remastered

The game is almost unplayable without mouselook, and a smoothing out of the graphics and artstyle won't hurt.

Summer is here friend.

it's completely fine without the mods m8 and mouselook makes it far too easy
they are making this remake specifically for retards like yourself

It takes some getting used to without mouse look but it's fine. There's a mouse look mod anyway.

The only thing I would like to see them change graphically is the low poly models they originally planned the game to have before settling for sprite based enemies.

WHY WHY WHY WHY. The GUI is fucking perfect, if you mod in mouse look.

Re-mastering is fine, as long as it's not a reboot / remake.

> go on google
> get results
> "kikestarter funding launch for a remaster, RE-IMAGINED classic"
> re-imagine


I think the original level designs would be a bit too much for a console game.

>asking fans to pay for a butchered console version
Fuck you, Steven Kick.

Approximately two of those are a technical issue but they could probably fit prone and leaning somewhere on the controller. I don't really remember ever leaning though

I think Dishonored used a button + analog stick for leaning

Why would prone be an issue for consoles? COD has that shit.

>Running in Unity

MOH did leaning fine on a controller. Nothing else there problem

It's probably one of those "do a crowdfund campaign to show there's an interest and we'll kick in the rest" deals, since that's pretty much how all higher-profile crowdfund projects go these days.