Sup Forums says it's shit

>Sup Forums says it's shit
>it's actually good
what's her name, pic related

But Sup Forums says every game is shit

And every game is great


Fuck you, I liked it.


All shitty normalfag games.


movie game
okay, but fuck online
Skyrim is a better beth game

Uncharted 4

Basically every Naughty Dog game will be attacked by the meme brigade, it's unavoidable.


U4 isn't a game, I'm not even kidding


My opinion

Her name's Ellie.
If you mean who she's designed after, she looks a bit like Ellen Page but I believe that is actually un-intentional.

Kill yourself weeb


no. u


he told you to kill yourself degenerate weeb

Wait, does Sup Forums actually hate this game?

no. u

>le reeee meme xD

v hates every game

I'm pretty sure this was one of Biowares better ventures.

i've see more people crying shill at the people praising it than actually praising it. I'm having a blast with it so far, and I'm a huge nostalgiafag for the originals.

>normalfag games
So is your beloved Dark Souls and FF you fucking weeb

>Sup Forums said that game was good
>its actually shit
quote pic related

watched it on youtube 10.10

I realy like Smite


Rainbow Six Siege

i dont think Ive seen people here saying it's bad.

it's genuinely a good game

Wait til the Rainbow Six & CSGO crowd shows up

who is v?

>Sup Forums likes skyrim now
What happened?

The game IS shit, the story is generic crap and the gameplay is ass.

Val Kilmer

v/ is right on Fallout 4, how can you not see how badly recycled this "Game" is? The only new thing in the engine is volumetric lightning, in 7 years! All you get is volumetric lightning.


I'd say it'll be worth playing after all the dlc comes out, after the mods start appearing and after the goty version comes out and drops to $10

Tomb Raider. Not Rise of the Tomb Raider (can't say since I haven't played it) but I enjoyed the recent remake.

The games are pretty fun but they're not anything special. Then again, I have the same opinion about Uncharted series.

Oh sure, I have no problem with that view. I got my money's worth and that's fine by me. If Rise is like its predecessor then I'll get it, too.


Pick one

I'm a Sony fag yeah but this game sucked balls, I forced myself to finish it
>advertises people who have been infected and shit as enemies
>90% of the enemies are just retarded bandits
>b-but the ending was beautiful!!!

>oh these guys who wanna see why ellie is immune are bad
>guess ill kill them
>"Joel I'm awake what happened"
>uhh yeah they said they couldn't find a cure haha.....

Shit game

>last two COD
>newest DMC
>Uncharted series
>Rise of the Tomb Raider