

Bethesda shills blown the fuck out


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You cannot be fucking serious.

Sup Forums is ok with IGN now?

DOOM is a 7.1 but CoD 14: Modern Shitstain gets a 9.5/10?

This shit's getting out of hand. The game is fun. It's a good game.

Can we not just talk about a good game?

What do you guys think of the cyberdemon fight?

I hate most of IGN's stuff but every now and then they piss out a decent review, this is one.
Just watch the video, what the guy says is all true and on point, and from a non shill perspective I'd say that score is a really good one.
The guy who reviewed it did a good job, and didn't just go like: oh shit people will like this 10/10 masterpiece! Instead he put some thought into it.
Different people work for IGN, different people write reviews, this is a good guy.
I was actually a bit surprised at how good it was

I screencapped this.

Sup Forums likes I-G-Fucking-N.

Holy shit.

Honestly it's just not cinematic enough.

Too video game'y.

Maybe you should stop being closed minded and try to take things on a case by case basis. The review was honestly in-depth and informative; it cemented my worries that the Doom multiplayer would be too modern and casual. I have now made the choice to buy the game when it's 75% off so I can play through the campaign and have a nice weekend sometime this December.

>75% off
>sometime this December

Aren't you being a little too optimistic? 50% tops.

How long did it take for FO4 to be 40% off

Is fucking DOOM.
They want another cinematic masterpiece like Uncharted.
People is mad because there's no story

Yup, time to leave Sup Forums

I heard RPS is lovely

lowest it has been is -33% and that was february 5th.

>doomshills will NEVER stop being salty that no one likes doom4

it was fun didn't really get hard until he respawned in hell though

Honestly, I just looked and Double chan is doing the same shit as Sup Forums's Sup Forums.

Am I going to have to move to Reddit?

i had more fun playing doom sp than uncharted 4
fucking awesome game like new wolfenstein


Okay buddy.

Is it good Sup Forums? If it's shit, at least tell me why.

Why hasn't anyone posted the image of their God Hand review next to their Imagine: Party Babyz review?

Surely a review most people agree with

>IGN is all paid reviews
>Except this time

Can't have it both ways Sup Forums

>it's the IGN reviews are pathetic and terrible until they align with my opinions episode

It's fun as hell if you just want a good game. The story is good, but it's always in the background.

Multiplayer is pretty "Meh," but you're not buying it for multiplayer. I've, however, had a lot of fun killing countless players with the overpowered lightning rifle.

Also, if you enjoyed Halo custom games (Halo 2/3) you'll likely love snapmap's games.

Some guy was able to put together a pretty good farming minigame in snapmap. As in, you plant your crops and have to water them farming.

Is this a joke? IGN can't get away with this we need to start a petition NOW.

Lets start a petition

I'd say the reason the review ends in such a low score is BECAUSE they weren't paid.

>they were paid to give a shitty review


we uncharted now?

You heard wrong, RPS is a haven of sjw faggotry, it got really bad and I stopped going there for news, and im not even a Video Portcullis thumping faggot. There's this one specific writer whose just a turbo beta, and unfortunately he's they're most prolific.

And that makes you a paranoid faggot.


>The game is bad because it's too much pure gameplay, not enough cutscenes and setpeices

top cuck.

Random poll vote if you'd like

>The game is bad because the gameplay is samey and doesn't really change for 8 hours in single player.
>The mulitplayer is bad because loadouts and perks conflict with the level design, along with bland fps mechanics you have seen all the time.


its that a punch because the guy that is making brutal doom is BR?

>I've never played at least several wads of Doom

It's level design or bust. And guess what Bethesda can't do?

One example of ludicrous level design is Going Down, where I keep thinking I'm finished only to find another level. It doesn't try to make you savour one particular level or art style (everything is glowing or pitch black) and it doesn't care how long it takes to beat a level, just that there's a single idea per level that makes it unique.

One example is a level that only has 15 enemies, of which three are archviles hiding in boxes, with some fake boxes you think are occupied only for a spooky change in the level so they're busted open to reveal nothing when you return. And this is considering the Doom 1 engine pulling off neat tricks like this.

Another level has a simple time travel mechanic where the environment changes with switches and certain doors opened in the past reflecting changes in the future, simply by linking one switch to two pieces of geometry and using a teleport to a duplicate run down version of the same level.

Show me something clever like that in Doom 4

>Enemies appearing lock you into the room until they're all dead
>This means no monster closets, no getting caught out in the open by a dangerous group, no exploration, guaranteed 100% monster kill rating

Why the fuck do modern games do this? Hardly any games suit the Devil May Cry style.

>guaranteed 100% monster kill rating

So you didn't play the game?

People like OP are just mad a crack isn't out and they can't play it. But they must hate it on somehow so any confirmation it's not that good is something worth pointing at. Even if it's fucking IGN apparently.

Game is pretty decent. Buy it and have fun, that's all. Not game of the century, not blunder of the century, it's just a good game.

Why would anyone pay Bethesda full retail price?
What's wrong with listening to what literally everyone has said?

IGN BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. Lmao those downvotes.

I'm sorry,
>guaranteed 1%+ monster kill rating
Because there's some kind of objective to killing instead of it just being a fun thing to do and not running to the exit.
But then because you're locked in you get health and ammo drops on every kill because you're not allowed to save pickups for later and backtrack.

>Nu-Males positively review Nu Doom, a slow as shit game with literal monster arenas like Bioshock Infinite

wow, what a surprise. i'm sure in 2-3 months we'll hear how shit it actually was once people actually step away from their inner fanboy.

This thread is exactly why i love the review embargo. Every fucking game should do it, we were spared a week of shit posting and only got user's reviews and word of mouth on this game and its fucking awesome.
Fuck all you opinionless review fags who take these shitty articles as fact.

>IGN dislikes it so that means it's good

Must be nice to be a console warrior-tier retard who looks for an external source for a reaction to justify their own.

>Sup Forums will now claim doom is amazing goty because they're a bunch of contrarian faggots

downvotes are the most important indicator of quality. we did it reddit

If reviewers took a shit on Bioshock Infinite when it was relevant, some faggots here would still defend it with heaving breath. It's pretty transparent when you see this reaction on Sup Forums happen constantly with reviews.

Sup Forums is still trying so hard to hate on the game despite it not being all that bad, THAT is what being a contrarian faggot is all about

I played it and I enjoyed it as I have with many other games.

An ign review will make no difference. Gamers need to ween themselves off game reviews and experience games themselves to see if they like it.

It fails the first Doom test of being slow as fuck. It takes inspiration from Brutal Doom.

What the fuck else needs to be said? It's garbage made for unskilled nu-males.

>CoD like shit

>Modern Future Self Warfare
>Takes CoD and Pastes it

That guy is a fucking scrub. His complaints with the MP are negated by skill. This also applies to the single player but I bet he played on an easier difficulty which really changes how you play. The footage used was fucking mediocre and shows nothing interesting due to a retard playing the game.

As a general rule you should simply ignore places like IGN or Polygon, regardless of if it's a positive or negative score. Those places are tainted with people who are just incompetent, bad at games or a bit of both.

Slow as fuck. Heh, someone hasn't played the game. I say this as someone who plays Doom 2 maps regularly even nowadays. This is as close as you are gonna get to the speedy demon killing gameplay of the original and a modern setting. I genuinely don't think they could have done a better job at a modern doom. It was so easy to fuck it up.

Also what's with you an nu-males, someone with a beard steal your girlfriend or something? How is that even related?


Said no-one ever
>Mid-air instakill melee


Try playing on the hardest difficulty that's unlocked right off the gate (there's still two harder ones). Enemies need to be weakened enough before you can finish em off with the melee attack. And even after you do you have to immediately move because it's not like it gives you much health and everything is still gonna be trying to murder you.

If you try to melee anyone before weakening enough you'll just hit em in the face with your gun and stand around like an idiot. Then die.

Only a retard would even do that in the first place.

>This is as close as you are gonna get

So this is a tacit admission that they couldn't even get the speed of Doom correct, right? I guess there were people satisfied with Doom 3 back in the day too. Hell, maybe those Doom 3 fags will jump in to apologize now that I've mentioned it.

Holy shit, git gud son.

well shit that is a lot of dislikes

>call of duty ghosts is better

Ah, okay then I guess

Much like the dislikes over Calladooty, they don't fucking mean anything. Those people still gave IGN a click, and the others will likely still buy COD. Youtube dislikes amount to a duck shitting in an ocean.

>Chainsaw gives you invulnerability while it goes on and subverts the bullet sponge aspect
>With long range teleport lock on

>Two harder difficulties locked
Sounds like a right casual fest.
Also the footage he used shows the ideal tactic as per usual - mook train ala S+M1 ala Serious Sam style.

I seriously doubt you'd ever run out of ammo with free universal pickups from killing enemies and a variety of guns available.

Didn't IGN gave a 6 to Alien Isolation? I don't think we should take their reviews seriously.

it does show that people disagree with the review though and i saw this coming a mile away reviewers with " hurr its bad because its a game and not a movie"

Have you played the older dooms? Even good WADs on them? If we had maps of the same size and same speed you'd be done with them in about 5 hours. We got a long campaign where they designed actual levels while still keeping it fast. Make this play any faster wouldn't benefit it much. If you want super fast gameplay with mostly barebones levels go play a good Doom 2 WAD like open vendetta.

And Doom 3 doesn't even come into the equation, that was a completely different thing, they tried a horror-theme game in that doom universe. That's like saying Doom 64 isn't as fast as Doom 2 so it sucks, they are their own things.

Basically what I'm saying is if you are too poor to buy the new Doom and too stupid to figure out how to install the old ones and find good WADs you shouldn't be voicing out your opinion like a moron.

To me someone going THIS DOOM NEEDS TO BE EVEN FASTER THAT'S GONNA MAKE IT BETTER just sounds as retarded as Brutal Doom people going IT NEEDS TO BE GORIER RIP AND TEAR. Both people just don't understand a damn thing about game design.

>You have to unlock harder difficulties in a Doom game

give me a fucking break with this modern trash

>He posts a video review
>Shits on Halo multiplayer (agreed) for being to much like CoD
>Go to CoD Ghost
>Doesn't shit on CoD for the same problems
>Doesn't blame Bungie for being the maker of both those multiplayer experiences
Can we all just agree that Bungie should be stop being a game studio already?

Is true any SP additional content will be free and the season pass is purely MP stuff?

Doom didn't make enemies bullet sponges, they just spawned more bad guys and you had to make sure you dodged and used the right guns in the right moments.
Sounds like Beth went full Skyrim with it and make it so the gimmicky instakills are the way to go by default and raising the difficulty to make them less effective just turns it Bioshock Infinite 199X mode, as retarded as that was.


Season Pass is for multiplayer content only, but as far as I'm aware they don't have plants to make any singleplayer DLC, be it free or paid.

I didn't say faster = good unilaterally, I said it fails the first test of Doom: the movement sucks. Second test: level design. Bethesda can't design a map to save their lives. They can't even map a texture to an easter egg correctly.

What I meant is the default hardest one you can do is hard enough. If you are looking for a greater challenge afterwards it's also there.

Okay but I'm still amazed people think Doom 3 is good. Like I really am.

There's still absolutely no need for it and the only way this can end by following the same trend is either you NG+ and keep guns, breaking old level design, or the enemies are just super bullet spongy and require melee kills.
Or even they're only slightly more spongy but you die like it's Hell or Hell mode.

>not playing ultra violence
Seriously, you die in 4 fucking hits, that shit should be Nightmare difficulty.

I feel like I'm going to vomit all over again.

I'm honestly surprised we haven't had one of those Doom3 fags jump in yet. We usually get at least one or two in these threads.

Yes, on reddit it's not allowed to be negative about games: you'll fit right in!

that demon rune shit sounded pretty fun, assuming that people don't take winning or losing too seriously. Like a pause in the regular action for a mad coop bossfight. people who have played the game- is the mutliplayer really bad and why?

>RPS is lovely

where on earth did you hear this, your wife's son?




>>No guys, I hate ign too, but thid is the one!!
>>lol so salty

I havent even played any doom game including this one, but holy shit user.

What was bad about 1999 mode in Bioshock Infinite, that's the only difficulty I played so I don't really know the difference

does anyone have that gif of someone shutting the door on the xenomorph and taping it up

IGN is great for once, a good review on how totally garbage Doom is. I hope Bethesda stops raping the Doom name and get out of making shitty remakes of classic FPS games.

The idea of a 1999 mode wasn't really the problem, it was that it was in an awful game like Bioshock Infinite (which executed most things poorly).

I mean, why is everyone comparing it to Doom 1/2 again exactly? They came out under completely different circumstances, budgets, goals and everything else. If you thought it was going to be Doom 1.1: 2016 Graphics edition then I'm not sure you're aware of how games are made these days.

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but Doom was never going to return as it was. It was and is clear that it's going to be something more in line with modern games. And honestly, while it isn't doom 1.1 it manages, in my opinion, to capture a lot more of the feeling of Doom than the executives likely wanted.

Now, sure, the game has flaws, every single game does, but I don't think "Doom tests" were really ever going to be passed and isn't a valid form of criticism for a game which never aimed to be that in the first place.

No. It's even worse there.

greetings bethesda employee newfriend

I played through Alien: Isolation (on Hard), as a die-hard Alien fan, yet still went away disappointed. That game is so repetitive it made me nauseous, I mean initially they nail the atmosphere and art-direction, though a few hours in the game falters failing to evolve beyond the initial few encounters.

The AI is piss easy though, the only thing annoying about it is that it's glued to your ass.

Hasn't every IGN writer been replaced since then? It's better to compare what the writer has reviewed, rather than the site as whole since they don't all share the same view, unless they're paid --- of course.

It only makes the game more repetitive than it already is, as '1999 Mode' turns everything into a bullet sponge.

It claims to harken back to the classic, especially with the game being called Doom instead of Doom 4. However I've not played it, going to wait for when the game is cracked, or when it goes on a massive discount.

>singleplayer is 8ish hours of rip and tear
>multiplayer is shit
In other news, waster is wet and the sky is blue.

>It was and is clear that it's going to be something more in line with modern games

If you can't make a clear and worthy successor to one of the most important games of all time you can keep that revisionist trash in the oven.

Multiplayer in the originals was fucking trash too.
Don't know why they bothered. Cut the price to $40 and rip out the multiplayer and it's a 9+/10

They didn't want to have to invest time to make SP content for the Season Pass. It's easier to make MP skins/maps/unlocks/skills and sell it to morons.

I want to ask yourself for a second. Not as a gamer, not as a person, but as a soulless corporate executive.

You have two choices.
1: Re-Make Doom as Doomy as possible.
2: Re-Make Doom as projectably profitable as possible.

We all know which one they picked and we know why. No one likes how it is, but I'm very glad that it even has some traces of actual Doom left and that people LIKE that. That's why the IGN review up there is staring up 4:1 Dislikes and how this is getting compliments from just about everyone. And this gives ME hope for an actual, more Doomy Doom in future, since we all know that this won't be the end if it's profitable.