It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it

It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

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Kreia did nothing wrong.

That game sucked donkey dick

and at last...

>tfw no qt ice-queen femdom gf
Atris clearly best girl.

That quote is pretentious and fails to make any sence.

That kind of stuff that sells on hipsters.

>Three young, horny females are party members who want to fuck Space Jesus
>can't romance any of them

Why are Obsidian devs such cucks?

>good writting.

Thanks for ruining KOTOR, obshitian. At least you are where you belong now, doing kickstarter games.

It does if you pay any attention at all to the rest of her dialogue... or just think about it.

You've got it the wrong way round, they just want to cuck the player because Avellone hates romance (and people who like romance)
Anyway, it's debatable as to whether Mira wants to hatefuck you or not.
FemExile with Handmaiden is best Exile, though.

>game tries to be profound

>book/movie tries to be profound
>truly a masterpiece/work of art

So what does this actually mean?
That it's ok to be a twat as long as you don't admit you're a twat?



Some pull it off, like Killer 7

this game is not trying to be profound lol

kreia is ancient and has spent most of her life in scholarly pursuits as a historian and probably came from a more "proper" background before that so it makes sense that she speaks in a kind of academic, verbose and cryptic way

Do you even know what part of the game the quote comes from? She is talking to a Jedi master who fell to the dark side and has spent literally 5 years refusing to acknowledge that she has done so, hiding away from the world, surrounding herself with non-Force sensitives to avoid her darkness being detected and getting half of the Jedi Order murdered on Katarr. Kreia is, in a very manipulative manner, trying to show her sympathy for Atris' position as she suffered the same problem years earlier.

It means that by the time you've realized you have compromised what you stand for, it's too late.

Kreia's all about being true to the self, which she sees as a virtue, and so she holds in contempt people who deceive themselves. Not that it's necessarily /okay/ to be a dick, just that you shouldn't hold any illusions about how you act.

>Honestly thinks KotOR II is pretentious and Killer 7 isn't
I like Killer 7, but you have to be joking, right?

profound is a broad term, friendo.

You were blinded..

how does she see where she is going

stupid lady

The Force. Her eyes atrophied from lack of use long before the events of the game. She tells you as much herself.

>have kreia in party
>select her
>go into first person mode
>her vision is based on senses via the force

is avellone the white miyizaki?

Too bad nuanced writing and breaking from typical villain tropes will throw all these turbo hipsters into shit flinging matches. It's like kids don't enoy thinking or exploring different ideas and themes

>space ayn rand talking about how "both sides are wrong the answer lies somewhere in the middle" for 40 hours

truly deep and profound writing for refined intellectuals such as myself

Its a specific quote that's focused on a certain character.

Almost every part of this post is wrong, congratulations.

>both sides are wrong the answer lies somewhere in the middle

Did you even play the game? Kreia doesn't give a fuck what you do so long as you listen to her advice, justify your choices and most importantly, make a fucking choice at all.

>apathy is death, worse than death because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects

>>>apathy is death, worse than death because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects
Did you even play the game?
That wasn't even he actual quote, it was literally Ludo Kressh speaking through your party with that quote, it is the quintessential Dark side philosophy that's all about unrestricted emotions.

>Tfw you had to spend three months in a cabin with no electricity or phone lines and to entertain yourself wrote a faux-novelization of both KotOR games tying all the side quests and skippable party members stuff into a single, coherent narrative that tried to fill in the gaps of KotOR 2's unfinished portions and flesh out the one-note shit in KotOR 1

That was a very long winter.

Say, how do you get the Handmaiden? It's been years since the last time I played, and I don't remember doing anything to get her, but it seems like I fucked up. I've already finished two planets since I left her ice hole and I haven't seen her.

>Avellone hates romance (and people who like romance)
Why do we like this guy, again?

You only get her as male. You need to modify the game for her if you're playing female exile

Sounds like headcanon to me user.

Just because it is a vision doesn't mean it doesn't represent anything about Kreia.

>Ayn Rand
>both sides are wrong
Public education failed you. And in a weird way, you're exactly what rand predicted, a self centered hypocritical retard just like her.

how is that possible

Your crap is more of a headcannon. Everybody in your party said that no matter how out of character it is for them, HK-47 even said despite how much he hates emotional actions.

Lol, that's retarded. Is it too late, or what?

It's Star Wars. It's indicative of her character really. To her things of crude matter like droids and weapons are distasteful and shitty, while the intangible are important.

>he didn't plough white pussy all night
>he didn't force sex with the blind chick

You were deafened

>someone asks for money
>have the choice to give it to him without question or threaten his life, literally no in between
>get told off no matter which choice you make, even though I just wanted to deny him and walk away.

The game wants to make some big deal about light and dark being extremes but to do that it has to force your character into those extremes. The game is just pretentious and poorly written in a lot of places.

That's never made entirely clear, and even if it was it doesn't mean it's not applicable to Kreia's philosophy - after all, there's her belief that struggle and conflict are what truly strengthen a person (which can be borne out quite truly by the game)
I always saw it as a multi-layered comment about both Kreia's philosophies of action and understanding, and how if that situation is the player-character rejecting the vision as not real, and thus refuses to take action, the same logic could be applied to the player treating the game itself as unreal - but for the narrative to continue, you still have to act. do realise they're not your actual party, yes?

Kavar > Vrook
Guardianbros for life.

>this entire fucking sequence

>enough! Step away! She has brought truth and you condemn it! The ARROGANCE. You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again.

That's just you being simple, user.
Because being forced into that dichotomy was part of the point.

>you have failed me, completely and utterly

> do realise they're not your actual party, yes?

Do you even read the post? It was referring to the fact that in the vision that everybody in your party said the quote no matter how out of character proves it was outside force putting words in their mouth.

And its hardly related to Kreia's philosophy, especially if you compared it the begger scene on Nar Shaddaa. She want you to think things through and ALWAYS be aware of the potential future consequences.

>begger scene on Nar Shaddaa

I've always thought people dwell far too much on that cutscene.

>being forced into that dichotomy was part of the point.

A game that tries to sway you away from both extremes doesn't let you do that exact thing.

Basically a lot of her teaching is related to manipulation. Especially considering how she considers true victory is making others see through your view.

That's just due to a disconnect between the programmers and the writers, not a deliberate design decision.

pretty sure she was actually be true, since she talked about how only in battle do you see a person/ a culture's true self and capabilities.

Why can't you tell Kreia to just fuck right off. From the start you can tell she's full of shit.

obsidian writers have a huge amount of control over how the dialogue is implemented though

I thought you were referring to the dark side v light side perks and unlocks. You are essentially punished for going full grey Jedi in the game.

If Avellone hates romances, why did Torment have a bunch of them? I think you're mixing him up with Sawyer.

Avellone did said he doesn't like romances, more specifically the way game do romance, like how the setup all follows the generic formula and how the pretty much the story is just concluded when they get together.

He also said he doesn't feel he can write or feel comfortable writing the typical romance. He said he he really tends to only write tragic or warped romance, where things either won't end well or unsustainable.

You play a shell shocked war-veteran and former General who has been wandering the Outer Rim for 10 years. Honestly romances would have been really out of place. The little bit of flirting that you can do in the game was good enough.


I can agree with that. I liked how Baldur's Gate 2 or ToB to be more specific continued your romance past that point. I've always hated romances in games like mass effect or witcher where it's just grinding up affinity points for sex or doing a quest for sex.

I finally finished this game a few weeks ago as an ow the edge space wizard. I feel like I made a ton of mistakes that play through

What should I play on my next run?

Laser space jesus.

Jedi Jesus

You were broken

You were cucked...