>he doesn't like JRPG
why are you even on Sup Forums?
He doesn't like JRPG
I only like Pokemon, Dragon Quest, classic Final Fantasy, Fantasy Life, the Bravely games, and a couple others. Weeaboo cancer that brings nothing but fanservice to the table isn't worth my or anyone else's time.
Jrpg's only make up a sliver of available games and hardly get discussed around her anyway.
To shitpost like anyone else
>Press X to win
>Spam magic and potions during the boss
Which JRPG am I talking about Sup Forums? Trick question; the answer was all of them.
Because the JRPG's that are coming out now are a bunch of pedo weeb shit that isn't even fun. It caters to the autistic.
What is with that pose? I have seen it everywhere the last few weeks.
New Sup Forums meme
"you used to call me to my cellphone"
Honestly if you don't play jrpgs because they're for weeaboos you're probably under age
Shit games
Shit football
Kill yourself chicano fuck
What the fuck is wrong with this generation? That video is fucking garbage as well as the music.
well at least it's a step up over twerking
It's not a Sup Forums meme you dingus, it's a nigger meme.
It's a new dance niggers do called Dabbin.
ik but at least the meme it's ok for me
i bet you're still virgin
it's a good song and video
I really like the song, actually. The video feels genuine, too. Like he's not good at dancing, but he'd rather show that instead of getting a choreographer to cover it up.
Every generation has shit music m8
Also its not a terrible song.
But 46% of Sup Forums is black so it's still kind of a Sup Forums meme.
Fuck of, chicano scum. I bet you cried like a bitch when your Shitvas got BTFO by the Güilas.
>mfw Santos also didn't make it ;_;
>le Sup Forums is weeb only meme
Fuck off retard
i'm an america fag to i'm not eve mad bro, poor santos i feel sorry for their goalkeeper (or portero) he got injured in the first match so gg wp santos, another year whiout winning. thanks for your players BTW
armpit fetish is real
Who /Pumas/ here?
because waifushitters and turboweebs like you keep turning me off of them.
>anything Japanese is weeb
Fuck off, retard.
only america master race fags here
Muh AME-bro, we did it bros.
>another "you don't like jap shit why are you here" guy
Are you people fucking retarded or something? Sup Forums is not under the "Japanese Culture" heading on the main page for a good reason.
Who /ame/ here?
We did it lads
HE NABBIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we did it bros, next is norteños fags
Vamos los PUMAS!
Who /lifelong/ here?
Because they saw le epic screenshots on reddit.
Go back to r*ddit to discuss Uncharted you pathetic retard.
>Bravely games
>Weeaboo cancer that brings nothing but fanservice to the table isn't worth my or anyone else's time.
Because thus is a video game board and not a JRPG board, thank god.
GTFO of my board namefag
>Press X to win
so just like uncharted, a WRPG.
I know a faggot who recently got a sub-par laptop and is spamming the LE PC MASTER RACE shit all over the place. The only thing he plays are generic shooters and thinks JRPGs are not worth his time.
Succ my dig tripfag.
>call an annon a tripfag
you must be new here