Why the fuck would people protest against augmentation?
Why the fuck would people protest against augmentation?
Ghost in the machine
Because it is polarizing and not everyone cant receive augmentation.
Plus it is literally salvation through technology instead of through God which will be our destruction.
I'm somewhat for and against it.
The Neuropozyne problem is kind of fucking huge.
On the other hand, hyper-prostheses and nano-blood treatments could save so many lives it's not even funny.
However, if too many lives are being saved, overpopulation will become a staggeringly bad problems, and if the number of those saved by augmentation goes up, so does the rate of Neuropozyne used by the population, which leads to all sorts of problems.
Of course, if Jensen's DNA fixing made everything okay for everyone everywhere that'd be great, but that's not going to happen.
One body one soul etc.
Also, ever had a replacement body part, or knows someone who did? they need medication to prevent rejection by the host body which kills their immune system and increases the likelihood of getting sick.
jobs would require people to use augmentations to maximize workforce, and of course some people aren't willing to deliberately chop off their limbs
Human limbs can't be hacked
SJW people getting mad on behalf of others who dont give a shit, really
Wasnt there a sidequest that involves a chink stockbroker who got her job through sheer will and skill that is getting desperate in competing against her augmented colleagues? She asks you to steal insider info to get an edge over her competitors or you can do something that will encourage her to keep doing what she's been doing, since she got so far without augs.
Eventually in high stress, fast-paced jobs, you either get auged or go home.
muh morals u cant play g-d nevermind the fact that we're playing g-d by telling you that you can't do what you're doing goy
>the world will be so much worse without retarded people, blind people, deaf people and people who suffer from incontinence
I can't afford to have my hands cut off and replaced with super hands, but if I don't do it then I'll never succeed in life. Guess I'll just take out a loan to do so.
What do you mean that thousands of other people had the same idea so now I'm nothing special, thousands in debt and that I have to take an expensive drug or else my hands fall off?
I felt the entire motive for the populace protesting was poorly explained for the player in DXHR
Did you even play the game?
People protested because you were forced to take meds so your body would not reject the augs. The industry made millions while poor people suffered.
Because it literally destroys any idea that the society in which we live is based upon merit and not money, how the fuck can you compete in boxing against a dude with a steel arm? How can you hope to beat a rich kid on a test when he can literally save the textbook to his brain?
Same reason Sup Forums still exists. To protest.
You got the obvious purists who dislike the idea.
Then you have average Joe's scared that people are walking around who can use their cyber arms to crush your skull using zero effort. Similar to the fear people get when they see people open carrying a firearm.
Finally you have the expensive drug treatment that is required to stop your body from rejecting the tech. Which is bad since all the local clinics will cut your arm off and slap an Aug on it as opposed to actually fixing your arm. Forcing you to buy this expensive drug.
people protest about who can use which bathrooms, of course they'd protest about people getting augmented
There's no reason for people to be pissed about veterans/disabled people getting augs to help them back into normal life. But what about a soldier who gets augs to make him a superman in battle? Then the war ends and he goes home, but it's not like he can turn those augs off. So of he snaps that's a huge danger to everyone around him. Then you have transhumanists who willingly replace perfectly good limbs for augs for no reason, which would definitely be seen by many as strange or even immoral. There's some valid safety concerns, but it's always been about basic human nature.
>your online limbs will never gain brozuf
why live?
Also Big Corp making a literal botnet from us
Well the soldier could have replaceable hands. Weapons limbs and than the civilian use limbs. Didn't Raiden have something like this in Metal Gear.
luddites angry about the future leaving then behind
this pretty much
I can't stop reading these posts in the voice of the radio talk show guy. Its annoying.
Religious fags afraid of the future, as fucking usual.
>Hurr Durr Muh Soul
Shit doesn't exist, idiots.
You'd think the body would eventually replace all the cells in a new kidney and your body would then accept it.
She was protesting that with sheer will and skill she simply wasn't going to compete against rivals who have CASIE mods that make them super charismatic.
So she got upgraded but owed the Triad money, effectively becoming a slave, so she wants you to set her free.
You go visit her to get a payment off her to give to the Triad leader (Tong?)
>but it's not like he can turn those augs off
the gov can just shut them off/replace them/have it be a military 4 life decision to get augs
Thx boss
Augs are like weapons: government issued, government property. You leave the force, you leave the augs behind and get retrofitted with a normal prosthetic.
Nigger having to pay a fuckload of dosh to be able to live is bullshit
should've got a scholarship and studied something useful fag
This meme again.
>having to pay
then dont get them poorfag. there's money hidden in virtually every nook and cranny in the world. don't let jensen take it all. sneak some vents.
>not having your limbs set to autistic mode
I like the total lack of citations here.
Adam is a private contractor and he's got all the fancy battle augs. Not to mention all the bosses in the game have ridiculous augs as well. It's not just military who has access to those things, Jensen never served in the military and SWAT probably wouldn't pay for that.
>can't compete with robocop?
>just steal
>hello yes i have no basic understanding of macroeconomics i also suck a million dicks for bus fare then go walking instead
More people living longer would throw off the balance.
Especially if it went widespread in Chink countries.
because you have to take an overpriced drug sold by the jew ?
Becuase muh religion and muh morals
>they need medication to prevent rejection by the host body
That won't be a problem in a few years.
We're creating "ghost organs" that are 100% accepted by the body.
look it up.
>interpreting graphs is hard
Your field can be done by a robot
Games lore dosen't have them, so we can assume that in Deus Ex it's not gonna happen, unless you include Jensen's magic blood or whatever the fuck that was about, but even the the general populace don't know about it
dont forget muh millions in poverty and debt paying for a drug that keeps your limbs from falling off
it's not stealing. jensen has found plenty of money in public areas where no one reacts to him taking loose credits left under a box.
I don't think China is the worlds population problem when looking at how little they care for human life there. The issue is the 1st world countries (read Europe) supporting 3rd world immigrants in their own countries. It is more likely the immigrants have more children than average natives living there.
>can't compete with robocop?
>just be rather rude to somebody who left their stuff under a box who doesn't really want anytrouble i mean come on i just dropped my fiver under a box man
Well Adam got his fancy augs because he's the security director of THE manufacturer of augs and Sarif needs him to do the dirty work and get revenge on whoever attacked them. Hell, he wouldn't even get the augs if Sarif wasn't attacked. When he's retired, he'd probably have to return the augs or replace them with civilian versions. Sarif and INterpol, or whoever employs him now wouldnt want a heavily armed mower of men to be walking amongst the populace.
Same thing with other private contractors, I think. You get battle-grade augs when you sign up, you return them when you leave?
If anything, it's the criminals who will have access to all these crazy shit. Triads can have access to battle and crazy hacking augs because they stole them from the Chinese or made their own.
What's up with that image?
The truth is relevant with where it's written?
Balance of what? Humans can't fuck themselves into distinction. If population growth is a problem, there will be mechanism to keep it in check. That's how evolution works.
Fine. Leave the money for some other schmuck to take. I'm sure the dude who left his credits in a garbage can or a wastebasket is coming back for them.
Won't Jensen's super special snowflake blood or immune system that doesnt suppress the metals in augs actually be dangerous? He can accumulate those metals, get adverse effects of metal poisoning and his immune system wont do shit about it.
Neuropozyne's just a glorified immunosuppresant isn't it?
Why do people protest against GMOs even though they've been eating genetically modified food for thousands of years and the largest studies in history have proven that GMOs are completely safe? Why do people distrust controlled and peer reviewed medical research but are A-OK with drinking some random shit mixed by snake oil sellers? Because people are fucking retarded and love their naturalistic fallacy. Add the muh God argument and it's really not that hard to understand.
>there is a precisely 0 (zero) percent chance of everyone taking higher-paying degrees
>that's if we assume they even CAN take those higher degrees
>this is due to different conditions in upbringing, education, influence from friends, etc.
>with this, inevitably some will be worse off than others, keyword inevitably
>they get by now, just with older shit and lower quality of life
>enter cybernetics
>there is now an objective fucking difference between two people who are the exact same besides one has cybernetics & the other doesn't
>an employer would be fucking retarded to take a non-aug over an aug, same wages yet higher objective productivity
>all non-augs get put out of jobs within a year, tops, or go into the loan/expensive drug cycle, and that's if they don't turn into fucking criminals or worse, terrorists
so now you have roughly a third of the population that want to burn down your residence and put your head on a pike. Pop quiz, hotshot, what the fuck do you do?
>hurr mass genocide the poor people
nice, now even some augs might turn to them, making the problem worse, you fucking idiot, and that's IF you're an autocrat, god help you if you share power with other people
Surely there's some sort of blood filtration aug tucked away in there
i'm not anti-gmo, but I would be wary of any research with corporate backing.
theres independent research that says the same though, but still.
Selective breeding =! genetic modification. You let nature do the work but encourage the direction it's taking in the former while in the latter you insert genes from a different species and hope it doesnt produce any unforeseen effects.
You can trigger nut allergies from GM soys now, you know?
Isn't current world constantly in this loop? Wars, the viruses etc.
>getting old
>see fancy new eye augs
>get them
>walk around town
>get clubbed over the back of the head by a crackaddict
>tears out augs
>pawns them
Christfags probably
How much longer must I wait to leave this prison of the flesh?
I want my augs now dammit!
>getting the bad ending
In [Video Games], I'll just get the good ending.
All I'll have to do is win some arguments, complete the game non-lethally, and 100% everything.
There. No uprising of the masses, everyone gets augs with 0 drawbacks, no one needs drugs, if anyone doesn't want/can't get augs they'll be swept aside like them milk man.
Please kill yourself.
But user. It's not your decision. What if the real you says no?
Great movie
hey guess what that's real life
>this mad
Circumventing dire social issues with video game logic is fair game.
Modern medicine has effectively brought that to an end. Previously when you have an outbreak, the human population gets cut down but now if you catch the plague, just head to your local ER and get a round of antibiotics and you'll be fine. Even wars weren't that effective in reducing population. There's usually a boom in births after each war, especially in the victorious party as war restrictions are lifted and spoils are brought in. Ancient Chinese history is 70% constant warfare and they have 1 billion people.
>you will never have your babysitter tease you by almost showing her tits to you and your friend
>not knowing the brain is a bioelectrical system of switches
What the fuck?
It's kinda funny that the plague is still actually a thing.
It's just not really a thing because we bathe now.
Yes but Ebola did a good job last year, and if I'm not mistaken ISIS is doing quite well.
>70% constant warfare
28% dominated by foreigners, 2% modern day china?
>if too many lives are being saved, overpopulation
kek. overpopulation is only a problem because western society (especially europe) are massive cucks who want to save every poor nigger baby, because muh feelings and muh social rules.
only people with a decent income would be able to get life prolonging augmentation anyway. which would be great because those are exactly the type of people who don't get children. that way they can work harder and longer and will be less of a geriatric burden.
>because we bathe now
Cleanliness in general and anti-biotics
>doing anything right
All they've done is push people towards Europe, where they breed like rats.
I'm still scared shitless by the fact that your body will no longer be your own. And if for some reason the corporation behind the augs will not have malicious intents (that's just impossible, but let's assume), they could be hacked by someone else.
I'm scared more only of brain augs or transplanting consciousness into artificial brain. You could be literally made to think something you didn't intend to, and you will not know it.
Only the rich would get the cool augs. The rest of you neets would have the shitty chinese augs (if you could even afford them) and would be the slaves of the new cyborg master race
5% fucked up by Britain and getting high on opium, 20% fucked up by Maoist push for industrialization, 5% modern China.
You fucking freaks
>Time to invest into EMP technology
When enough people get augs some well placed EMP generators would do a really good mop up job on augs.
Theological opression.
That's why. Or and discrimination.
Imagine how fucking buttmad it'd make racists
>Fucking honkies and their white privilege
>Now they can jump, run and swim faster then us too!
>Fucking niggers and their niggotry
>They can think faster, run faster & fight better then us now too.
etc, etc, etc.
>ISIS is doing quite well.
no, all they have done is scare billions of sandniggers away from their homes in the middle east. and with the help of social media they all realized they could use this situation to storm europe to get dat welfare and free housing.
First, you had those religionfags with "MUH SOUL" and their usual religious and moral arguments thrown around.
Then you had the people looking at it from a job perspective. With all the shit that augmentations could do, it meant that non-augmented people would have to compete with augmented people who just flat out had a significant advantage over them.
Then you had people who were concerned about their safety around these people. It's like standing around a person with a weapon, only their weapon is their whole arm that could tear through you like wet tissue paper. There was that one cop that Jensen ran into early in the game where it was outright stated that they were scared shitless on what a kid with augments can do if he actually did attack them.
Then you had the neuropozyne deal, expensive as fuck drug just to make sure you don't die from having those augs. Not only do you have to spend money for the fucking augments, you need to sink a shitload of money into the drug too.
Then you have concerns over augs being used by corporations and organizations to spy or even hack your augments. Especially since the Illuminati is a legitimate thing in Deus Ex. This shit also plays into the safety concern, what if some random asshole just went nuts all of the sudden because some other asshole hacked his augs?
I still sided the fuck with Sarif though.
They actually can.
Thanks for reminding me that Chowder/Flapjack were axed in favor of Adventure Meme
>your augs are made by a christian company
>your augmented hands and penis can only make contact for a few seconds before being repelled from each other
>your penis shuts down if it detects friction, but doesn't detect a vagina
it's really easy to shield electronics from EMP though...
Religious people against modifying the body god gave us and poor people who can't afford it.
Honestly Human Revolution does a poor job of providing reasons why someone with the means to wouldn't become augmented aside from the reasons above.
Like Jensen isn't either of those things, but his whole "thing" is that he has the augments without wanting them. Why? What possible downside is there to being superhuman?
This, this is the major concern in getting a augmentation. A corp. is definitely going to have some backdoor code that'll give them complete control of a person.
Raiden had a civilian Issue body, and one that was only intended for his job exclusively.
The demands and maintenance costs were prohibitive for someone to operate a Milspec chassis in a civilian environment and setting
>Have body that can crush bone, bend steel
>Jump 30ft
>Use it to do laundry
>Help children with arts & crafts