What is the cheapest pc build that can run games better than the PS4? I shoulda listened to Sup Forums about PS4 having no games. All they have is the souls games, Rocket league, and a bunch of weeb games I don't give a shit about.
What is the cheapest pc build that can run games better than the PS4...
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A good PC build is something you use every day for about $1000 and can last for years. Are people really that poor that this money is even an issue with PC gaming?
Sup Forums needs its own report button just for console war garbage
I'm not going to be able to spend over $250 on a new computer, just going to throw together the best I get right now. No video card
just save up m8, 250 is going to get you nowhere
I'm a broke college student. Max I'll spend is 500-600 tops.
Just get the PS4 neo. don't fall for the pc meme.
If you spend the 600 in the computer alone and just use your tv ad a monitor, youll be fine. Adk your local computer store (Microcenter is a big one) if they have any refurbished parts to squeeze some more value out.
I want to be able to mod the shit out of games. Especially for lewd mods in Skyrim
600 is plenty. Gimme a few minutes, let me see what I can put together...
Aaand there you go.
Keep in mind there won't be much room for overclocking, but in that price range, base performance is a lot more important.
Also 4GB ram might not seem like a lot, but as long as you don't have a million programs open at once while playing games, it should be plenty for the 380X. If not, you can always grab another 4GB stick for like $15.
I'm also assuming you have a keyboard/mouse/monitor lying around.
Do you live in the U.S? You'll need a couple hundred more than 600 if you live in west Europe
375 bucks. youtube.com
Do any of you have friends that use computers? A lot of times the best bet is to pick up secondhand components from them. The last time I spent significant money on a PC was in 2003, and that was because I was building my first "custom" PC so there was a bit of e-peen going on there, and I spent less than $1100 on it all said and done. Was my mainline PC until 2008, and that time I lucked into a newer computer for basically free (my friend worked IT at a big company, and they had a lot of borked desktops being written off, and he gave me one, I had to provide a hard drive and video card). My current rig is random put together from 2010, last year had to get a new PSU and video card to revive it, but I basically only spent $200 on it total, and it runs basically any game I want to play decently (I'm not sure how well ArmA 3 or FO4 would do, but FO4 isn't that great anyway).
Usually with PCs, they have good longevity for their prices, and with most games you can either mod, tweak, or adjust your video settings to allow games to run smoother and look better with much less than "recommended specs" components. The worst thing with PCs for gaming-primary usage is that half the time video games nowadays are practically malware in their own right with the bullshit background DRM they pull because of "muh piracy" garbage.
When the PS4K comes out, none. PS4 Neo will play games at 4K 60 fps, leaving the PCucks crying in the dust AGAIN.
>PC meme
Jesus console kids are retarded these days
Also, just an example of the performance you should expect:
>4k 60 Fps
Do you realize how many video cards can actually do this? It wont happen fampai
console pleb confirmed
sure idiot because mid/eastern europe has lower prices rofl mao
PC has Rocket League too though. Just saying.
It will though, Sony always delivers.
Cool. I'll just have to save up and maybe play around with pc part picker.
Why didn't they deliver when they said PS4 would run games at 60 fps?
Never did any claims about eastern Europe
They didn't say that.
>keep PS4
>buy 250 bucks PC
now you can play most of worthwhile games
Always listen to the PC bros, user. Sonyggers are just trying to get you caught up on that stupid "monthly fee to play online on shit hardware" scam because they're protecting their retarded investment. PC bros always try to free you from said bullshit fees. That's how you can tell who your real bros are and who's some asshole setting you up to get fucked with extra fees they don't even mention when they try to get you to buy shit.
PS4K has upscaled 4k, not true 4k, and i heard it will run 1080p 60fps minimum, bitch please my minimum is 1080p 150fps... Consoles are ok, if you're a peasant. but if u want power rather than shit buy a pc, and yeah we have thousands and thousands of games on the pc, so grab your shit and leave ps4
Sup Forums needs actual mods
Straight from the horse's mouth. Kaz Hirai himself said the PS4 would run most games at 60 fps.
If you can't spend more than 500-800 bucks, you probably are better off getting a console though.
But that console is able to do it, user. It is up to devs whether they prefer fancier graphics or framerate.
I got friends who sub psn+ every year.
You can share subs up to 4 systems
It's a good time you saw the light, OP. Biggest game coming out is going to be Battlefield1. You don't want to be playing that with gamepad. Leave that "playing fps with a gamepad" bullshit to the fucking losers who don't know any better.
so if you have 4 "friends" who eat shit, you'd eat it too?
that's still a retarded loophole sony makes you jump through.
listen, i like consoles, and i have a ps4 instead of a gaming pc, but it's still fucked that sony charges for online just because the 360 made it acceptable to normies. there's no fucking excuse for it other than to make money.
They don't eat shit lol
I'm sure you got no friends
>disposable income
I agree that psn+ kinda sucks but we just share our subs.. to each his own.
there is always a way.
It's a simple question, user. I'll ask it again:
If you have 4 friends who eat shit, would you eat it too? Yes or no?
It's a very simple question. I don't see why you're having a hard time answering it. Fuck the importance you put on having friends, or how dumb you may be in real life that you constantly confuse "acquaintances" with "friends". I don't care about your lack of self confidence in real life, I'm asking you a very simple rhetorical question.
but youre stating that itll have both fancy graphics and framerates
with such a small incremental upgrade
true, and i know it's only a few dollars a month if you pay for a year yourself, but that's not what I'm complaining about. it's the principle of the matter, not the actual effect here. charging for a service just because a competitor did it and got away with it is a scummy business move and would still be even if it was only a penny a month.
Don't worry - the other user is too stupid to understand the sort of raw hardware that is required to drive 4k at 60fps.
you got some issues m8
are you one of those reddit numales?
You're saying that if you went to visit them,and you found them all sitting on the floor in a circle around a bowl of shit, and they asked you to join them, you'd actually eat from the bowl of shit too just because they were doing it.
The one with issues, very serious ones at that, is you. I'll hate to be you the day they all get girlfriends and leave you behind wondering wtf happened to all your so called "friends". You sound like you're very young and naive.
lol chill down kid
Is everyone sharing a Netflix sub also eating from the bowl of shit too?
add about 50 bux for hdd 10 bux for mkb, get win 10 for free this is about the same or even better performance than a ps4. though desu you shouldnt go super cheap for your 1st build it's just a proof of concept
750ti = no need for external power?
sorry AMD user here. I'm looking for an AMD equivalent.
yeah the evga acx sc one looks to be the fastest and least offensive looking among the 750ti's the other ones like the asus have a 6 pin power connector afaik
even worse, they're taking turns eating from the bowl of shit. they can't even eat shit peacefully whenever they want
Holy shit, seriously? This pic isn't trolling?
So all I need is a case to put it all in?
Re-read the picture. It has a case included, user.
it already has a case just needs hdd of your choice and a 10$ mkb up to you if u want to add stuff or have a different case in mind really just went for the cheapest here didnt even really check for sales or such
You think you're being funny by following your acquaintances into eating shit, like a fucking loser, but you're actually doing them a disservice.
I myself, like to follow my own path, then tell my friends about the resulting experience, then we can compare results and take the best path together or continue our separate ways. You? you're just a fucking fool who goes along with whatever shit-eating everyone else is doing because you're a follower, you're not a leader of people.
I upgrade my pc thinking I would get max setting 60fps with and I5 and a GTX760 I average 40 fps in almost every game with max setting. All my games pretty much look like a ps4 game but they run at 60fps instead. I don't think it was worth seeing as the only game I have played with max settings at 60+ fps have been mmorpgs and hearthstone.
yep same price as mine back in 2013 during the 270X era
just research bro
Logical increments fair tier is enough.
>but this is just falseflagging thread
I think all the build guides are slightly trolling by leaving off the cost of the OS at around +$100. Your average user will not have a random copy of Win7/Win10 just sitting around unused.
I get why it's always left off but it always feels like a slight bait and switch.
you can upgrade the PSU to 500w if you plan to upgrade in the future.
also case cooling fans... I guess some are included in the case. cheap china fans will do.
Are cooling master fans worth the price?
what games are you playing that you can't hit 60fps? though it's understandable since it's just a 760 but I'm pretty sure it looks far better than a ps4 aside from some very situational games ,you can also just tune down AA and shadows to get more fps
>hardware that can render 4k at 60FPS
>not $800 minimum
kinda pricey imo. I have 2 in my rig as exhaust and front intake (1 came with the case and 1 is free from a promo). still spins, works well :)
china fans are like half the price
I find that the best bang for ur buck fans are corsair AF120/140 dual packs if u want the best noctua nf-12's or industrial ppc's if u hate the color are the way to go, but really though nowadays almost any fan sold by the mainstream manufacturers are decent enough
This is good enough for me senpai
Sheeeeeit I'm about to get this.
I know building your own is cheaper but I don't know shit about choosing parts. I'm afraid of incompatibility and I don't even know how to choose a graphics card.
The last time I was shopping for a pc was 10+ years ago
my cooler master case is K350
kinda old... check that out m8
don't get seagate hdd's they're cheap for a reason wd's,hgst's and toshibas will serve you better aside from that it's a pretty solid low budget machine and u can just get a slightly better card eventually though I suspect the cpu is gonna be a bottle neck if u go with anything higher than midrange
Iwas using foxconn fans, they seem cheap and useful.
Threw air with a lot of force.
A single one kept the computer around 5-10 degrees cooler than without a fan.
Although here I don't have much trouble with heat since I don't overclock and the temperature doesn't rise more than 33°c/91°f
yeah just get the cheapest fans u can if you're on a budget no need for the more expensive branded shit if youre not doing anything excessive on your pc. also good cable management does wonders for your temps
>$100 for OS
>Windows 10 is 100% free
You're trolling.
my PS4 is a Destiny and Netflix machine.
The wait for the 1080 is unbearable. Witcher 3 in all its glory, BLOPS3 with 100+ fps, Overwatch and DOOM...fucking hell, why did my oldPC die now and not like two weeks from now...
Destinys April update is not enough...
I am in beaner country, so I don't know shit about cable management
How do I ask for it when I go buy stuff in the main city? those fags are usually fucking retards that don't know shit about technical terms, they just want to sell you trash.
win 10 is free for 1 year atm, if u really wan't a legit OS they're about 20-40 dollars over at reddit
>inb4 reddit
savings are savings
Top kek.
Even if you OC this GPU it won't even get xbox one level performance. Digital foundry just debunked this pc myth today with forza.
Or if you work at the office like me...
lol nigga steal some of those Delta fans on some broken pcs. HP and Toshiba cpus surely have 'em
>20-40 at reddit
Where to look out for this
cable management is just keeping your wires tidy, helps a lot with airflow. get some cable ties at ur hardware store they're really cheap and make ur pc innards look really sexy if done right
If you are concerned about the initial cost that much then buy afuckin ps4, whats stopping you?
PC is for enthusiasts, not for people who prioritize initial financial issues.
Regardless, whatever you spend more on pc you end up saving it on games one year later by buying cheaper games.
>switching from some games machine to nogames infected overpriced buggy software machine
yes, yes it does. not really hard to overpower the current gen consoles
Alright, I'll be sure to find some and check it out.
I enjoy working on the pc and taking care of it as much as possible since I am here whole day.
they also sell other things
>inb4 reddit
again savings are savings
>buying games
Rate my cable management.
JUST/10 senpai
actually not that bad, just need to clean that dust though
Clean that shit you filthy pig
Is this okay?
be careful from buying in that subreddit, people that sell keys usualy deactivate them after a couple of months
best to use keysites like G2A or kinguin where you can try to get a refund
better, also I'd suggest not using even a microfiber cloth to wipe down components due to the risk of an ESD, I suggest either getting canned air or a datavac
Haha next you'll be telling me not to hold components by the circuitry.
ESD is a meme
They say you can cause ESd with a vacuum, but i have done it for a while and nothing has happened.
It is just a meme invented so you waste your money on compressed air.