Why is VR dying Sup Forums?
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People just realized it's exactly like the wii
Expensive as shit.
Everyone I know wants to try it but no one wants to spend the schekles.
It's not consumer friendly and very few developers are touching it
because Sup Forums said so.
>games are literally Wii games
>requires $2000 PC to run Wii games
>you need an entire room to play it
>you are tethered and constantly getting tangled with the wire
Maybe the Vive 3 will be viable.
gamers are poor
also no games
its expensive and the graphic tech suprisingly doesnt reach 160fps yet....BECAUSE FUCKIN CONSOLE HOLDING IT BACK!
A bit early to be saying that. But to really get off the ground we're gonna need a Mario 64 or a Halo: CE.
PSVR isn't out yet, thats why. It will dominate and I'm waiting for it. My pc can't handle VR and I already own a ps4. thats the case with a shit load of people.
It's not wireless
Once it's wireless it will be a masterpiece
it's expensive and there are no games worth getting it for, it's all gimmicky shit like that bubberducky game on ps3 where you tilted your controller like a dipshit because they expected people to care about sixaxis
>Adding batteries to already heavy bullshit.
>Palmer please
>"VR is so realistic, to move you teleport just like in real life."
VR is shit.
People drew the line at walking simulators. Standing simulators are just too much.
It's a stupid gimmick.
Because people want VR that is so advanced it's just a pair of glasses that has an unlimited battery.
Also most of Sup Forums are either console plebs or poor neets with their 2007 build.
>No consumer adoption
>No game adoption
It's a depressing 22.
lift more, manlet
Wireless technology isn't able to push the resolution at 90fps+ without noticable latency
There is no good software for VR yet. The price is also above that of the average consumer at this point.
I wonder how many of you sperglords have actually tried it.
There are so many misconceptions in this thread, it's baffling
cost, development
these two are directly related by the way
Million units shipped for GearVR.
Unknown for Oculus CV.
Estimate 35,000 for Vive.
Gear units are to be expected since s7 preorders got them for free. Vive numbers are probably going to be higher over time as they temporarily shut off orders recently so they're probably backlogged. Not so much in the millions but they definitely have more then enough orders then they can handle right now.
Buisness wise NASA, DARPA, Ford, all top 3 collages in the world are using them as well as various arcitectual firms so that covers infrastructure, military, space, education and transportation. All key elements to modern humanity.
Game wise Hover Junkers (a temporary vive exclusive until other headsets get their hand controls) broke somewhere between a quarter of a million and half a million which isn't that bad for a small indie team working with dead on arival technology.
All and all it isn't the revolution anticipated but given time it's plausible.
best VR setup for roomscale is probably just strapping a high power laptop to your back
Although that's pushing the already enormous price tag even higher
I'm sure the majority of early adopters will be willing to do this though