Can we all agree TF2 had better writing? There were a couple of voice clips in TF2 that made me laugh, a lot of the characters had personality, the black humor was mostly well executed, while in Overwatch almost all characters are terribly written and even obnoxious, especially Tracer.
Can we all agree TF2 had better writing? There were a couple of voice clips in TF2 that made me laugh...
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Can we agree that both games suck dick?
Go play CS, fagit.
CS is absurdly simple. The economy is flowchart, if you're playing at a high level you use only a small percentage of available weapons, the gameplay is stodgy because you run into five or so choke points on two routes so you learn what to do at each one,and at some point it's just a twitch shooter where you try to jump past a corner and get a head shot before somebody head shots you. The games are usually two minutes long and they almost never have remarkable conclusions.
>CS is hardcore, you wiggle around the mouse to compensate for bullet patterns!
This is brain dead muscle memory shit that requires no map familiarity at all.
CS is the most dumbed down shooter out there. It's so popular because it's so easily grasped by morons.
>blahblah blah I call for the overwatch its time of need blah blah help the people, blah blah gorilla warfare
>the game is about them killing each other
erh, Overwatchtards?
>CS is the most dumbed down shooter out there
the ironing
> Overwatch
> Writing
> Overwatch
> TF2
> Good
At least TF2 is free.
>This sucks on ice
>Cavalry's here
Call it fanboyism but after this long years I still enjoy hearing the scout trying so hard to get attention from their teammates.
>another shill thread
Some of your points are valid, but to say CS is absurdly simple compared to FUCKING OVERWATCH is ludicrous.
Please, get help.
Competitive TF2 is much, much more complicated unless you're playing medic. In competitive TF2 you need to be excellent at rocket and sticky jumping wherever possible on the map, somebody has to calculate the other team's ubercharge (this is usually the medic), the scouts need to watch the flanks, pursue wounded enemies, and harass when necessary, you need to be able to hit people with excellent reflexes with projectile weapons, and the entire team needs to work together cohesively. There are also a lot of situations where teams make risky swaps to other classes which can further complicate everything.
CS is childish in comparison.
It's hard to say how complex Overwatch will become at a competitive level. A lot of classes don't require very much skill on pubs now, sure.
TF2 story mode was leagues better than Overwatch's
>mfw that tweest half way through Medic's story
Engineer had best meet the class video
Reddit is that way friendo.
Sequel when.
t. Overshill
I see TF2's furfriend community is right on time
TF2 is also a bloated shitpile with more patch layers than Windows XP
Hello redd¡t
Even the waifutards can't defend it
OW is trying to reach as big of a base as possible, they can't afford to be politically incorrect.
No, just no
He didn't stay still and wait between shots for the deagle to become accurate. If you are gonna post a troll give at least use a good one.
>stay still and wait between shots for the deagle to become accurate.
yeah no thanks,I'm autistic but not THAT autistic
Can we all agree that Overwatch is better than everything else? I'm op and I have changed my opinion
I don't agree with you Op. Why do you feel that way?
>he didnt stay still
nigger he literally even waited between on of the shots and shuffled, atleast try to troll better
Please buy battleborn
No haha
haha lol
All 3 games do, FPS are overdone and none of them do it right
Yeah I agree, also better design. TF2 probably could've made better waifus as well if they had included female characters.
Overwatch is still enjoyable in its own way, and I'm interested in seeing whether they'll release more shorts.
Oh neat, didn't know another one had come out
Overwatch characters are pretty cringe inducing. "NERF THIS xD xD" and all that. Sucks that their models look good but the written lines are just garbage.
Thankfully the gameplay is good. It's a good fix for people who liked old TF2. Too bad the maps suck.
TF2 release maps also sucked dick to be fair
are you seriously pretending that "SANDWICH OM NOM NOM XD" is any better?
>Sup Forums loves anime
>a genre that doesn't know the meaning of subtlety
>comic relief is some high pitched character that's trying to be wacky as hell while everyone else is overtly serious
>Overwatch is hated by Sup Forums for it's not-so-subtle comedy and wackiness
all that japanese folklore and they choose dragons, they were lazy as fuck.
>overwatch global agency of super heroes
>korean girl with godlike starcraft skills decides to get a mech and save the world
>she shouts out starcraft lines/memes just like someone from the internet would do in a combat scenario.
i actually think its funny because it's so fucking self aware winkyface
the valve ones are good the community ones are usually hot garbage.
No. TF2 has its share of bad lines as does just about anything with voice acting. But across the board it's leagues above Overwatch. TF2 has some genuinely funny back and forths. It's sad when Overwatch's best voiced lines is from the fucking robot. Everything else is just so generic. TF2 played up cliches and ran with it. Overwatch just fell flat on its face.
ok but overwatch has fappable girls
I like how looks disgusted like "stop fapping to me you fat otaku"
It was before it became a meme faggot.
Good voice lines from TF2:
"Aren't so smart with your brains against the wall, are you?"
"I am a robot. I have come to Earth to steal American jobs"
"Go back to Calgary you cow-herding Canadian!"
"Scotland is not a real country. You are an Englishman in a dress."
Generally, the characters have a lot of personality and they have great voice work, Scout especially.
>he want to play a FPS game where your aim doesn't matter
No thx
>Classic crosshair
>Not dynamic crosshair that TELLS YOU WHEN THE SPREAD IS AT MINIMUM
>Guessing when it's accurate like a retard instead of using tools given to you
>Shilling for a retard
those lines are pretty problematic
I'm glad TF2 is finally being deprecated
The banter in this game is pretty damn weak yeah. There are too few lines and what little is there is way too tame. The voice acting is good for the most part, although it's still a mystery to me why so many studios opt to go with native English speakers faking accents instead of having natives.
I agree.
Also TF2 has the best video game lore ever.
Junkrat is life.
The animation in these is mind blowing for promotional trailers.
Too bad they all are dumb as fuck. Why Blizzard's writers are so bad?
dude its blizzard.
they don't feel as epic as usual, but they seem to try to tell more of a story than their other trailers.
overwatch is no holy grail of writing
mei is one of the worst written characters ive ever seen
but i wouldnt brag tf2 to be better or even remotely good
tf2s characters have 0 personality
ill list their personalities starting with the worst to the least shit
pyro : literally no personality
demoman: oaiuwida im drunk lol beerrr lol beer
medic: hey guys im a doctor did u know that i can heal u also check it out im german
soldier: cartoon drill instructor most predictable of all
spy: nunauna im sneaky and im le french man spy dude *french sound effects* *something about knifes*
sniper:"something australian" haha get you because you stood still thx btw
scout: i am le fast man btw fatty my only redeeming factor is a good voice actor, on all other levels i am shit
engineer: i am le redneck shotgun man who build
if youre gonna have so few characters, make them good
>le redneck
uhh excuse me
No, Team Fortress is pretty fucking lame. You're deluding yourself if you think it's any better than Overwatch, both are overrated tripe.
CS is garbage
>competitive tf2
you mean that thing that only a autist would play?
That's wrong. As per Blizzard's casting choices, every voice actor for the english version of Overwatch is also a fluent/native speaker of the language used by the character they play.
The one character who they had recast because she didn't actually speak German was Mercy. Her new VA is native German, sounds way better, authentic.
Obviously TF2 characters are mostly stereotypes. They still have a lot of personality and the writers come up with clever things for them to say and natural interactions between them.
It's honestly better that the characters don't have complicated motivations or backstories, it's a bunch of mercenaries shooting at each other.
>Her new VA is native German, sounds way better, authentic.
except that she is supposed to be from switzerland, and the lack of accent really triggers me as a german playing the english version.
also wish rainhardt would talk german.
that's in english, in the spanish dub for example, both genji and hanzo speak in spanish when they use their ults
Really? Guess I was wrong then. I figured they had native English speakers doing accents for most of the cast. I knew Genji's VA was Japanese but nothing beyond that.
That's unfair though. And they've expanded on the characters' backstories greatly since the game originally launched.
That's the way I like it.
Keep your schwitzer dütsch out of muh vidya.
Zarya's VA definitely isn't Russian. Her Russian is terrible.
Terrible post
Nice job adding 'le' and disgusting simplifications around every corner, you braindead monkey
i agree that it's not a nice sounding accent, but to keep it authentic they should have gone all the way.
Genji's VA sounds like an american person who wasn't raised with Japanese speaking it for the first time.
Mostly on point other than medic.
>a german playing the english version.
Why don't you fuck off back to your own language then.
In humor, tf2 is no doubt better
>while in Overwatch almost all characters are terribly written and even obnoxious
what do you mean? i thought it was a very unexpected backstore, same for widowmaker and mei, and winston(i didnt read all of them), they are all sad and i was expecting something bazinga like ''wee wuz kangz we saved da world and sheit''
tf2 have good comics too, and the MT movies(with some exceptions of the first ones like heavy and demoman that were meh)
Googling around, her voice actor is Dolya Gavanski who seems to be Bulgarian.
Because the german dub is probably shit?
this remembers me that from hired a chinese man to make the voice of shiva of the east, his accent is different but i would never guess that he is not native english speaker, maybe because i'm not one too
It's funny because that shit actually does need to be nerfed.
Hearthstone - Murlocs are gay
They be like... Fawk you
i play/watch everything in english.
the localizations of Overwatch fuck things up.
mercy has a french accent in german overwatch.
character names are different in french and spanish version, like roadhog=Chopper and mercy=Ange.
also the voice lines you can unlock aren't translated 1:1 so you don't actually get the same meaning other people hear.
I don't know why you'd be playing an FPS if you're both deaf and blind.
not agreeing or disagreeing with you but;
TF2 as a game is a caricature. so of course the characters are going to be over the top and be stereotypical.
i disagree with you by the way, faggot
This thread is proof that a game that become free will fill up with a huge amount of BRs / Sweaty Spics / 3rd worlders
Thank god Overwatch is priced too high for these bottomfeeders
Your choices of weapons are pistol, rifle, and sniper in competitive.
Doesn't get more dumbed down than that
The pyro one is inaccurate as fuck, pyro isn't a sadist.
You sound like one of those retards who cried that the voice acting in Metro wasn't realistic even though all the voice actors were actually Russian.
>doesn't know anything about game
>still talks shit about it
Typical Sup Forums
Meet the pyro hadn't been made yet.
Look at the dates. That was written years before Meet the Pyro
It did have better writing, but I'm just tired of TF2.
I've poured hundreds of hours into the game and I feel it's time to let go.
I'm going to move on.
Actually I'm a native Russian speaker, that's why Zarya's lines sound bad. And I actually liked what they did in Metro even though I played in Russian :^)
>free to play
Son, that argument is weak as shit, over used, and incorrect as fuck. On release when it came out with the Orange box pack, it was 50 bucks. After 9 damn years it's gone f2p after price cut after price cut.
So your God tier game costed more than OW on release with shit tons less content since '07.
>After 9 damn years it's gone f2p
it went free after 4 years
>you will never experience tf2 2007-2009 EVER again
Just play tc_hydro.
only game i ever joined a clan in, joined the same server every day, full of cool people and clan mates.
only game i played in ESL.
was a great time.
>God tier game costed more than OW on release
TF2 was a part of the Orange Box. It was $20 standalone
yes, it sucks to have to pay for the game but if it were free the community would be cancer, there would be children with pony names spamming om mic, hackers and yaoi and all this other shit that happened with tf2