45 dislikes already

>45 dislikes already

Here we go

fuck the CULTURAL MARXIST mods trying to erase Sup Forums culture

>scholar robe

Do you even know what you mean when you say that?

Why fucking delete it?
The threads are turning into DS3 discussions anyway at some point.
If anything it's an example of retarded mistakes people make in the game.

The black hand rekt him so hard.

This. These threads aren't that centered on the e celebs. I mean for an e celeb thread.

She's cute though

I haven't watch it since ep 2. Dose he rage or something?

>it's a mods being dicks episode

>It's an ENB forgets how elevators work episode

Someone fill me in on this meme

What's this thread about?

"It's just like the fuckin' elevator in Siegward's tower?"

>Proceeds to not use the elevator like in Siegward's tower at all and gets lost for five minutes

Just like siegwards tower ehhhhh

>Scholars robe
>Hmm I'll read the sorceror's robe
>That poor showing against the Princes

He almost looked at the primordial serpent statue but then he just didn't. Lowered the camera right before seeing its face.


>Uses 2 tears of denial and 11 flasks on Lorian
>"I knew there had to be a phase 2, this was too easy"

To be honest I've completely missed that elevator on my first run because I went straight to the boss so at least he found it. It's also like the only elevator in the game with something hidden underneath it.

Whatsup y'all marcus here also known as I've had dinner with miyizaki-san and this is a blind lets play of Dark Souls 3 so you can see what it's like for me to play through one of these games blind.

*Closes comment sections*
*Has weekly mental breakdowns on twitter*

I-I w-was l-learning the fight

I wonder how many autists actually privately message him and complain about all the stuff we do. I'd probably go insane in his place.

>*Closes comment sections*
>*Has weekly mental breakdowns on twitter*

Are you shittin' me right now? Fucking kek

>Goes back to the Dragon Bridge bonfire instead of the Dragon Slayer Armor one.
>Gets recked by first phase. "ow Iknew it had to have a secound phase, it was to easy"
>Misses another side area.
>finally figures about dipping the head on wax when he doesn't need it anymore.

The Black Hand is the weeb, the girl is the mage. You got them mixed up.

Why would he have a breakdown when there are so many people on Twitter willing to suck his dick and say he can do no wrong?

What is he having breakdowns about?

Aren't they all part of the black hands, as in a mercenary/hunters group?

>the ending


There are three Black Hands. The Weeb, Gotthard, and the other is unknown. The girl is a disciple of the Crystal Sages, as told in the Crystal staff description

And each one of those there are like 100 telling him he missed all that stuff.
At this point he should just turn on the comments back to keep them contained there instead of private messaging him.

You tend to not care about getting hit if you expect the boss fight to end

>that fucking ending

and so it is

that ENB seeketh titanite

At least he's sort of hinted on twitter that he found the Peak and Graves if nothing else.

>Sup Forums apparently dislikes this guy to hell
>watches every single one of his videos and enjoys them
Is this a love/hate relationship kind of thing?

>Picks up SCHOLAR robes.
>Reads item decription for SORCERERS robes.
I think I just had an aneurysm, but then later on he proceeds down to the dragon bonfire when theirs one in the fucking dragonslayer armour boss fight area so i think i just had a stroke instead.

Everything that describes the Black Hands makes it seem like they were a much larger organization than three people.

It's DSP all over again.

He makes good videos, he's just showing how terrible he is at a game that he hasn't extensively played beforehand.

>sees a group of enemies
>equips target shield

oh for fuck sake

>looks down on the prince
>talks shit
>breaks 2 tears of denial and sips 11 estus

dsp is our guy

He's doing average at worst for someone playing offline

DSP is our boy.

Think of it like dumbing of age threads on Sup Forums

People tend to criticizes things they enjoy because they hold it to a high standards. Although he is acting pretty fucking retarded it's almost hard to believe this is his fifth souls game.

I don't hate him.
It's just that his other videos are pretty high quality so it's really frustrating to see him being a retard when you know he is capable for more.

>Hasn't unlocked any shortcuts between Dragon Baracks and Twin Princes


>missed the entire roof of the archives sections
No Gertrude for you I guess.
It feels like his loosing his patience with the playthrough and just needs more lore lore lore and immediate answers to everything rather than enjoying the exploration.

Well it specefically says there were only three to bear the description, and all of them used dual wielding weapons

>Black Hand was the title established to honor hunters who served successive generations of kings. To date, no more than three such individuals have borne this distinction."

Oh hey I just got to the archives. Can I go to archdragon peak already or does it come later? If yes, how do I get there?

>why is he not playing like he developed the game while going through blind
Like you fuckers didnt do dumb shit and miss content the first time either

While looking for the next dsp you forgot what you were looking for

"C-chill y'all, it's alright if I completely skip optional areas and just rush through the required path"

Man this game is really short and this firekeeper is so boring.

"I knew there had to be a phase 2 it's just too easy"
He played like a fucking retard, chugged estus and broke his "Second chance" two times
Fucking retard

>runs back to the bonfire in front of the dragons instead of just using dragonslayer armor bonfire

Hmm this was reasonably viable in Demon's Souls in 2009, surely it will be in Dark Souls 3

>Spends literally 45 minutes running around not understand how that elevator works even though this gimmick has been used 50 times in From Soft games

Okay so ENB is LITERALLY retarded, isn't he?

Use the sitting down emote next to the dragon guy.

Sup Forums culture was a mistake, it was just an excuse to post about shit that is not videogames

>I am so interested in the game
>that is why I am rushing through this area because I feel like the next area is going to be interesting
>zooms with a camera at every shitty brick lying somewhere doing nothing
>doesn't inspect the wax baths to find out that he can dump his head into them

He is beyond retarded.
This is getting dsp tier.

>goes down elevator
>where the fuck am I?

How, how can anyone have such a bad mapping memory? I mean does he take week long breaks between each episode?

Reminder that this is the same person who boasted in the last video that he always takes sidepaths first and that he's all about exploration, yet he misses more shit than anyone who isn't fucking braindead

Sup Forums got a very mixed feelings about ENB
I detest him, personally. But this guy
likes him.

It was apparently "reasonably viable" in 2015, since he never once complained about the Doll who was much the same.

That's a "souls expert" for you

That's not the point. He knows to make the elevator come down he's supposed to step on the button and then roll off it. That's how it worked in Siegward's tower which he even points out. He just doesn't do it for whatever reason.

This is reminded me of DSP fighting Artorias. Why does Sup Forums like this guy again?

>will miss Gertrude shit
>will never go back to demon ruins and consumed king's garden
>will never get the shit he missed in Irythil dungeon and the profaned capital
>can't figure out how a fucking elevator works


Yes he did

I was on about "Second Chance" more than anything

Clear the consumed king's garden.

Get gesture from the room beyond the boss.

Head to the Irithyll Dungeon, find the location where you found the dragon torso stone (the outdoor area, several seated/dead bodies including a broken dragonman form)

Use the gesture there.

Think he is just pretending retarded to make the playthrough somewhat entertaining or he is actually retarded?
>missed oceiros completely

It's because ENB is clinically retarded

I've never seen someone with this much lack of orientation, or who is that unobservant while at the same time boasting about how much he values exploration.

DSP is our boy.

he didn't miss oceiros though. He blatantly ignored it which is much worse.

The Hunters are a large organization, but there are specifically only three Black Hands.

He might still go back there after Lothric. Although he finished the playthrough before the episode aired and people had the chance to complain on his twitter or something.

>scholers from vinheim eh


>and this firekeeper is so boring

To be fair, even the eyes development wouldn't be a whole lot to change his mind. That's one (two technically,) cases of development for her, whereas some of the characters he references in comparison to her have development throughout their entire games.

He's missed a lot of stuff to be sure, but From REALLY dropped the ball with some of the NPC's this time around. Hardly any of them update their dialogue, and the ones that do don't update that often.

He did, he just didn't realize that Dragonslayer Armor's bonfire is much closer to the shortcut.

What? If you are talking about shortcut between dragonslayer armour bonfire and twin princes he unlocked it.

I think he beat it and graves already but the video is not up yet

that triggered me so hard

How does he keep missing the serpent statues?

Also what the fuck gave him 2 chunks and 2 embers in the elevator?

These threads should be bannable.

The second dragon dying when you get too far.

Happened on my first playthrough as well fampai.


How the fuck is anyone supposed to find that out?

It's pretty amazing actually, his ability to duck and wave the camera in places so that he always misses the heads of the statues.

>been like four episodes since seeing the garden boss fog
>still hasn't gone back


Most of his videos are pretty high quality, it's just that most people aren't used to seeing how he approaches Souls games for his first playthrough. So it's such a stark contrast to what you'd normally see (him wiping the floor with everything, and knowing every lore detail,) since this time around he's doing somewhat average, with the occasional highlight of terribadness.

He's been around the Souls games for a while now (almost longer than anyone in the US in fact, since he got Demon Souls before it came here,) so it's not an unreasonable expectation for him to do slightly better. Though, he's honestly not doing that bad. He just prefers to take in the sights, and occasionally makes a few calls that are really bad. Everyone does that from time to time though.

You are a good derailer, I support your future endeavors.

You use your brain, remembering a very unique location in the dungeon that involves dragons sitting down next to an area, with items right there hinting at what the area is, and you come back once you get a gesture that has dragons in its name which has you sitting down like the people in the location.


have you considered that maybe he isn't accidentally missing things but is deliberately skipping them to get the game over with because it's a bland, tedious game that isn't fun

Bigdad needs to stop doing furry and exclusively keep doing this.