Am I a bad person if I'll occasianally get bored of a certain playstyle and decide to start anew with another civ?

Am I a bad person if I'll occasianally get bored of a certain playstyle and decide to start anew with another civ?

The problem with every Civ game is that 90% of the game u will go/try for domination because its the most fun playstyle. Even if u start for science or culture u will get bored and go for domination.

I dunno, I usually stick with my chosen victory condition. After I've won, I celebrate by killing absolutely everyone.

Its okay, everyone gets bored with Civilization, but we pretend like we don't to look cool. Just fire up Endless Legend or Galaciv2

I usually just establish myself as king dick and buddy up with CSs until I can World Leader. Before I Next Turn I usually drop a nuke on the biggest pain in my ass before I let the delegation pass.


We dont take kindly to your kind around here.


I always start up civ and around turn 250 I get bored and either restart or exit.

The worst part about civ is it feels like I'm playing an rts but I'm not. Combat is the only fun part for me and it's not fun at all.

I disabled Science and Time in most games
It gets tedious and annoying, that when warfare becomes fun, all you should focus on is building that stupid spaceship

I'm such a pleb that I get bored really fast in galciv2...
I can't git gud and get loads of planets and then can't manta in them or a fleet at the same time

Look at the number organization it's clear the original was from here, but leddit stole it and added the use of

I usually go for Diplomacy
With Time and Science disabled, I prefer to be rather friendly to most up until one point
Then I show no remorse for that one AI that's my neighbour and dicked me over all the time
From that moment half of the world sees me as Hitler and alienates me
Then it's just peaceful existance on my own until nukes, from there I rain death upon all of them


I feel like playing this

Being absolute King Dick creates the best games
It's a shame that AI sucks at naval but man I have had some good games there
>Be the Brits because I love SotL's
>Settler 7, because I am shit
>Be the biggest cunt to my neighbours
>Invade whenever I feel like it
>Longbowmen, because fuck yeah, medieval artillery
>The world hates me
>I dont give a shit
>Beeline Navigation
>Get a few SotL's
>Got six of eleven to declare war on me
>Crush all their fleets, conquer 3 capitals
>The rest joins the fray
>Spend the next 100 turns just shuffling my fleet to defend my conquests, raid their cargo ships and conquer more
>Finally all give up and I have created a mighty naval empire
Shit's always fun

So, what's the biggest city you have created ever?

Any mods for better AI?

I would like to do trading

>Endless Legend
Downloaded it after i got an itch for sci-fi/fantasy strategy. Set world generation to random and picked Forgotten. Shit's so slow it's ridiculous

I've never gone for a domination victory

Community Balance Patch, just be warned it changes the game in a big way, its like a fanmade Xpac.

I like to establish a coalition of two or three other civs to be my closest allies, and everyone else can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. I won't declare war on anyone unless they attack one of my allies first, and I'll be open to negotiations once they stop attacking said ally.

If someone attacks me, though, all bets are off. I will turn my border into a meat grinder until they've thrown their whole army against it, and then I will march across the land sacking every one of their cities and I will not stop until their only city is a pathetic little burg completely surrounded by my land so that none of their units can leave, and then they will remain there as a reminder of what happens to those who try to fuck with me.

I did once but I just "Declared a state of World Peace" after fucking up Ashurbanipal bad enough and liberating all of his occupied cities.
That or I just do like and nuke my most annoying rival before I get World Leader

Diplomacy... sounds about right. It's literally p2w, literally.
Paints a nice picture of what diplomacy really is.

It can be frustrating sometimes
Last game, whenever I paid around 3000 gold to ally myself with another CS, I would lose it the next turn to Washington or Attila who both could never fail at a fucking coup, for some reason
I had to invade both to end that shit

I like you

91 with Aztecs. Floating gardens are fucking awesome and had the religion bonuses as well. Also had maximum amount of city states in a huge map and allied with all the maritime.

I was doing this in my current game, but once I started swiping all the good Science Wonders my intentions were made too clear and now everyone's guarded or afraid of me except the City States I protect.
It does kinda make sense though considering who I'm playing as Gendo
>tfw you're one Embargo Proposal away from dropping an N2 mine on Dido's bitch ass

Damn, I was pretty happy with that 83
Probably get the same results, but after 700+ turns, things get a little bit boring

Once the woah factor of gameplay mechanics, quests, lore and unique factions wears off Endless Legend has the exact same core problems as CiV, or any other 4X for that matter. Every single match goes like this
>initial expansion
>destroy your immediate neighbor
>now you're the strongest faction in the game
>boom for your chosen victory condition while being untouchable because the separate AI factions are too scared to attack you on their own but too stupid to form alliances in order to take the strongest runaway player down a notch

Is there seriously no 4X game where the AI properly plays to win?

But user, that's literally the most boring playstyle.

The best is cultural domination. Crush those who won't wear your blue jeans and win by whichever happens first. Go all out on religion too.