Teacher! user has a Gameboy in his satchel.
Teacher! user has a Gameboy in his satchel
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quiet niglet
what a nigger thing to do, jaquan
Go fuck yourself Deetroyt, i'll tell your father when he goes see my mom tonight.
>Teacher! we have a deadman walking
-me before being sent to the principal after being ratted out
t. Darealyst Clark
Yeah, I do, bitch, whatcha gonna do about it? Touch my backpack and I sue, it's called search and seizure, and you'll get your ass handed to you in court. Touch me, and I'll sue, I'll call it assault. I have all these claims I can file against you and you can't do jack shit.
I used to have one in school, literally everyone that took note referred to it as a manbag
fucking little nigger bitch cunt, i'll kill your whole fucking family you fucking dumb shit skinned little FUCK, see me after school and you're fucking DEAD yeah i gotta fucking gun in my back pack too little bitch you're fucking life is GONE.
Do I gather that in American schools kids couldn't take their Gameboys?
Don't forget to pull out your gun as well americuck
I guess so? Jesus christ.
Land of the free, amirite
this thread just reminded me of something
>sitting in class years ago
>sit behind some fag who liked to bully me
>notice aomething shining in his desk
>its a fucking fillet knife
>he turns and looks at me and says SHHHH
>teacher looks at him
>everyone is screaming
>teacher goes over to him and pulls a knife out of his desk
>Teacher goes ballistic
>kid doesnt get suspened, barely gets a slap on the wrist
>this was right after columbine too
what a fag
Technically not possible, as murica schools have you sign all sorts of shit before you enroll that waives your right to not have your body, bag, or locker searched, along with a bunch of other stuff.
Joke's on you faggot, quest items can't be removed from my inventory
These are only funny if it starts with AYO TEACHER BITCH
>mfw i was the kid that told the teacher about user's gameboy
Not really.
>later that day
Look at this little ass cracker motherfucker
Chance of you saying this to my face is about the same as a honky not shooting up his school
>mfw I was the teacher
>mfw I was the gameboy
>mfw I was the satchel
>i was the backpack
>felt so good when you were in me ahn~
You thought he had ten million gameboys?
What a backwards country...
You literally don't have rights in school, at least when it comes to personal property
ey bby u wan sum fukk
>friend was killed by two niggers who broke in his house and shot him so they could get money to throw around at their rap show
Fuck you little Nigger, kill yourself
You wanna get Trayvon'd?
Stream that movie, if you're so great.
>first day of school
>stick a piece of watermelon bubbleyum in my backpack to enjoy on the way home after school
>during first period the class shitbag goes into the coat room and roots through everyone's backpacks, just takes whatever he wants
>among other things, he steals my gum and chews it in class
>when I confront him about it, I'm the one who gets in trouble for bringing gum to school
That motherfucker was my bane all through elementary and middle school. He wasn't a bully, just an obnoxious shit that never got in trouble for any of the crap he pulled and every time I tried to put him in his place I always got punished. Everyone kept telling me to just ignore him, but it's kind of hard to ignore someone constantly stealing your shit or destroying your property.
Last year of middle school I had one of those little tiger handheld games. The Simon's Quest one, I think. Motherfucker took it out of my jacket during lunch and when I caught him with it he threw it on the ground and stomped on it until the screen broke.
It was the first and the last time I ever beat the shit out of someone. Skinned my knuckles clean, busted out some of his teeth. The ISS was worth it, and he avoided me all through high school. Felt good.
I'll gut your nigger monkey ass one day I swear to g*d
That's never stopped lawyers from working around loopholes in America. Hell, look at the state of prenupts.
this story is so satisfying
Snitches don git chickun, Tyron. You a bad lil nig
Nah we could have them. Just couldn't play them during class. This is just one of those tipping in gamestop threads.
>tiger handheld
I'd say he was doing you a favor.
But he does deserve it for the bubblegum.
>tfw got picked on by stupid jocks in school who had lots of friends
>knew they smoked cigs behind the school
>told on them and watched them walk out of the classroom after being called to the principals office with a smile on my face
Felt so fucking good. Get fucked normalfags
Oh yeah every single fucking thing has a workaround, what's the fucking point, then?
as long as its in his Satchel its ok
Contracts are signed that waves away all those "rights", user.
Read the fucking paperwork before you go signing it or have someone sign it on your behalf.
When was the last time anyone actually streamed Kung-Pow?
So? Is it illegal to have a gameboy with you in so called LAND OF THE FREE?
>Not being the bully
High school was awesome. I got in so many fights. You just had to be careful because the spics always called their twenty brothers and sisters.
Game boys were crazy popular in schools. Just don't take it out during class like a sperg.
Pokemon cards were banned though. That shit was like straight-up contraband.
>have someone sign it on your behalf
>implying little kids can read fucking paperwork that takes away all their rights
a m e r i c a
Did you go to reform school or something? Holy shit. My school was not like that. If I weren't playing the gameboy and it was in my bag, there wasn't a problem
Last I saw was late last year
Clearly, OP is in euro. No one in the US calls their bag, a "satchel"
Public school
You could still have a Gameboy, just not out in class.
Teachers could still search your shit, take your shit, and all that good stuff, because your parents signed paperwork that gave them permission to do so.
In highschool, it's the same thing, but gives security permission to beat the shit out of you.
One of my favorite images, and I don't know why
I think last time I've watched it was 2 or 3 years ago, as well as some Schwarzenegger movies.
Rules have been forgotten, for a long time now.
>Going to school
I love that all these "black people memes" are just white people jumping on the ironic self-loathing bus.
>Be me
>4th grade in the early 2000's
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles commercials where the kids get pulled into the sewer through the sink are always on
>go to the bathroom during free period
>come back and tell friends that I'd been abducted by turtles
>we continue to joke about it until one friend picks up a pair of safety scissors and walks toward the bathroom (joking) to "kill the turtles"
>teacher sees him
>administrative shit storm rains down on him.
>absolutely no way to explain what we were doing without sounding retarded.
Must've gone to school in Detroit lmao never had this problem
I'd call you out on that but, you're actually right. I skipped so many elementary school days and still passed. It's like no one takes public school seriously.
Fancypants Long Island, NY.
Christ. I was caught with a fucking butter knife in my pocket in middle school because I was going to do an impression of the REDRUM scene from The Shining; got suspended for 2 weeks
When you have to pretend that all students are equal, even the system itself stops caring and starts handing out graduations to everyone regardless of their intellectual merit.
I remember when the three of the only five blacks in my school dropped out. I was actually friends with one of them. Never found out what happened to Derek.
This is pretty funny. Will save so I can trigger Sup Forums.
Twitter is full of shit like this. If you want to trigger Sup Forums just make your own account and post shit like this.
[Spoiler]WNY here[/spoiler]
Still never that bad
Which county?
his satchel!?