ITT We Pretend a Deus Ex Remake has been announced

ITT We Pretend a Deus Ex Remake has been announced

looks like shit desu

type of players that enjoy deus ex don't care about graphics that much


like DOOM 4 right?

until it was released and proven you guys wrong



muh atmusfeer
muh inconvinience
muh shit grafix
muh RK-ic gaemplay

Just like every remake

>1 min trailer filled with memes
I never asked for this.

Wow SE I might have faith in them if this was done right.

>mfw kevin spacey will voice over bob page

>its episodic


I'm about to play Deus Ex for the first time. Spoonfeed me on the necessary mods, patches, etc. I own the game on steam but can get the gog release if needed be.
Thanks in advance.

>CGI trailer
>Proving anything
Go fuck yourselves

You all know they're remaking DX just to shoehorn their stupid ass MUH AUGMENTATION CRISIS!!! bullshit from Human Revolution

The game is viable without mods if all else fails just saying man

Play it 50 times in vanilla.
Don't do anything else.

GMDX is great but you want to read what every setting does. The "hardcore" modes add shit like stamina and sprinting.

Gameplay when!?

Denuvo confirmed!

SJW pandering!

DLC shitfest!

It's literally just CoD!

Hey guys the real successor to Deus Ex has been in early access for years you can support it by donating HERE and no I'm not the developer I'm just a real Deus Ex fan like you!

>caring that a shotty dinosaur of a game gets a trepanation
Take your nostalgia faggots off, goggles.

You don't need anything. Just play the game. It is actually that good.

sounds good
I'll be playing on the best CRT ever produced to enhance the experience. Wish me luck.

Yfw it's being developed by bethesda

What a shame.


>Fem JC
>Weapon wheel
>Aug wheel
>Weapon mods don't take inventory space
>Cinematic takedowns
>"We are huge fans of the original game"
>Everyone has tacticool costumes
>Highlighted interactable objects aug
>Passive boosts augs

Fuck this.

They better not mess with my maymay.