Pre-2000 games thread

Here we will post and discuss the best & worst games that shipped pre-2000.

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I think I still have a disc for that, a friend got it for free when his vidya order got shipped late a few years ago.
But it feels like something you'd have to have played back in the day.

I played the demo of the first game once.
Also, I own all four games in that series on GOG.

Yeah. I never played it much, just watched my sister play it for a long time. I feel it had an appeal to girls more so.

Goodnight sweet prince

I heard a rumor they were working on a new one.

why did this game have such comfy bases.

Which is the best one?

Warzone2100 went open source and is still maintained today, there is even active multiplayer.

I still have the plush Norn the game came with.

holy shit!

anyone remembers this?

/vr/ that dead huh?

The second game does what you'd expect from a sequel in this genre: larger, more features. But I can't really tell which is better.
A friend of mine had this on PSX, I think. I never played it, although I remember him showing it to me.
I also have this one on GOG.

this badboy

Creatures 2 was garbage, especially when compared to the first game.

I played a lot of these games thanks to Big Lots carrying cheap ass PC games for years

Creatures 3 was the one I had from the series and it came in a big fucking box. Big Lots is also where I got Sonic R and Sonic 3D along with a couple of early GFWL games. I remember I bought Kane and Lynch for the activation code (4bux) and activated my pirated copy of RE5 with it so I could play online. For some reason codes used to be in some way interchangeable




Would pay for a HD rerelease

Lords of the Realm 2, best strategy game still rates high today.

Motherfucking systems online

Master of Magic. Still play from time to time.

Literally the best game of all time.

Surprisingly fun once you get accustomed to it.

I would've loved to have played this, but it was a 'Satan Game'
Seriously, play this game. Buy it or just emulate it. Whatever you do, just play it.

That's awesome!


There is a bug in the vanilla version of this game that makes norns forget stuff they've learned and have massive reward and punishment swings.

In other words, every creature you owned was retarded.

it is easily fixed.