Dear Eidos,
No Pritchard, no Faridah, no buy. I don't care about your strong black female who don't need no man.
Dear Eidos
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Is Malik canonically confirmed to be dead or alive?
I didn't like HR, I thought it was too videogamey.
So I don't give a shit what they pull in this sequel, it's just another industry trainwreck scam like all videogames are now adays.
>it was too videogamey
prepare for (You)s
>black female
She's hispanic you dunce
also Pritchard will make an appearance, they're just hiding that to save it as a surprise
the bitch looks like will smith from shark tale
what the fuck was eidos thinking
I don't get triggered by having non-white characters in muh vidya, but the space between her eyes is unsettling
her eye spacing is fine
you're just an american who thinks everyones eyes should be as close together as possible
Her vision is augmented.
>no Pritchard
No confirmation, just a hint that she's alive on an HR playthrough Eidos did.
Just make the boss fights decent or skippable
All non-whites are Black until proven innocent.
This is law.
>more Jensen and Pritchard shenanigans
I might read a vidya novel for the first time. Help me.
her name is Alex Vega
literally hispanic you loonie
What about Sarif? That VA was God-tier.
He was the only reason I enjoyed HR 'cause otherwise that game sucked.
Sarif's VA went insane
Sarif's VA was god tier because the man was a raving loony paid to basically be a raving rich loony.
He's off the deep end now and won't be coming back
Wow. She looks absolute shit.
Idk the similarities are shocking
I agree with him
>This is real
This comes up all the time in HR threads, but people don't actually believe he's crazy, do they? He worked on that video for a friend, he was acting.
>Too videogamey
I don't like this thread, it's too Sup Forums-y
it's memeing
This is him fucking around with some buddies. I donno how you can even take it seriously
>I did smoke a little bit of weed tonight
Besides even if he was being serious it doesn't impact his ability to VA
>thin lips
>straight hair
>facial structure
Looks like a white person desu. I don't get this meme.
But then again belligerent racist are always reaching retards with their hands over their ears and eyes.
Why are her eyes so far apart? Is she supposed to be special needs as well? Some PR consultant insisted the game needed more PC points so they decided to dump it all on one character?
>possible down's syndrome
That nose isn't white and black women spend billions of dollars a year in the US on weave.
I can see it, Pritchard.
In what world user?
>white person
>it's some north african looking woman with a flat nose and enormous mouth
is this what it means to be colour blind
The nose isn't human you freak.
>belligerent racist
I always find it funny that "racists are stupid" is such a prevalent meme, despite most people who think that way being of liberal political leaning, and / or people who agree with the theory of evolution. Liberals are notorious for pushing policy that, at it's core, implies minorities are unable to compete with whites, and the theory of evolution being correct means that humans who developed on different continents, in different regions and ecosystems, would have different characteristics.
>too videogamey
What the fuck does this mean? You can't just say that stupid nonsense and expect to not only be taken seriously, but that everyone would understand what you mean. If I said "I didn't like that last football match, it was too sportsy" everyone would look at me like I was a pants-pissing moron. If I said "I didn't like that book, it was too read-y" no one would think I was serious.
Minorities are unable to compete with whites because we were all enslaved for centuries.
This isn't rocket science, faggot.
Nigga, they won't spoil the surprise
You won't know until release.
You just said a whole bunch of really really retarded shit, and if you're are indeed a belligerent racist, you have proven me right.
You are a complete idiot.
Stop baiting.
dear user
you won't be missed\
t.eidos pr
I am spic.
It is not b8, shall I remind you that a mexican invented color tv?
>that one black homeless woman in DE:HR that talked like a minstrel
Swallow has released another one? Nice
It doesn't matter. You know how these people will react to you're post. Fuck off.
People liked pritchard?
>Nobody can post seriously it has to be b8 all the time
Fuck your shit, fags
Pritchard and Fly Girl where the only genuine friends you had in the game
>nigs n shit
Pritchard was annoying though.
I'm saying that on a board full of racist idiots you're basically saying "Black people did nothing wrong" and they will react accordingly. I'm sure you understand this.
Game set and match
build a big beautiful augmented wall
He's just tsundere for Adam
He might have given off a combative front but when it came down to it, he was one of the few people actually on your side.
>no one replying to one of the most retarded uneducated moronic post made all day
Yeah. It's pretty funny. At first he looks like a smug douche who will probably betray you the first chance he gets. Then it turns out he's the biggest bro in the game.
Sure, at the start of the game. But then he becomes a total bro. Did you do the quest about Jensen's past?
Take this shit to niggers
Post more dude sex
refresh my memory. I thought I did all of them.
The one that is triggered in the end of Detroit-1 by talking to Pritchard, then with Sarif, where he gives you the files about your past if you convince him. The quest itself is in Detroit-2.
Pritchard works with you there and has your back like a good friend.
Spoiler what happens and the result.
I haven't played in years.
you guys are too predictable
it was the same with malik before the game came out
>waahh why a sandnigger muslim
now she's everyones waifu
this time it will be exactly the same, the girl in op is a total qt
It's not really important what happens, it's just a big part of Pritchard's character development.
But still, the whole storyline of this quest is here:
Anyone else call him Prickchard?
>tfw his voice catches when talking to Jensen after his arrival to Hengsha
>"If they find you... if they catch you..."
Best bro of the year, all years.
Yeah, now I remember.
That's when you find out why/how Jensen doesn't need Neropozyne, yeah? not a coincidence?
Except Malik was cute and had a likeable personality.
OP is fugly and has an unknown personality.
I'm sure a lot of people that haven't played past the first hour do.
She looks like some sort of hispanic/black mix, like Puerto Ricans or Dominicans.
You're fucking retarded
Reminds me of the troll from the goonies
Don't worry she will turn traitor at some point and you will get to kill her.