Does anyone know if the PC port of the original prototype works on steam?

Does anyone know if the PC port of the original prototype works on steam?
Bought prototype 2 only to learn the hard way that it's a broken piece of shit. But I need me some mass destruction and can still buy P1 if it works, at least the reviews seems better.

Look for the resolution fix on google. It works though. I also had no issues with Prototype 2. What seems to be the problem?

At first it wouldn't even start. Then I found some files I could replace and it booted up, but now it's stuck in a loading loop after the first cutscene.

Don't know why the fuck you would even skip 1 in favor of 2. 2 is universally hated dogshit.

prototype 1 is the worse game

He needs more popped collars.

It's a bodge job with a fairly nasty memory leak.

P2 was cheaper than P1, right in the jew.
Why is P2 hated tho?

>Does anyone know if the PC port of the original prototype works on steam?
Worked great for mme.
Got bored quickly though

>All the powers in 2 are all tendrilly and glowy instead of the dark insect look they had in one.
Shame, also armour mode looks fucking 10/10

Prototype 1 worked fine for me, I'm on windows 7/970/i5

Prototype 2 also worked but holy fuck it was a trash game compared to 1. No one wanted to play as some no name nigger soldier, should have continued as Mercer.

Reduced movement options.
Shit story with a terrible protag.
Fighting big infected is even less fun than before.

>prototype 3 is announced
>female goth protag
>we bayonetta now
>just cause 2 tier map
>new powers like murderball and seduction
>fast travel and infecting cars to road rage
>unlocking sweet skins
One can dream.

Why didn't they focus more on the fact that Mercer became more and more of a gesalt consciousness as the game went on?
Him getting a moral compass by eating better people than him was neat as fuck

>hey guys let's release a remaster of the games for the new consoles
>it's somehow more broken than the original

Does anyone remember how utterly disappointing it was when P2 came out? I remember the threads, everyone was hyped as fuck. Everyone was talking about how cool the story will be, people saying that it was obvious that Mercer was playing some sort of long game to draw out Blackwatch, or that the Mercer in P2 was actually a break away colony from the real mercer after the nuke that was obsessed with revenge. Or that he was turning people into lesser versions of him to create a team of people to take on Black Watch and Pariah.

Then the game came out.
>Angry black protag who literally cannot say a word without an expletive before and after
>treats the people who try to help him find his daughter like utter shit
>constantly breaks shit and even makes the situation worse because MUH DAUGHTER FUCK SHIT ASSHOLE!
>Mercer became a villain for what amounts to no reason
>they try to justify it with a comic, saying that after eating so many bad people he has came away with a negative view of humanity
>which implies that everyone he consumed was 100% unrepentant evil who kills puppies for laughs, even the most evil person still loves someone
>not to mention all the normal folks he consumed such as Marines just doing their job trying to save Manhattan
>no expansion to the original story, where the fuck is Pariah?
>the awful Blackwatch redesigns going from elite spec op government types to HAIL HYDRA comic book enemies

Might as well just buy an old 360 to be sure the game works.

100~ hours over the years and three computers; never had any problems with the first Prototype. Well not entirely true, the audio was always at half volume compared to the rest of my system but that's it.

Out of curiosity, do you have an AMD card? Catalyst causes Prototype 2 to shit itself completely but if you disable catalyst through your registry, it will perform how its supposed to. Thankfully that was the only technical problem I had with the sequel and it was solved with just ten minutes of research. But I've seen the stories of multiple missions breaking and other issues.

Got a GTX 960 and only got the game to start after almost two hours of problem shooting and thread hunting.
Still stuck in loading but guess I'll give P1 a chance.

I'm playing through P2 and the movement mechanics seem far worse, also the upgrade system is really weird and a clear downgrade than the previous one.


Just pirate it, I never actually bought it since I was a child when it came out. If I remember right Prototype 2 required me to make the game run on only 1 core or something for it to work.

Well shit I'm sorry to hear about the trouble P2 gave you but I'd say the first shouldn't give you any trouble. You could probably find a torrent for it, see if it gives you shit. That's what I did when it first released and had no trouble, later got it on sale for another playthrough.

In my opinion I think P2 simplified the movement a little too much. On top of that, I think they gave Heller significantly higher caps for the distance he could cover. Really, they simplified everything but in the end it didn't bother me too much; my go-to with Alex was Muscle mass and the cannonball technique. With Heller is was a one two with the tendrils and then claws or the blade; so I just swapped out one powerful combo for another.

Can it be done with no install and just a launch button? I can't into demon tools or that hacker bullshit.

>mfw armor and hammerfists

Has anyone tried emulating Hulk Ultimate Destruction? although I'm probably not going to find any torrents for that.

Am i alone wishing that Activision would commission a new Prototype to Platinum Games? They seem to be the ideal guys for a new one.

>Musclemass providing purpose to all those goofy little combat techniques you could purchase but never had a reason to use after the first two hours

Field kicking infected into strike helicopters well into the final missions never got old to me

Hulk: Ultimate Destruction 2 when?