>Gotta look sexy for those nasty monsters
What was she thinking
Gotta look sexy for those nasty monsters
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I thought the explanation was that there was a heatwave going on in Raccoon City at the time or something.
She wanted to attract a hot Brazilian bf.
She was getting ready to fly to Europe when the fit hit the shan.
Going back home and changing wasn't very high on her list of priorities.
I would raid her tomb if you know what I mean.
careful not to fall for it boys
Not really canon but the book explain she dressed like that because it was easier to run and escape. Books depicts most charecters dressed more casual outside the mansion incident
I dont rermember that
She was dressed casually before it went down. This wasn't her outfit of choice for a zombie apocalypse.
Only thing that bugs me is the sweater.
But at the same time it ties the design together.
this isn't tomb raider you stupid fuck
>zombies don't even go for her legs
Pass that puss bruh
That's not even close to the fact Jill mologues about being in Racoon City for she is laying low, expecting for Umbrella to fuck that city up because they are evil bastards, so she will be ready step up at the right time, all this despite the fact that everything that happened in Racoon City was all an accident.
You thought wrong, Racoon City becoming Zombie Land was an accident.
and he fell for it
Huh? The intro text flat out has Jill saying she is there to stay because she somehow knew an accident was going to happen sooner or later.
She also waited until the city went to absolute shit before deciding that she needs to go.
>fights monsters that are viral in nature
>getting scratched is enough to get infected
>attire of choice exposes as much skin as possible
was she aware she had plot armor?
are they just goin for that puss?
But it was her outfit of choice, Jill somehow knew a freaking accident was going to happen, and bid her time to only escape at its worst hour.
I know, her outfit is too problematic for my taste too... She's already a powerful female character, why does she needs to show so much skin???
Finally, after fighting off all those zombies I can get into some cool clothes and get transfered from the field to the office. The shoulder padding was making them stiff. The tight security shirt was tight against my chest. Those pants, they weren't my legs breath. All that sweat build up really bring a girl down.
I don't mind the skin per se, but u gotta admit her outfit is the last thing anyone rational who fought bioweapons before would wear
maybe the fact that its was just a videogame about zombies made the developers just not give a fuck about making it 100% realistic, and focus more on things like fun and giving the people playing it eye candy
That's no way to talk about your target demographic. Male gamers ie. Virgin neckbeards
I will always hate her chunky peanut butter hair
She was actively trying to grab Chris' attention though, this was fanservice with an excuse thrown in.
you're thinking of Jessica
do they actively hire exhibitionists at the BSAA? only sheva had any actual reason to show some skin being in a hot country and all
Chris has gotten alternative costumes straight out of the Village People since he was re-introduced in RE5, so I say yes, BSAA hires some high profile exhibitionists.
>female character dresses conservatively
>female character dresses provocatively
>trying to grab Chris' attention
Poor girl, didn't know he was pitching for the other team.
She dressed like that THEN the outbreak happened.
Why is this hard to understand?
It's not like she dressed specifically because she somehow knew RC was about to get fucked.
>It's not like she dressed specifically because she somehow knew RC was about to get fucked.
Except that Jill somehow was a seer and knew exactly that shit was about to go down.
from now on try doing the exact opposite of what youre thinking is right
>Not liking both conservatively and provocatively dressed girls
Except she knew full well that something bad was going to happen and was 'preparing' for it. She said it the intro.
Pretty sure she wasn't On Duty at th start of RE3. Been a while though so fuck knows.
That redesign is absolute garbage. Quiet was fine the way she was. I still wish she was Chico
>not Ooze Rachael
>RE6 happened because someone really wanted to fuck Ada
but this one is classy as fuck, heck, i can imagine young rich women dressing like that in real life.
Indeed. That Revelations bonus costume erased any doubt I had.
EX2 Chris a best
>Good tits and ass
>Shitty hair
>Shitty mutated design
A woman can dress any way she wants. It isn't any of your business.
>not knowing a difference between Jill and Lara
How normalfag would you have to be for that?
I meant to point out that outfit is very similar to what Lara is wearing.
There is a dress code for Zombie Outbreaks and Jill wasn't following it.
>shitty mutated design
There's no such thing, and even if there were she wouldn't need to follow it.
RE3 > All
Why wasn't Piers' mutated form a costume for RE6 Mercs?
And why wasn't Ooze Rachael in Revelations 2 Raid Mode?
what game is this?
i dont remember this scene.
Hey man, she needs to look good, after all it was her, last escape.
Her head opened up like a trash can and the worm came out like oscar the grouch while the hair stayed on. Who ever came at capcom came up with that design deserves 45.cal to his head.
>re thread
>is actually re porn thread
i like it
The attire.
she was going to sell her body in the red light district
she was going to babysit the kids of a friend.
Because the Resident Evil series just teams with logical resoning.
They remembered that the RE series used to be zombie B movies in video game format.
There would be no puzzles left and right if logical reasoning existed in that universe.
All of the Ooze heads opened that way.
>that one eating her out
Jill got that pussy game on lock
Fuck I hate that batch of hair clumped up covering her eyes.
It looks so bad and retarded.
>everyone says muh RE1-3 is SURVIVAL HORROR
>they show this shit
Her hair becomes a gloopy mess fused to her body after mutating. Why would it not stay on?
While I agree, RE2 and 4 still had all the gore attached.
CV, 5 and onwards cut the gore out.
why does it need to be practical?
It's campy horror. The real horror was losing all your progress.
>Chris disappears from Claire and Jill's life after the events of RE1 for no reason given to the player.
What was he thinking?
Normally I get triggered by stupid outfits, but it's fucking MGS. Literally nothing makes fucking sense.
He was trying to track down Albert and the rest of Umbrella, him keeping in contact with Claire and Jill would have put them in grave danger and allowed the people he was tracking to track him.
>He later made love to that lady in the nearby parking lot, his mind still on Claire.
He always disappearing, just like when he left RE5 to become an alcoholic for no reason after saving the world from complete global saturation.
He lost his unit, which led him to believe that he was incapable commander of a team, him putting himself out there and leaving his lone wolf ways was bad for his psyche
He's yandere for Wesker
>He was trying to track down Albert and the rest of Umbrella
Huh? Chris' reaction to Wesker in Code Veronica implies he didn't even know the fucker was alive.
Why is Leon the best protagonist
> resident evil 1
> C-Chris how can you accuse me of being wrong
> You of all people should understand me
> Me and you are the same
Chris broke Weskers heart in that moment and shattered all possibilities at forbidden love by fucking around with his plans and Rebecca. That was the last time they spoke as friends, after that they kept chasing each other and Wesker kept letting Chris live, it has many layers of pathological love for each other, its like potery it rhymes
I prefer Gene
Because he knew that gay sex will lead you nowhere ,bro
I remember the novel saying something about her wanting to move fast and not have anything hanging off to get caught on or something like that. Then again if not dressing properly is a game-breaker for you then you can fuck right off you autist.
Because someone at the RE core developer team is very much in love with Leon and gave him all the best scenes and one liners.
How the fuck a rookie cop, that honestly acted like a pushover in RE2, becomes a super agent that has more plot armor than James Bond?
Only RE4 Leon. His personality is all over the place throughout the games. He was boring in RE6. They really dropped the ball not having Claire, Sherry, or Ada as his partner.
He was pretty shit in 6. I actually preferred Chris.
Now, RE4 Leon is fucking amazing.
He took a nasty hit to the head, also. It was kind of implied he had amnesia, but like everything else in RE6, it was left unexplained.
Nigger, he outright said that he couldn't remember.
that faggot RUINED the series.
thinking of getting impregnated like in my doujins
>How the fuck a rookie cop, that honestly acted like a pushover in RE2, becomes a super agent that has more plot armor than James Bond?
Him becoming fucking Jason Bourne was fucking ridiculous, they couldn't even be arsed to give him some sort of shit tier exposition where he went to traint with SEALS or some special forces or anything and him surviving Raccoon gave him the credibility to become fucking presidents bodyguard or right hand agent or something what the fuck
RE4 is the best RE. Get over it, fag.
But they do say because he survived raccoon city the government took him in and trained him as an agent in exchange for keeping Sherry safe, it's in one of those re3 blurbs iirc
Did you not play Gaiden? Leon was replaced by a shapeshifting BOW, which explains his superhuman abilities.
RE4 is not RE thought, so RE4 can be the best in the series from that point on but what came before it doesn't even remotely compare, its a different kind of game
It doesn't say they trained him, it just says the Gov expects Leon to be on their call if he wants Sherry not be taken apart as a lab rat.
>re5 jill
muh dick
Fair enough.