What The Hell Happened With God of War?

Granted the last good game was 3 and Ascension was shit, but Im surprised Sony hasnt tried to further milk the franchise. 4 is still rumored here and there, but its kind of weird how long the PS4 has been out and still no installment

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A new one with nordic gods and shit is on the way

might see 4 during e3

Wasnt there also mention of a new protagonist? I cant really imagine gameplay not using the blades of chaos

It looks like Kratos in the leaked concept art. But I actually hope they get another protagonist

how would this series even work today? all the sex minigames, killing of women and female monsters and non-white races by a white man would be destroyed critically and would only ruin sony's reputation as the progressive game maker


They should have closed up Kratos' story long ago and moved on to other mythologies, but no...people are too obsessed with trying to make that shitty character a face of the franchise.


>Kratos will probably burn the world tree
I cant get over that wimpy axe. Also whats why not Egyptian Myth? I feel that Norse is overused these days

>finally an opportunity to play as a cool viking
>whatever, just put Kratos in it

Fucking this. Norse these days, is literally the next safest option to fall back to outside of greek, or generic medieval settings.

I can't really think of any games with Norse mythology which aren't crap

The only Norse game that I can think of at the moment is Too Human.

Ascension was excellent. Best gameplay in the series. Great puzzles and a decent story. Boss fights weren't as "epic" as most but it was oddly refreshing.

Exactly, and that was Norse + robots

The magic, new combo requirement, and camera were awful user.

For you.

Ascension is the worst of the series. Pointless story, horrible camera, terrible counter system, unlocked moves behind combo system, all around the worst game of the series and caused Sony to go back to the drawing board and revamp the series.

Oh really? So instead of having the freedom to do any combo you unlocked like any other previous game, you have to build a fucking meter to use it now. Magic was uninspired, and the camera zooming out to make you look at the scenery, though nice, fucked you over in gameplay when surrounded.

I don't remembe if Kratos still fight enemies on the wall, because they changed a lot of the climbing mechanics to be more like Assassin's Creed and Uncharted.

anyway, the zoomed out as hell camera in some scenes is just baffling, who thought that was a good idea?

That's a cool looking Yggdrasil.

The worst section that comes to memory was the snake train sequence.

The guy in charge of Santa Monica was asked to go to Japan and fix Japan Studios after God of War 3. The team behind God of War 3 started a new IP that was too much like Destiny, got canned, and moved into Respawn.

Protag doesnt have that weird white paint on himself, maybe he is descendant of Kratos or posessed by him

Ascension is actually really good once you master the counter, its harder to do in this game but much more rewarding as you get a unique attack from depending on what you countered. Its pretty cool swinging those goatmen aroun by their legs to take our a whole crowd of enemies.Ascension was pretty much the hardest god of war too right? at least in combat? the goatmen really didn't seem to hold back.

I dont think it can get harder than 2.

He had too many muscles. Made women feel bad

>mfw one of the few series that kept me in my seat from start to end and I'm too afraid to talk about it on Sup Forums



That's not his skin user, that's ash. It's pretty racist that Santa Monica made a whole game about a protag in whiteface tbqh

No, it was great
>Had it's theme
>Never abandoned it
>It was a complete trilogy
>Every game gave something without changing too much

Tough Ascension was stretching it, I am glad it wasn't watered down with overuse like Assassin's Creed

Wrong on so many levels.
I actually shared a similar opinion, but the ending made it all worth it, it's a really solid game, it also managed to be better paced AND look better than 3. It also gave Kratos a better character other than "grrr Zeus"

I think it just solidified Kratos' character.
It wasn't "grrr Zeus" it was "grrr Gods"
It "just" added another tragedy to the pile the gods caused to Kratos

Honestly, GRRR ZEUS is all kratos needs to be enjoyable.

ash of his dead wife+kid

he is greek. That technically still counts as white.
Altough barely these days