No man's sky ?

No man's sky ?
Will it live up to the hype, Sup Forums ?

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Why not, just saw some gameplay footage.
Looked really promising.

I wish it wouldn't come out, I don't want to play the same game for 5 billion years

it won't live up to the hype because some people actually believe you can do anything in this game.
I'm looking forward to it too though.

>bad grammar on shitty caption
>watermarks of shit websites
>space, then question mark, even on non-questions

I want to be hyped, honestly, but whats the point of the game? Whats the end game? Whats progression like? I've even heard that anything you do on a discovered planet will be wiped clean for the next person. It's all very unclear.

It will not live up to the hype.
I think it will be a great game, but there is WAY to much hype, there's no way it will live up to it.

I think it's pretty clear, there's simply nothing

people keep thinking there's more but the devs never pretended there was

Maybe, maybe not. We'll all just wait and see.

1.8×10^18 planets is still sick though.

It's going to be another space minecraft game no doubt

>let me explore these random planets! :^)
>oh look nothing to do!
>this atmosphere

I was so hyped for this game and then I realized that there's probably going to be nothing.!

Oh god no. It's gonna be a big, boring, lonely walking sim. MP could have saved it, but the devs are clearly retarded.

I have no hype. You're the one who keep shoving this thing to my face.

I was interested at first but now, meh.

No, it won't live up to the hype. It won't live up to the shillposters either. I've legitimately seen people comment on other sites thinking they'll be playing this game for the rest of their lives. I think their disappointment is going to be more enjoyable than this game.

at least minecraft had build/crafting system. This is just a space explorer game, its gonna fail hard unless it adds combat/building etc.

Wait, I thought this was an MMO?

/thread family

>MP in a space sim

It won't be as good as ED so there is no point

What are people expecting you can do in this game? They're acting like they can colonize planets and shit.

Minecraft is shit. Every single crafting game so far has been shit.

>let me build a house!
>it's useless
>le uncle toms cabin xD
>I'm going to punch a tree for 20 hours
>the amount of content is based off the number of things I can build!


I'll buy it and play it and I know exactly what to expect from it.

It'll probably ends up like Subnautica, a game I play when I don't feel like playing anything else.

At least Minecraft worked. The world generation sucked, like all random world gens in games do, but at least you could shape the world any way you wanted

This game has nothing, not even multiplayer. They coudl've made an exploration RPG with hand-crafted planets but chose to be retarded

again, at least it had some sytem to keep your brain occupied instead of walk here, look at this, ok now do it again but over there this time..


Oh I think no mans sky will be shit too.
Gather resources and Crafting is demonstrated in this video, around the 13:50 mark it's mentioned and shortly after that crafting is done.

This is actually a very recent video and I feel not many people in this thread has seen it, I suggest you watch it as it demonstrates some of the things you can do in the game.

Keep in mind, I am , I do not expect this video to instill massive hype, but it seems a lot of the opinions in this thread are outdated.

I'm at least hoping No Man's Sky has more than the two fucking stations that Elite Dangerous has. There is less than nothing to do in that game.

But the thing is that minecraft has like only 4 biomes, while nms has infinite numbers.

The devs also said that there will be lores in planets and you can learn alien languages.

The point of the game though is to get to the center of the galaxy while upgrading your ship, gun, and collecting resources. The closer you get, the more crazier planets you'll see.

>They coudl've made an exploration RPG with hand-crafted planets but chose to be retarded
>They could've made something utterly forgettable than no one would have bought because that niche is already being filled by big devs companies.

Yeah god forbid indies devs have ambitions.

There's nothing to keep you occupied in minecraft though, unless you're 5. atleast no mans sky has a good atmosphere, only problem is that game is going to crash and burn tol

The video is too long for me to watch but what is the goal of the game? For what purpose are you crafting things?

>This faggot implying blue grass and red grass are two different biomes

i already got burned on Starbound, which pretty much used the same exact types of
>you can do everything!!
hyping that i've heard with this. i'll check it out, but i'm not holding my breath and/or buying it anywhere near fullprice

Your goal is to reach the center of the galaxy if you want.

Game get more dangerous the closer you are to the center.

You need money to buy fuel to even get there to begin with.

To better your ability to adventure.
He creates a "land disruptor" that lets him destroy the environment and find a cave system, He also stated you could craft scanners and actually does craft some sort of "hacking chip" to call his ship from a terminal.
If you want to see the crafting, like I said you can skip to 13:50 and see him talk and use it a little bit.

What I'm trying to understand is what makes me want to continue to explore things? It's obvious the world gen is going to be shit with "dog looking thing #25 with another color" but that could still work if there's a goal other than exploration

If you take Minecraft the goal is to shape the world and build structures. To do this effectively you have to explore and visit dangerous areas

Nothing. Crafting has always been a fucking gimmick that does nothing to make a game more enjoyable or better. Normie garbage.

I was not saying that, at all.

>launch game
>fly to random star system
>go to random planet
>gather resources
>upgrade spaceship
>rinse repeat
>make way to center of galaxy
>cheesy 'meaning of life is 42' thing once I get to center

that's where we're not sure.
The developers have stated a few times that the goal is to reach the center of the universe, but the reason why or if that's the only goal there is, is still unclear, which is the main reason why everyone says "nothing to do" in this game: there's plenty to do, there's just no clear reason to do it.

No man's sky? More like no man's buy, lmao.

It will be the most ambitious game since Spore!

>indie game

The fact that the game is procedurally generated is enough of evidence that the game is not ambitious at all.

Wait, is there not going to be MP? So Solo MineCraft in space? #Nofriendssky

Not to mention devs saying there isn't really a purpose to the game

>brb flying around repetitive procedurally generated world for no reason

No multiplayer. If you are online you are connected to their server database which stores seed information. So if a player names their planet SuckitChokeonit, the game will send for that seed, see the name and display that name for you.


>that's where we're not sure.

so it's probably gonna be starbound all over again. fucking hell

It's not

Sadly the art direction is quite limited, one-sided, not ambitious. It also seems like there's very little to do or discover.

>Welcome to No Man's Sky
>To get off the planet, gather ten iron ore
>You did it! Land on this planet.
>To reach the next planet, gather sixteen pink iron ore
>You did it!
>To reach the next planet, harvest ten lumber
>Don't forget to shoot those three interchangable monsters that are coming after you, look, this one has a blue stripe on its back rather than black isn't that something

It will live up to my hype because I'm not expecting it to be anymore than it is.

This is solely an exploration game for me.

>The fact that thoses guys are using a technology which is very difficult to make work on a game with a big scale is proof that they are lazy.

Are you retarded?

How is coding an algorithm to create an universe that isn't shit lazier than hiring an artist and then modelling whatever he draws?

Stop user, you are giving my PTSD flashbacks of Starbound

What hype? There isn't a person on this board over the age of 14 that doesn't know the game is doomed to be shit.

>Lets copy Terraira
>But add linear progression

Technically there is multiplayer, just that the game is so massive that your likelihood of running into another person is extremely tiny.

>9gag AND memeful watermarks

Nobody who is actually planning on buying the game believes that. It's literally just a retarded meme that Sup Forums is forcing down everyone's throats.

>hurr durr can i impregnate space cows dey sed i kood do enythang


bait thread confirmed

No faggot. Fuck off. There is no multiplayer. The lead developer already confirmed there is no multiplayer through his autist speak.

Due to the fact that people are expecting SO MUCH from, it won't. The developers being part of the blame this due to making this shit like some sort of 5th dimensional experience. It'll receive the same "What the fuck??... this is IT!??" response that Fallout 4 got.

Oh okay, you're one of those people.

Damn you, Cucklefish!

>You're one of those people

And you're one of those people that legitimately think the game is so big it's impossible to play with people let alone find them. I honestly cannot tell if you're a shill or just a regular old retard any longer.

What reason do you have to do anything in any game?

Why exactly are people expecting so much from this game?

I haven't seen or heard anything that exciting about it.

He's never said that's is impossible to do so, just impractical. And yeah, with the absurd amount of planets they've said in the game it is extremely unlikely you'll ever even be on the same planet as someone else, let alone find them.

What are people even expecting from it?
I still don't even know what i'm being sold here aside from spaceships

But there isn't any multiplayer shitlord.

>You found a fish that was first discovered by Gobbleshite35

Such intence multiplayer.

If this is the case, then why can I find people in Elite Dangerous? You know, that game has an absurd 1:1 copy of our galaxy. Got an answer for that?

>b-but it's too big! 1 billion years!

There's a ton of stuff that says there's journey-like multiplayer of possibly stumbling on another player.

There's a 'starting' area in ED, so most people are clustered in that general vicinity. Go to the complete opposite side of the galaxy and I doubt you run into people. Plus, this game apparently has no indication when other players are around, unlike ED.

>Western games being good ever

>-163°C right to 20°C 2 feet underground
>snow covered Plants and animals on surface
So Temperatur is just a random number.

>No base building
>No multiplayer
>Game has empires, but you cannot start or run any of them
>Endless universe of rainbow fish to find for no reason
>All the depth of a puddle, pathetic even when compared to the most basic space exploration game
>Dev avoiding showing too much because he knows full well there is shit all to the game
>Another resource gathering pile of mediocrity.

Idiots, falling for the same shit over and over again.

>And I doubt you run into people

Well have I got news for you. Also

>Come across a named planet
>Good chance someone is still there

So much for that plan. There is no actual multiplayer. at this point your denial is just pathetic and I really wish I would be able to see the disappointment on your face when you finally realize this when you first play the game

Welcome to the tutorial
You can't do everything

This concept would only work without graphics.

>-163°C right to 20°C 2 feet underground
>Expecting anything less from a casual shitfest

I will probly only gonna play it when Im on LSD

I'm really curious about this game. I think there might be a lot of people that get burned by this game, who feel like they got suckered by the hype, the people who ask "but what do you do?", people looking for more direction and objectives.

These survival games are all over the map for me. I hated Minecraft and Rust, because building and crafting and looting all for its own sake is infinitely boring and seemingly pointless to me.

However, I got really sucked into The Long Dark because of the sense of exploration and discovery. Once I had discovered most of the locations in the game and had established a strong base, however, I lost all interest.

So I don't know what the general populations response is going to be to this game, but if it nails that same sense of exploration and wonderment that The Long Dark does, I could end up playing this game for months upon months.

That bit with space piracy convinced me to give this game a pirate

It won't live up to Sup Forums's hype.
But I'm sure for anyone with a brain and their own wallet they will be very content with their purchase. I know I will be.

>Literally shooting rocks
My jaw actually dropped at the temperature surge to 20+ C with that tiny change in depth

>procedurally generate a universe and all elements of the universe

it might not end up being the best game but it's sure as fuck not retarded.

Quetion time Sup Forums. Does this game have passive multiplayer elements like the messages in darksouls. I mean if by any chance I arrive to a previously discovered planet, can I know who discovered or something like that?

Of course not.

people seem to think you'll be able to do literally anything and the lack of clarity from the developers has only fuelled this.

That said I think it's going to be a pretty fun game for certain people just not everyone

Go be a grammar nazi on a site that likes that sort of stuff

Oh I know!

it's a survival game at its core.

Literally X3 Albion Prelude

>Well have I got news for you
Okay, maybe opposite side was the wrong wording since a lot of people do exactly that, but a ton of the space in this game is untouched. If people started out at random locations, running into someone would be very rare.

From what I've seen, you don't spend that much time on one individual planet, so no it's not likely someone is still there. And even if they are, how do you plan on finding them?

literal autism

fuck that other faggot. i like this post

Why bother making the universe so large if the dev openly admits that each player is likely to never see 99.9% of it?

Also the gameplay looks the same as the crappy interview they did a while back.
>try to interact with anything
>space cops materialize in less than 3 seconds
>try to fight space cops
>practically impossible to kill super space cops materialize 3 seconds later

Meh, ill see how the release goes but i have zero hope that this would be entertaining for more than a couple hours.

>no real objectives
>no campaign
>no MP

The progression is the route to the center, it gets harder and more alien looking species and planets will appear. You'll be upgrading your suit, weapon and ship the whole way. The developer says reaching the center will be a stopping point for most people, but there WILL be a reason to keep playing, my personal guess is that you'll get an instantaneous warp drive to continue exploring or something along those lines. Planets are always fresh and new per player online, except for certain large scale destructions such as one of the space stations. BUT anything you do on a planet is saved locally for you, so any cave networks, animals killed, minerals mined, etc. will stay the same if you return to the planet.

Pre ordering the game right now...

>Why bother making

Because this gives the illusion that the content is infinite. Why the hell else? Minecraft would take how many years to explore entirely? It gives the illusion that minecraft's gameplay world and content is infinite.

>center of the universe

Given how ambitious this game seemed and how little information about the game was released up until a couple months ago, I initially had very little hope of it being as good as the hype is making it out to be. I still think everyone is over-hyping it, but I believe I'll definitely enjoy this game.