This game is pretty fun, how come no one ever talks about it?

This game is pretty fun, how come no one ever talks about it?

It's ok. It's completely shallow in a way a board game is. The quests don't add too much flavour and the quest rewards kinda limit what quest you'll take each time, despite being given a choice.

The premise of the quests aren't supposed to add flavour, they're just a part of your strategy to win.
That's why there's a safe option, if you can't succeed at a quest you take it anyway to bump your stat up in that area, and take the safe option. The only thing you miss out on is an item or follower you don't need at all to win.

>It's completely shallow in a way a board game is

Said by someone who doesn't understand what a decent board game is.
A bad board game requires shit tonnes of dice rolls before it ends because that's how you progress, as opposed to just checks.
A good board game also makes use of the technology available to enhance and streamline it's features.

It's board game style but it can only be done as a video game really, both part of the RNG level generation and streamlining it as quickly as possible, in addition to automating tedious DMing tasks such as the King to enable gameplay.

The main problem with it is how the AI usually takes random actions until it suddenly can make a beeline to the King, even doing things like attacking you for +1 prestige and dying when there's one AI attacking the King.

I bought it a couple days ago and have been enjoying it. The only real issue I have is the map variety; there's little variation. The game would be entertaining for longer if the maps weren't all so similar.

There's no story or meaningful plot development.

The quests serve no purpose but to increase your stat point by 1 or by 1 with a reward. That's what I meant by shallow.

I mean compare it to something like Divinity Original Sin.

gameplay too shallow. and can work as a mobile game but as a computer video game, it is not worth the asking price and pretty forgettable.

Hard as balls and few people have the patience to keep going once the RNG fucks them over a couple of time.

I love it, 44hours so far and done all victory types.

>I mean compare it to something like Divinity Original Sin.
I though it was very clear Armello is not a RPG and just a boardgame for pub-stomp.

It's boring. You don't ahve enough turns to get anything done before the king drops dead.
If you get unlucky on a quest location or if you get killed you might as well just give up on turn 3.

The game world and art is 11/10.
Shame isn't not an RPG.
If they used these assets to make a real game it would be amazing.

I have the feeling you're the type of players that have only one strategy and literally can't deal with something not going to plan.

The thing about RNG in Armello is that it fucks over everyone. You should be constantly on the look-out for new opportunities. By now I consistently win 2 out of 3 games just because I don't despair when one victory condition becomes impossible.

Is this like the candy?

Its because you have so few turns to get anything done, and you can be screwed completely with zero chance of comeback, a good game should keep you in until the end.

There's a custom rules mode where you can increase the number of turns if it's such a big problem for you. And there isn't any ranked play right now so you're not missing anything.

AI shown you can easily cause an upset and win with a kingslayer if you use your cards right.
Burn cards to beat the peril, then when you draw cards burn swords.
2+ swords = dead king when he has 2+ heath, everyone else would be busy trying to build up their gameplan.

>tfw adding crates & keys is the only thing keeping the multiplayer alive


Why Barnaby is so perfect?

Even if you're getting fucked with someone farming prestige you can still climb the wall to the king and try to kill him or try to collect 4 soulstones from quests if anything.

Who's your favorite character to play as, Sup Forums? I fucking love Barnaby just because heavy armor and huge hammer.

When are they going to release the kikestarted only animals to everyone?

Barnaby and waifu

Between him, Horace and the new girl I can't settle on a main.

>Who's your favorite character to play as, Sup Forums?
For looks? Barnaby.
For lore? Horace, hell he was the sole reason I kickstarted the game at the bandit tier.
Everyone else is fine.
Can't stand the rats, too sleazy.