Persona 4

just started to emulate this, I like it so far
the music is good, characters are likeable and the story is interesting, even if it tries too hard to expose the story for you
>oh look a girl on tv saw the dead body... mhh now that I look closely she reminds me of someone...

I'm 1.5 hour in though, and there's no sign of free exploration yet, please tell me it changes soon

also, Persona thread

>free exploration

I've beaten the Golden version, it just gets better and better. The first 2 hours really play more like a VN tho.

You never get free exploration in P4, it's more linear than FFX until the secret bosses

You get to wander around town to do whatever eventually.

Now fuck off if you haven't been spoiled yet.

Oh fuck thank you, that's what I meant with free exploration, I wouldn't be able to stand another
>you want to go out? lol fuck you you're tired

You're going to get spoilers unless you leave the thread RIGHT NOW. Why the fuck do you fucking retards always make threads on Sup Forums that basically say


I'm going to spoil it myself in the next post if you don't leave right now.

Here it is faggot
Teddie is not your friend. He's a fake. The man inside of teddie is the killer

That's just because the Persona 4 fanbase is full of faggots, nobody spoils Persona 3

this is true

Get out before someone drops the bomb on you.

Out, now.
Fuck are you doing, you wanna get spoiled?Stop reading

Otherwise I might aswell tell you the killer is Adachi, you fucked up if you read this far, and you deserved it

>implying it's not butthurt p3 fags that do it

Just couldn't help yourself could you

user you should leave before you learn that Adachi is the killer

Yosuke is the real killer. It's Junes plan for world domination.

Also Teddie is Lucifer, Rise is a mtf trans and Naoto is a robot.

Namatame is the killer.

first few hours are definitely slow but give it time

I recommend you to get a vita and play P4Golden. It adds so much content that the vanilla game feels outdated.
Also P4G ending is canon.

lol these niggas tryna spoil shit. It's Nanako, OP. Don't trust that little demon.

You mean semen demon?


Not the game you want to play for any of that. When you're not in tedious, monotonous dungeons fighting the same 3 packs of enemies over and over you're going to be reading boring short stories from your party members and random people so you can power up your personas. That's the whole game

I still loved it, 9/10

Worst than P3 in pretty much everything except for Brosuke.

If it weren't for the spoilers i would've never guessed who was the real culprit.
I'm pretty sure you didn't had enough clues to guess it at that point of the game, or at least something to tell you "THAT MOTHERFUCKER WAS!" as there were like 9 people who filled the criteria of knowing nanako

These two are Fucking Lying. Truth is the plot twist is you're the killer. You've been unaware of it the whole time but you find out that you went there following the first murder victim to kill her and then the second one after meeting her and so on. YOUR shadow is actually the good part of you trying to solve the murders.


It's about the journey, you fucking mouthbreathers. I knew right off the bat about Adachi, and it's still one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time.

P3 is a pile of shit. The characters are bland, and you have to rely on shitty AI combat.

>when he says the characters in P4 were better than the P3 cast
Adachi and Dojima were the only good characters

The intro is slow as fuck, once you get Chie as a party member that's when things start actually becoming like a video games.

btw uncle Dojima is the killer

You're a tasteless garbage person. Nobody in P3 is believable or relate-able at all. P4 singlehandedly gave NEETs the world over hope.

I made 3 fucking spoiler tags, if you didn't leave, you deserved it.

>prefers group of leg humping teenagers over characters with actual depth
I expected nothing more from a weeaboo NEET

>characters are likeable
You lost me.

Do not sexualize the Nanako

Describe the depth that you believe P3's cast has. I'll wait.