Does she have the most realistic personality of any Japanese video game character?
Does she have the most realistic personality of any Japanese video game character?
Being a complete asshole? yeah, i guess.
Probably, except she's a murderer.
Quality thread.
what personality?
Both her and Marisa have very distinct personalities.
Yeah, one's a psychopath and the other's a kleptomaniac.
Youkai aren't human, so it isn't murder!
Reimu's a bitch and the other's a nigger.
Only cool ones are Cirno (Idiots are only there for comic relief, which she fullfills splendid), Alice (Loner, however not anti-social) and Yuuka (kind Sadist where she has the monopoly on).
Killing living beings made you a murderer.
You better go to jail now, user, your rampage on mosquitos makes you quite the genocider.
>See a nigger get shot for realsies on live leak
>Heh he deserved it
>accidentaly kill a moth
>feel extremly sorry
wonder why.
I though murder was only the crime of killing someone.
You should feel sorry. That could have been one of Wriggle's friends.
Wriggle is cute
nevah forget
Is there such a thing as a playable 2hu in the mainline games, disregarding PoFV who doesn't have a glaring flaw or two?
Reimu's hellbent on Youkai Genocide and can't even find a way to appease her God.
Marisa's a thieving witch.
Sakuya's a shitty meido who ripped off The World.
Youmu's easily manipulated and is ironically scared shitless of spooky things.
Sanae's a jew and works with the Kappa for maximum profit, both in Dosh and Ass Balls.
Reisen's an impure traitor to her people and is proud about it.
>touhou character
>personality outside of fanwork
Reimu is a genocider actually, because she's a youkai exterminator
>He doesn't use repelent
Sakuya is not a shitty maid. And ripping of DIO is not a flaw.
>Why aren't characters p-perfect?
Kill yourself.
Why do all of the rabbits have red eyes?
What did she mean by this?
>Why do characters have flaws?
Are you serious right now
Also Sakuya's flaw is that she is obsessive about Remilia and has a cold demeanor to everyone else, not being based on DIO
Fuck off vegancuck.
You do realise that there are a lot of mangas out there where ZUN played a vital role in terms of story? Yuuka being a kind sadist is written by ZUN himself in Perfect Memento, if I recall correctly.
also: Cirno's idiotic nature is displayed in the video games, althought she isnt dumb.
You sound like a secondary yourself
No 2hu character is realistic. That is kinda the point of the games.
>and is ironically scared shitless of spooky things
Well, i would be scared too, nothing wrong with that
>Dislikes Reimu for being a cunt
>Likes Yuuka
What would you know about the "point" of the games? You haven't completed one of them.
But user, there is a difference.
Reimu is just a cunt, she is selfish and brushes you off because chances are you are annoying to her (egoistical)
A sadist on the other hand hurts you on purpose. If you arent a masochist, you will find it off putting but if you are, the sadists cruelty will please you greatly, much more than Reimu could.
Didn't Zun say himself that Gensokyo is populated by hundreds if not thousands of normally functioning people (not humans). They just aren't given a spotlight because they're comparatively boring
Yuuka sadism is 100% fanon.
She's a bitch and I dislike her.
fairies,ying yang orbs, and the other trash you fight in the games are people to ZUN.
oh great the clownpiss poster is here
Its that from a doujin? Or Ir It is from an oficial manga?
So is Tenshi's masochism, but it's still p/ fun.
No she's just mean for no reason.
>hurr Toehoes are assholes durr
Alright faggots. Now imagine scenario where girls will have your typical waifu bland personality, Youkai are now misunderstand creatures that are actually good and all that shit around that. Also Lunarian are now likeable and Gensokyo is a really nice place to live. Do you rike it?
>non-edgy Gensokyo
Into the trash
>saying 2hus are assholes is the same as saying you don't want them to be assholes
>koishifags in charge of thinking
>lunarians are likable
No i'm not Rovin this.
I like some 2hus because they're assholes, it's a personallity trait, and I enjoy it.
well she is logically angry because people always gotta be starting shit near her.
could it be that she is the cause of people starting shit
Of course not she is a good girl merely gathering faith for the god whose name i forget.
Now i miss Tenshi.
She'll never be back
only the moon rabbits have red eyes, those are moon rabbits
Are there any non moon rabbits to check this theory with ?
Who did she even killed?
If by realistic you mean best then sure.
How could you forget?
Does Itou Life make the best 2hu porn character-wise?
>Has to deal with some random piece of shit causing a scene every year
>It's bad that she gets a little mad about it
Reimu's probably suplexed over half the cast just because they decided to be a cunt to her in the first place.
She murdered Saku on EoSD tho
>Sunbae*, are you not working and only playing?
>*tl note: sunbae means senpai
She kills the shit out of lesser youkai in one of the official manga. And in another one, Kogasa reforged Reimu's anti youkai needles, and for thanks, Reimu used them on Kogasa.
No one important.
Ths Kogasa person seems to have awesome tights and therefore awesome hips/ass
nah they're okay.
who buyfag here?
Proper Touhou thread when?
You forgot Yuuka and Mima.
>Edgy lol vampire.
No thanks.
>Bullying someone as pure and innocent as Kogasa
Never welcome to an eternity of meh threads.
Remi a qt
>Proper Touhou thread
>On Sup Forums
No, you sit in /jp/ for a good thread (which happens once in a blue moon)
As cool as it is, I'm only interested in the main characters.
I have everybody except Marisa at the moment.
user, she's a retard on a stick.
Flan is cuterer.
Not when socialmedia fags and Sup Forums leave Sup Forums for good. That will only happen when we get nazi level type of moderation.
She can't live for herself user, she is shit.
You don't know english but i still can't argue with that
Still, Flan being more cute doensn't make Remi any less cute
why did the fairies game had some of the best music in the series?
You deserved that you stupid faggot.
Don't act like a Sup Forumsermin on /jp/
>Gets banned
>Complain about it
Should've been an site-wide permaban.
>A single word deserves a ban from ALL boards
Based jannies.
Believe it or not but if you shitpost on boards that's not Sup Forums or Sup Forums you usually get banned.
what about the fairies?
If you mean japs having zero personality, yes
That's why that figurine is stupid, it's way too edgy.
And yes I know it's based from one of the fan games but it's still too edgy.
>I just wanted to hide that I'm a raging faggot on Sup Forums and outside of it too
>Sup Forumsermin
>L O N D O N speak
>dindu nuthin
I hate you people so much.
I want to cum on their bellies.
Please do not sexualize the fairies.
They are pure creatures designed for innocent shenanigans and laughs.
Then leave
Alright guys so who is the smartest tohu?
is it patchouli or alice?
>So smart that she handicaps herself using shitty dolls
>So smart that she can't cure her own illness
Don't mistake autism for intelligence.