Want to save the world, hero?

Want to save the world, hero?
Sorry, what did you say? Ill ask you again. Want to save the world, hero?
Sorry, what did you say? Ill ask you again. Want to save the world, hero?

Other urls found in this thread:



At least they used to ask, now you just get caught up in stuff and end up doing it.

If they were going to railroad it, they at least could have put 3 minutes worth of effort in creating alternative text then moving on

Want to save the world, hero?
Oh okay then
~Game Over~

Pokémon mystery dungeon did things like that, and it was great

The best way to deal with this is a game over screen. It's funny and makes more sense.

Fuck Bethesda

DQ3 does it good and you can keep refusing till your mother just lets you go.
But you eventually get stuck midgame because you never talked to the king.

Top tier roleplaying, Todd

Anyone remember Tales of Destiny? There was a boss fight in the beginning that you absolutely should not be able to win. However, with some careful planning and grinding you could potentially beat him. And there's a small bit of dialogue recognizing this and the game ends.

I love when games do this.

>Do you want to save the world, hero?
>autorun uninstall.exe
>"If you didn't want to play the game why even install it in the first place"

Name 1 game that does this

I know BOF2 straight up pulled this shit, that's how you get the bad ending, what other games did though?

Chrono Trigger, you can beat Lavos at any point.
Felt good man

post more crab holding things and saying funny stuff

Want to save the world hero?
*the only allies you would have had are now your enemy and your still cornholed into dealing with the problem*

>insert CD to play the game

Love this aspect in NG. Going 1v1 with Lavos as Crono was intense.


Why make the game and ask the question?

It's art


>Actual battles that took place in ancient Japan
>Giant Enemy Crab

You can't prove it didn't happen

Tobacco is a New World crop. They couldn't have had it in ancient Japan, so there wouldn't have been any crabs there.

You can't prove it DID happen.

Ah man, I haven't had crab in too long, this thread makes me very hungry
These sorts of crabs are a fucking pain to eat though.

If it was both Giant and Enemy then it stands to reason it simply travelled from the New World with its own tobacco

what is it with crustaceans and smoking?

Super Paper Mario.
It's pretty fucking funny actually.


Didn't Golden Sun do this?

DQ3 is still one of my fav JRPGS
Doing the single player challenge was god tier fun, and I haven't seen other games do it.

Why are crabs the coolest motherfuckers out there?

I remember doing this thinking it would be a repetitive loop. Then found out the horror and didn't want to start the opening again and didn't try replaying it.

What will crabs do now that smoking is increasingly frowned upon, where will they get their cigs?

Human laws and societal judgements mean little to crustaceans

Rayman 2

I want the treasure!