what is the last game you gave up on? and why?
me? bloodeborne, orphan of kos
what is the last game you gave up on? and why?
me? bloodeborne, orphan of kos
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DaS3 bow only run, deacons
The Witcher 3
got an hour in before the combat became too unbearable
morrowind, its boring as fuck
Also this. Except I was something like 70% through the game. I just stopped caring, it wasn't interesting at all.
>le bad combat meme
Honestly senpai
It's about as boring as Batman's combat. Sure it looks nice but there's really not a lot going on.
Havent dropped a game in 2 years
It was so ungodly boring that I couldn't take it.
im glad i didnt give up on orphan of kos cause beating him felt like busting a nut
At least Batman got it right,Witcher 3 tried to incorporate a target lock on making it just awkward
dont want to shell out couple hundred dollars to play one game
>Tales of the Abyss 3ds
>too much character chatter for boring characters I couldn't give two shits about
My first foray with Tales and I'll probably never try another one
The Evil Within
I'm probably 3/4 through the game right now but haven't finished it because of work. Kinda lost interest in finishing it.
>iPhone poster
Gran Turismo 4 license tests
Mortal man cannot achieve gold on most of those guide runs
The late-mid to endgame is even worse than Civ. Maybe the DLC will improve it.
I'll add too that this was like 3 years ago; it's rare that I outright drop something like that. Returned it and bought Kid Icarus Uprising for the second time
Skyward Sword like a year ago. I finished the retardedly long intro and haven't felt any desire to pick it up again.
That stupid fucking spider, but my character build was probably shit? I'm gonna give the game another try, I played the fuck out of DSIII the week it came out and beat it, and feel like I should give Bloodborne another shake of the stick.
anno 1404 gold. picked it up on a sale. seems like a sweet game. but whenever I install one of these kinds of games it just reminds me I want to replay sim city 2000.
even sim city 4 makes me want to replay sim city 2000. it's just the best.
You beat Ludwig but can't beat orphan? Wtf? Orphan was pretty easy.
Dark Souls 2. Compared to the first, I was having twice the struggle with none of the fun or sense of accomplishment. It became a chore.
Years and years later, I am still ready to shiv a man to death at a moment's notice if I learn he made the decision to put that fucking 8 min nuremburg ring at the end of the license tests.
A boy and his blob. The platforming is just not as good as other wayforward games. That, and calling for the blob every time you need it to munch a bean is pretty annoying.
Xcom 2
both, crashes
Dragon Age Original Sins
gave up after 5 hours because EVERY character got so fucking annoying that I couldn't bear it anymore
I shouldn't have played BG2 beforehand
>Final Fantasy Type 0
couldnt get into it at all, played about 4 hours
>The Witcher 3
didnt play the previous 2, didnt like the combat
>The Order 1886
boring as fuck, shitty gun gimmicks, bad all around
>Final fantasy 9
got to Necro, had to go out of town, forgot about it, haven't picked up the game since (its been 6 years)
>Resident Evil 6 PS4 version
just bought it, dropped it in favor of Street Fighter V
>Street Fighter V
PS+ membership expired, probably wont renew
>Dota 2
played 15 minutes
I hate mobas
played 5 minutes, boring
W-wait, are you talking about DA or divinity or both?
Killzone 2 because this fucking nazi ass motherfucker teleports behind me and instaknifes my ass each time i do damage to him. i died like 30 times and gave up.
All you had to do was to make the fucking difficulty steadily rising instead of going between stupid impossible and stupid dumb, it´s bad AI design. oh yeah and now when i googled to get an image google fucking spoiled that he´s gonna suicide. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Shadowman 64
i didnt understand the map and progression, i just got lost and didnt knew where to go.
Ori and the Blind Forest
got bored as shit with the bland platforming, puzzles, and awful combat
a shame, because it looks gorgeous
Metal gear rising. Never played hack and slash and i was completely destroyed by the geckos. I may still go back but im pretty sure i wont.
Before that it was probably the newish tomb raider which i just found horribly generic and boring.
Mario Galaxy 2, I got burnt out halfway through the Green Stars
It took me a couple times to pick it up but it's worth it
Return to Castle Wolfeinstein
Played until I encountered pic related. The whole game was kinda boring,thats all.
I always give up on getting all Covenant rewards on my first character in any Souls game. Not like I don't give it a good try but a mixture of lazyness and hatred for grinding eventually wells up in me. And it helps that DS3 has the worst covenant rewards to date.
>Hack n Slash
Consider me triggered
>game where you hack and slash enemies
>Final Fantasy 8
made it to final boss ultimecia, can't beat her
party is severely underleveled/no good magic to attune
>final fantasy 6
made it to the destroyed version of the world
only one save file and i cant survive the first attack from a random encounter
>Legend of Dragoon
15 minutes in, dropped because worse than final fantasy in every way
>Rise of the Tomb raider
played until giant samurai shit showed up, got incredibly bored
>persona 4
beat shadow teddie, still severely underleveled, I don't like grinding at all/fusing personas
>Silent Hill Homecoming
didnt even compare to 1,2,3 and 4
Thats all recently I think.
This one.
I was intrigued by the story, i got to Benny and i only found out he was just a random dude with persuasion skills, i guess, based on the way he was talking
The RPG elements felt great sure, but it just doesn't mean much when the combat and the animations felt so clunky. I knew that every quest would involve some combat and i was just not looking forward to it
I figuered since it seemed to be the style of FO1 and 2 that i would have to solve everyone's problems to get their best endings and i just coudn't bother, if everything is going to be built around this combat system then i just can't bother. Fucking Counter-Strike 1.6 handles firefights better than this game does, and i blame the shitty FO3 engine for this, also, using speech to avoid fights wasn't anything satisfactory either because then it meant i would spend more time walking around between NPC A and B.
I can see why people like this game, i like a lot of the NPCs and the writing was good but is the gameplay part i have a problem with
I mean: i beat it. I got 100% complete. And then tossed it in the trash.
Capsized, level design just got stale as the only thing that changed was that the next level was bigger, and had more enemies, a lot actually, to hamper the player progress and make the illusion of difficulty. It had so much potential...
>DaS3 bow only run
Why not npc summon? I always thought of that as an out for situations that are untenable. You aren't summoning another player. And DS3 is by no means worth the grief.
LoH: Trails of Cold Steel
Too slow and boring and full of cliché.
It's a Character Action game like DMC1/3/4 and Bayo. Hack n Slash would be God of War, Darksiders 1, DmC etc
why not sell it or give it to someone
Don't you fucking dare give up
not the guy u replied to but
shut the fuck up you bellend they're hack n slash games
>Didn't like Pokken at first due to the roster and the the gameplay
>sat down with it for a good while
>start to enjoy it for a bit
>decide to try online
>fight nothing but people playing keepaway
I just need to get good but seeing how I see majority in tournaments using Braixen, Suicune, Shadow Mewtwo, and Chandelure is irritating.
>8 min nuremburg ring at the end of the license tests
Super license test in general is just a pit of despair
>final test you mentioned
>belting around corners at 220mph in the track previous
>3 minute dirt track
>snow track shifting terrain throughout
I'm never going back
Every single game I've started in the last 3 years.
Fuck off; the broad use of Hack n Slash as a term is a shitty meme. People that call the likes of Torchlight/Diablo Hack n Slash additionally need to fuck off.
Stop deluding yourself, you hate video games
You can all fuck off, DMC and the like are 3D beat em ups
no one in the world would call diablo a hack n slash you fucking autist did i say diablo shut up
>giving up on the best boss fight of the last decade
You brought this upon yourself
No point in a challenge run, I only took 2-3 tries but felt if I'm this irritated now, it's not worth continuing.
the dev said he expected flak for the mid-game, and that it will be fixed in the next two updates ( by the end of june)
Dragon's Dogma
>get to final Grigori fight
>try to hit him
>piddly damage
>get 2shotted
>realize I'm massively underleveled
>try to leave
>stuck in an inescapable fight sequence with a boss I can't kill
Read my post again
This cunt on hardmode, fuck it.
this must be bait well done you got me to reply
>tazer grenade
>teleports behind you
>machine gun spray
>teleports behind you
>tazer grenade
>teleports behind you and le stab xDDD
>dead try again git gud etc
Lollipop Chainsaw had better shit IMO
This was in the open outside area and you were definitely hitting him in the heart, right?
>people that call
>not (You)
Reading comprehension
and you better believe people out there are that retarded
Max Payne 3. I thought I got used to cutscenes hitscan weapons, and cringy writting, but then hit long as fuck "interactive" cutscene, and I just had enough.
Are you mad? Those are all "character action"
Hack n slash always was and always will be things like Diablo, Grim Dawn, etc.
I don't remember where I was hitting him, but the heart seems like the obvious choice. Is it like the Ancient Wyvern gimmick in DaS3?
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge, Ryu clone. Has insane combo that takes 60% HP, is unescapable and is started with a fucking light attack. Also ridiculous amount of health
Dark Souls 2, Lud & Zallen. On NG+4, two extremely aggressive, high-damage dealing kitties at the same time. Not doable
PoE, kill-everyone-in-one-breath-attack-by-pure-RNG dragon that sounds like Moro from Mononoke.
Third time I leveled to max and literally consulted every single asshole on the internet who claims they beat the thing, but it turned out all their guides were outdated since the latest update which made the bitch immune to every status effect that makes killing her without aforementioned dying in one hit even possible. What people do to beat it now? I assume play it 100+ times until you get good RNG on damage/attacks that gets you through the first wave long enough to buff. And each and every time having to deal with the powerful mooks that automatically aggro the dragon (making every attempt take like 10 minutes at least).
But that's what makes a game hard right? Needing to repeat an optimized strategy 100 times waiting for favorable RNG? Because it's balanced! Balance is important in a single player RPG with absolutely no multiplayer elements whatsoever!
(Rest of the game is breddy gud though. Just not the dragon fights.)
Everything getting a massive buff in lothric castle for no reason sapped my will to play. Turns the whole thing into a slog.
Character Action
-High Skill ceiling
-emphasis on defensive techniques that require timed inputs like parries/perfect blocks and perfect dodges
Hack n Slash
Low skill celiling; mashing viable on most difficulty settings (sans puzzle enemies/bosses)
Hold button to block, usually not punished for doing so
Slower paced, individual button presses have long animations and auto-combo
I know I'll get flamed for this but Fallout New Vegas, I really did try to get into it but I just find it all so boring, the wasteland is boring, the cities are boring, the NPCs are boring, the combat is boring, it's just not worth it for me.
Even though I was mashing buttons to skip through everything I could, it took me I think at least a half hour to get to the point where it stopped resembling a david cage game and started being Zelda (when you go to the surface for the first time, basically). But that still doesn't count because every five feet you're interrupted by another cutscene or dialogue that tells you exactly what you have to do. The entire game is just following instructions like a preschooler.
oh and most character action titles penalize you in some way for using consumable items
More example of hack n slash
Lolipop chainsaw
Killer is Dead
Dantes Inferno
I remember spending like 20 mins on this boss, holy shit it was fun, tense and satisfying. Also,
>quitting at the last boss
Rom seemed one of the easier bosses, it just took patience and some spiderling kiting.
Ludwig was somewhat hard, but once you got through 1/2 of his HP, it got easy. Orphan was definitely the hardest boss, took me 2 hours to beat him.
Had a problem with orphan too. After several unsuccesful tries I just decided to learn to parry him. All his attacks are parriable in all phases, but some of them require such a good timing its nearly impossible. You need to find out which you can parry easily and fish for those.
No clue since I don't play Souls.
DD's dragonkin all have a weak point and ridiculous resistance everywhere else, you can stagger on the head and wings but the glowing mark is where you get your damage. For Grigori and Drakes, it's the heart. You'll get a different sound if you're hitting properly and an animation of them recoiling and clutching it
League of legends.
The game has devolved into a pseudosport fueled by manchildren since season 3 where creativity and fun are off the ecuation and the only thing that matters is how high are you on a ladder that you climb by a 50% of luck regarding the kind of team that you have to deal with.
Redsteel, shit control
I wish MOBAs in general would intelligently pair teams of pre-formed vs pre-formed and solo que vs solo que
Wouldn't stop you form having a retarded team, but atleast theres a good chance the opposition is also retarded
Dragons Dogma.
The pawns voiceacting and the tedious combat.
DMC3, last vergil fight
I didn't really like the game anyway, its not a huge loss since I sold the game after. This was like a year ago too.
Dangerous Waters
The sonar screen
dark souls 2. i beat the ice dlc, i mean the ivory king whatever, i hate this game, the boss fight was ok
Hyper light drifter, impossible with a keyboard, i wait to bought a controller to finish it.
And before that it was Darkest dungeons where i lost most of my party member, item and money. I was too confident i guess...
Hand of Fate
For the life of me I can't get through the rat phase of final boss, the rats are just too much for me.
>Darkest Dungeon
This. It didn't help that the thread on /vg/ died.
Skies of arcadia
turn-based combat puts me to sleep
Just started this and lost my first hero 4 hours in. I was kinda worried because of all the crying about the rng in the reviews, but it doesn't seem too bad, at least compared to older dungeon crawlers.
titan quest
found in my steam library, just fucking awful
this can't be real
Listen here you fucker. I spent a week on that shithead, and finally managed to beat him. You can do it too. Don't let that faggot ruin your game.
Baldur's Gate
Same, at some point the story could not stop covering the shit gameplay and combat.