
Why does Sup Forums hate this franchise?

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its a sony exclusive

Because is good

And the third game is better

I love it.

I'd say 3>1>2>4 for me but that's just because sneaking on Hard in 4 is so god damn fun.
This is the minority of Sup Forums though

ps4 exclusive and has casualized gameplay

I don't hate it. The worst thing I have to say about Uncharted is that the gunplay is boring. But that's usually offset by the verticality of the levels and (in later games) some limited stealth.

The MC is fucking crazy but everyone love him anyway.

fpbp. Sup Forums is a /r/pcmasterrace outpost on Sup Forums. they hate sony because they can't play sony exclusives.

Sup Forums doesn't hate Uncharted.

All the unapologetic shilling it got.

Sup Forums isn't a single person

It's racist.

as a whole you smartass. I bet you think your comment was funny, original, and witty while in reality it just shows you are a complete unfunny dick.

I'm not Sup Forums, but i am a sonygger and find this series very boring. The only thing i enjoyed was the character of Sully, but he alone cannot save the whole product.

Uncharted is the only series since the first Tomb Raider games that made me feel like I was on a fucking adventure.


Probably multiple reasons.

They don't like the focus on cinematics the games has. They don't like the fact, ND now makes games along these lines and preferred their previous works. They just don't like the genre it is period, etc, etc.

Uncharted is a MOVIE not a game !

He learns to value his friends eventually, but yeah.


>3 above 2 and 4
>fucking 1 above 2 and 4
is this bait or did you just point your arrows in the wrong direction?

Did the arrows backwards.
