daily reminder to blah blah blah
thinly disguised DS pvp thread
come complain, come git gud
daily reminder to blah blah blah
thinly disguised DS pvp thread
come complain, come git gud
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I for one enjoy fighting a host getting escorted by 3 phantoms and having a seed of giants activated
Seed of a Tree of Giants? More like Seed from my Peenus Weanus cause the seed is my jizz and the tree is, of course my Peenus Weanus and giant being how big my Peenus Weanus is.
so in short my Peenus Weenus is pretty big.
>spawning phantoms to help you in a 1v1
>sippy in a 3v1
>using the seed ever
Seed of a Giant Tree more like Seed of Fucking Stupid
Anyone else a red in disguise?
>drop white sign at the beginning of areas
>host gets invaded
>sit my ass down and watch the invader fight the hose
>battles sometimes last several minutes
>more often then not the host black cystals me out afterward for not helping them
>join darkmoon
>get summoned into other peoples worlds randomly
>run up on red phantom and wave
>sit ass down as he fights the host
>clap if he kills the host
Some people claim this is time wasted, but personally I can't consider a good laugh time spent wasted.
I want to fertilize that seed.
Phantom invasion priority + sippies being incredibly hard to punish + seed being usable every 3 invasions + hosts having 20% more health + mad phantoms siding with the stronger side
= invasions are a clusterfuck and mostly not fun
>invade a really shit host with 3 phantoms
>eventually kill all his phantoms
>he just runs back to the bonfire and summons again while rolling around like an idiot waiting for them to summon in.
I'm 200% fucking terrible at PvP in this game, the only invasion I've won legitimately was against a guy in too much armor using a really shitty dagger vs my loincloth and sharp katana. Even then I only had the tiniest sliver of health left at the end. At least neither of us sipped.
>Invade host with max phantoms
>Somehow no other invaders
>Well I can just lead them back through mobs I gue- Oh he just popped a seed.
>Fuck this shit. I have an obscuring ring.
>Cast hidden body so mobs are easier to lose too
>Dash back through the level so they lose sight of me.
>Chameleon in a good spot
>Having to track through the level with no way to refresh estus slowly brings them down
>Accidentally run in to the host later on his way to try opening some short cuts, probably. His phantoms left him alone to look for me, clearly
>Murder the solo host.
>Phantoms probably don't even know what happened.
Never give up, friends. There's always a way.
>literally can't do anything as the host continues to roll 50 times in a row and pressing summon on every sign he sees
Imagine you could parry the estus flask out of people's hands, disabling it until they died/left the world/ rest at a bonfire.
>do co-op for Wolnir
>Host dies in fog immediately
as much as i love antics like this, things are getting out of hand
>be invading as red
>nothing but ganksquads
>git gud and learn to fight back
>finally get tired of fight 4v1s with seed activated, decide to be join the fun police
>nothing but hosts made of paper-mache or groups of red/purple anti-ganksquad ganksquads
>get the blue sentinels covenant
>"oh cool I wonder if they changed it at all"
>they didn't
>get the blade of the darkmoon covenant
>"oh cool now I can invade people as a bluecop"
>it's functionally the same as blue sentinels
What's that wide bladed straight sword i see everyone using?
It always seems to hit me even whilst im rolling, or after rolls
>doing wolnir at SL18
>oh sweet a summon, this will make things easier
>summon sunbro
>immediately runs into cursefog swinging at wolnirs body
how do you even get so far so underleveled and be so stupid
One tip is to always cash in on when an invader/host is following behind you. Like, walk/run away a bit from them, but as they follow you, try to throw them off with a sudden attack. This must be the absolute easiest way to connect a hit in this game's PVP, and has actually let me overcome hosts with a couple of phantoms helping them.
I feel like your biggest struggle will be finishing off enemies, but your cleverness will be more rewarded. An offhand spear is a cool idea for taking down anyone on the run.
This thing?
Better than white in disguise
>invade as watchdog
>Red invades a second later
>find the host, smack him around for a bit
>hear something behind me, roll to the side as a FUGS comes slamming down on where I was 2 seconds ago
>this dumbass proceeds to fight me while the host watches, using up all of his estus in the process
>he finally kills me, only to be back stabbed by the host a second later
Am I just salty because I got killed, or is that red a fucking retard? It makes sense for mad spirit to act like that, but no one else gets rewarded for phantom kills so it's just wasted effort
wide and short, kinda stubby looking? dark sword.
you'll hear a lot about it if you stick around
Epic win, my good sir. Have an internet.
i've done this, but only for the lols
>invade into fight club
>pretend to watch
>great chaos fire orb into middle of brawl, killing both contestants
>sacred flame host and proceed to chug my way to victory
>make character called R1 King
>start as assassin
>Get orb as early as possible and invade the settlement
>Get weapon to +2 just to stay within low peoples range
>R1 spam everyone and every phantom to death
>except defeat if someone parries me(it happens like once every ten fights)
>hate mail for days
I have so many pale tongues I don't care. As an invader I will sometimes kill Aldrich Faithful that a double teaming a lone host who is clearly a newbie or out of their depth.
If a host has phantoms in any context though kid gloves are off.
fuck I meant to say accept not except. I hate english.
>invade some poor chump who doesn't know what he's doing
>has like three phantoms, who are also clearly nubs
>blow them out of the fucking water
>10 minutes later, get a message
>Hey can you help me with the level please?
>Get connected, walk him through the level
>Kill Vordt with four great chaos fire orbs
>"that was awesome!"
>"thx alot"
where ever you are, you're welcome. scrub.
>Fighting the Yellowfinger Heysel phantom
>Breaking a sweat because of his constant soul arrow spam
>*Summoning Sound*
>"You where invaded by Watchdog dude"
>Oh Fu-
>*Summoning Sound*
>"You where invaded by Watchdog another dude"
>Giant crab noises get suddenly lowder
Things have never escalated so bad to me in a Souls game like this one time.
Are there a lot of Watchdog players by the way? fucking hell.
Who are these people ganksquadding? I swear everyone's complaining about them, but the number of them doesn't seem to be going down.
Show them that pyromancy is good user, you have done a good job at that.
Casuls, the kind of people won't post on Chinese cartoon boards
of course it doesn't, because the ganksquads only do it to piss people off. They're this games twinks, just less skilled.
Which I think is stupid, because at least with twinking there was always some measure of sport to it.
Because gank squads can be really fun
>Never summon
>Invader invades
>Get the upper hand
>Invader runs away and stands next to the biggest enemy in the area
>Pop a seed, watch the motherfuckers drop
Be a shitter, get shit on
>invade some dumb fuck with 2 phantoms
>host doesn't pop a seed but does run all the way back to the bonfire while I fight his body guards
>cut down one and see host instantly start summoning another
>fight through 5 phantoms before I reach host at the bonfire
>starts rolling around like a moron trying to summon more help
>hit him once and then the lag switching starts
>host abuses it so much he disconnects as he's summoning his 6th protector
I really wish reds got a tongue for killing phantoms since almost every host I run in to does this shit
So how many actually know that you're able to capitalize on another player's parry/guard break? i was co-oping with a friend in irythll and we got invaded and he gaurd broke an invader and missed his riposte and got a counter instead and i capitalized in HIS guard break.
man you think you know pretty much everything, and then discover something new
I've seen that pasta as well.
I miss guard breaks all the time because I'm shocked at people who don't put even a basic amount in stamina. I've been hit by my own weapons through the same shields so I usually base my idea of guard breaks on an average amount of stamina unless proven otherwise.
Holy shit this is a great idea. Actually getting the estus to your mouth was slower in DaS1, and healing was slower in 2, but it's difficult to punish now because it's so fast.
This would definitely keep all parties much more involved in their fights.
They need to patch in an animation for summoning Phantoms, like you do when your summon the Firekeeper in the Dark ending. You put your hand over the sign like you're lighting a Bonfire. Invading is just beyond fucked at this point, it's not even worth doing unless you're trying fuck with people with no intention of winning.
The main factor is the prioritization of Hosts with Phantoms. I'd be completely fine with Hosts half more Health and nearly double Estus if most situations were just 1v1. But no, the game prioritizes hosts with Phantoms, hosts can summon as many Phantoms as they want if one dies it can easily be replaced. There is no risk at all for summoning Phantoms, you just stand still for a second and mash X.
This shit is retarded, it needs to be changed. Have some sort of Phantom cool down where you can summon 2 but after that you need to rest a Bonfire to reset your Summon cooldown
Heysel is a girl.
DS2 had farmable healing stones though. Which were fast to use and reasonably easy to play defensively enough to get use out of them.
i can relate to that, i don't know if it's lots of people having sub 30 stamina or upgraded shields. it throws me off. people either insanely high stability or basically none at all
of course? a guard break is just something that happens when you have a guard up and your stamina breaks, it's not a special animation for anyone but the person who got their guard broke
>Finally find another Grape who isn't a complete fucking moron and we team up on the host and his 2 Phantoms
>We kill the Phantoms
>We're both running after the Host
What does it feel like to be this big of a scared little bitch.
The only way to win invasions at the moment is one shotting people with broken R1 into weapon art combos. Once that is patched all that will remain is parry fishing.
Yeah, either you can only kick the shield in cause they boosted their shield/stamina, or the player guard breaks IMMEDIATELY in your combo so you hit them one too many times.. Thus hitting them out of the exploitable animation.
Anything short of a tower shield is a death sentence in PVP anyway, though.
people who understand what stability is and use shields don't get guard broken
people who don't understand what stability is and use shields get guard broken
pretty self explanatory, especially the part about people who don't use shields not getting guard broken
I will post this video every day in every thread until you lot git gud
>not expecting a guard break and they git hit with your last planned blow
That happened to me yesterday when I teamed up with a cherry to kill the faggot host and his bitch buddy. They had no problem trying to sneak up on me and go 2 on 1 but the second red showed up and his phantom fag died, he suddenly couldn't handle the reversal and promptly disconnected.
At that point I accept they are a shitter and just r1 spam through it more to get something out of the wasted break. Fuck it. They won't know how to deal with it if they let their guard break like that anyway.
Honestly, I don't think it would be possible to get mad at this kind of gank. That kind of organized effort and cosplay is great.
Holy shit solo players that play rolling kirk and never attack are annoying, though.
Definitely should be a max amount of summoning you could do instead of just spamming more help when you kill them off
you should have only the phantoms you summoned and thats it, they die you lose one, cant summon another
Does the video have any fights against someone not retarded enough to get hit by a fireball that moves at the speed of a slug?
Wait until you get to Aldrich's Front Porch
>invaded by rosaria's fingers
>invaded by multiple aldrich faithfuls
>giants stomping around
>zombie faggots shooting fireballs from high safety
>two dual wielding NPCs who enchant their weapons
>after all of this, silver knights shooting dragonslayer arrows on narrow ledges
I really wonder how much the designers were giggling to themselves when they came up with this shit
The reasons I think are
1) because it's a popular new game and so there are a lot of new people unfamiliar with how the series works
2) now you get fuck-all for defeating helping anyone beat a boss and you get like a gorillion souls just from helping a host kill enemies and stomp invaders
3) people really want wacky pvp but the blue covenants can be a bit slow so it's faster to just get summoned and wait for the fingers to arrive
>not seeing how he aims at where they roll into
>or how he takes advantage of distractions
>or blind spots
>or when he hits them from 50 character lengths away
he has like 10 videos of him spanking ganks, sounds like you just can't git gud
>invade as farron
>1vs4 gank squad with seed
>kill 3 phantoms
>red invade and try to kill me because hurr no double teaming the host muh hunur
So sick of this shitty game and retards.
that was epic!
epic for the win!
not to mention
>find secret area in all this shit
>what's down here?
>2croc lol
oh man, that was a blast
>see one croc
>fight croc
>second croc eats my whole asshole
thanks from
>invade guy killing the winded knights on top of the Archives
>he has a sunbro with him
>pops a seed
>run away and wait for them to kill the knights
>come back up and kill phantom
>host runs back to bonfire, starts to summon another phantom
>we fight and I kill him before the phantom is summoned
>host disconnects mid death animation
What was the point of doing all of that if you're just going to disconnect as soon as the fight doesn't go your way
>mfw poise-shitters show their true colours as retards who can't learn basic game mechanics and can't do anything besides spam R1 and trade swings, failing to understand something as simple as hyper-armor
>mfw shitters complain about straight sword users show their true colours as people who are unable to read their enemy and simply attack before they do to outrange or out-hyper-armour them
DS3 is my favourite because it's actually very balanced and every build has an easy counter but it's bringing out all the idiots who can't learn
The only build that is legit cancer is great shield+straight sword but that's only an issue if you play at SL120 like an idiot
Sometimes people aren't total assholes and you get cool moments.
Sometimes you have really cool moments.
It's nice when things like this happen. Although eventually a dark spirit invaded and started attacking people with the dragon's tooth.
>It's a "other Invading phantoms attack you instead of the Host" episode
Speaking of this shit, some faggot invaded me and just ran away into enemeis every time I tried to 1 v 1 him. I was willing to have a good duel with him, no estus, etc. He was a little BITCH. So I summoned two phantoms. one was a noob, the other was really good. I ended up chasing him into dragon breath and he died lol. Unfortunately I got caught in it too. I tried rolling away but ran into a fucking corner by mistake. I didn't die till like 20 seconds later and was laughing my ass off that I died but still cucked that little faggot bitch out of an ember.
I mean how could you attack us after we were running and dancing around you. What an asshole.
Reds are really getting bad about that.
You just denied him the possibility of getting an ember, nothing was lost for him. Whereas you lost an actual ember.
Why would the red be shocked or unhappy?
This edit is retarded.
Ya but I'm not completely shit. It took my five seconds to get summoned in PvP and kill the summoner in a fair duel.
>ember restored
Meanwhile this little shitter I swear was running around for like 20 minutes doing nothing except failing to hit us with weak ass lightning bolts.
sacred flame fix when
Fucking hyper armor man. It probably won't get fixed cause then mages will bitch about being underpowered and waaah wahh not fair
>actually getting hit by that in a duel
jesus christ
When they fix poise.
To be fair he used an R2 weapon art. I would expect that to at least disrupt his attack too.
i don't get it
Your sword goes right over his head, there's nothing wrong here except great hotboxes.
He gets damaged though.
>try to enjoy game's PvP
>devs permit and encourage hosts to be gigantic faggots and summon a full gank squad on you
>PvP in this game still gets revered
>Games that don't encourage deck-stacking faggotry are coming out soon
Oh, so he does.
Good ol' hyperarmour, he's probably got the wolf ring on too.
People who play dark souls for the pvp and not everything about it AND the pvp are the same type of kids who smurf in csgo.
They just want to play it only if they have a huge advantage on the other person.
I really don't like this new poise system honestly. It seems like it's waaaaay too weapon dependent. I understand a little bit of dependency on that but it seems like the game just determines frames where HYPER armor activates. I say tone down that shit to just super for most attacks and grant a slight passive poise too depending on its value.
I like the PvP for the unexpected, when I ran into giantdad in DaS it was always tedious as shit, because I'd seen it all before.
The same thing applies to 3, but instead of meme builds, it's endless gank squads. Why invade when I know what I'm going to find?
But they're not gank squads. You're the one invading a co-op group, they're not ganging up on your world.
Also you can estus so stop crying. Although I'm surprised how few people are using Undead Hunter Charms now that they actually have a use.
>you can estus
that means fuck all when the host has twice the estus you do and all of his phantoms can heal as well so they'll just rotate out in turns while the rest of them hit you
the standard combo is glitch-flame and iron flesh
he's using a spell called ironflesh that makes you basically immune to stagger and then a sacred flame exploit that 1-shots you no matter what. Best thing to do in this situation is just get close, wait for them to do the animation and then casually stroll away because ironflesh makes you walk like you have over 100% equip load (can't run). That or whip out a bow/crossbow and just pew at him while he slowly walks toward you. Eventually they will stop trying and pull out a weapon and actually try to fight you. Be careful though because they also like to switch back to the exploit mid-fight to take you off guard
the pvp is shit the hit detection is just to bad
Well then see my other point - Undead hunter charms. I've found them mighty useful in invasions so far and I'm sure you can do to.
>tfw invading in Catacombs
Skeletalball best ally
You're delusional if you think that just because you have HALF OF YOUR ESTUS it means that invasions are balanced.
The whole point of being embered (or in human form) is that the tradeoff for being able to summon phantoms to trivialize the game for you is to leave yourself vulnerable to invasions. As it stands there's essentially no downside whatsoever to being embered with two or three phantoms.
Stopping three people from taking a sippy doesn't really even the odds up much.