Demon's Souls was just shut down

The online services are down, and the official website is a stock domain page.

After so many years with this game, all of the white phantom/black phantom fun must come to an end, I will miss all of those messages that were funny, cute, or even deadly.

Please pay homage to the Uniters of the World.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck. I also planned to platinum this game now I can't.

u can always hack the acheivooos!!!!!

Atlas were bros to keep it up for as long as they did, we got a few extra years of extended online from em.

rip demon slayers

why live

I thought this already happened like 3 years ago.

There are trophies like that?

>tfw was never around to play this in its prime

But I just played it. Didn't do any co-op or pvp, but there were ghosts everywhere.

I was playing online last week too. Damn.

It's was going to but they kept them on due to the huge amounts of fans asking for it

You don't need the online to get platinum. But the online was useful in instantly changing your world to pure white.

Of course there were, only Sup Forums is this stupid

>that one area where the boss was always some faggot summoned to fight you

Good riddance.

Let's cross fingers and hope they re-release it for PC/PS4.

Never got a player-character boss and I beat them game serval times around and after its release.

Old Monk is easier when you're doing PvP though

Well shit, i just started replaying after dropping months ago

Is this the asian servers or just the fatlus americuck servers?

Get back to fapping DSP.
The old monk was great and the other games should've had bosses similar.

fuck you OP

Don't forget you can never get the Old Monk's Collar, either.

Fuck, I was going to make a nice combo with that and the Rogue's clothes. That was one of my favorite Fashion Souls setups.

It won't go PC because Sony owns the rights.

mirror knight in DaS2.

I played it again in January, I'm glad I did before the online went down

Not at all the same you silly cunt


They'll rerelease it for ps4... right?

So will they rerelease it finally now? Its literally free money even if its just a 1:1 port to the PS4.

He said 'similar' not 'same'.

Yeah, it's a nice delusion.

Eh. Ok fine.

I really wish they would re-release it for both the PS4 and PC.

Please no PC, i don't give a shit if it runs at 120 fps
It would ruin one of the few good communites left

They better. It would be so fucking stupid of them if they don't.

>Got carried by some random Jap through Valley of Defilement, he killed everything and showed me were the best loot was. This was all on my first run.

RIP jap preist. You helped me through toxic hell. I shall never forget it.

Fucking hell man, played this for the first time in 2015 after doing ds1 and ds2.

>Getting summoned as old monk for the first time.
>Getting "Victory achieved" because the player died on the stairs up so I got old monk's hat super early on.

Even if you repeat the same words it's not gonna become true

>tfw still haven't beaten the maneaters

You fucking idiot it's probably just server maintenance or something

Just stay at the middle of the boss arena near the fountain

Fuck, I literally just replayed it too and actually encountered a surprising amount of people online.


>Ruining an already ruined community

This is not Dark Souls

Dark Souls community will invade Damn n's Souls if they rerelease it

Last time I played it was in 2014 and I didn't get 1 invasion or see one summon during 2 play throughs. Impressive that it was up for 7 years though.



Can we get a moment for

Run Straight Through


Sticky White Stuff

>Tfw best lines from the series

this would never happen if the PS4 was backwards compatible.

sony doesn't own anything since they refused to publish it in the west

>mfw will be invaded by stupid scarping spear newfags that read through the wiki
>every thread will be git gud you didn't complete the game if you didn't use this meta build

Dey movin dey shit over to dem pc boyz. Dey lit nuggah dey lit

We had a good run.


>what's Japan studio

Are you fucking serious?

All the speedrun platinum guides literally recommend playing offline.

>tfw you will never see "THE TARGET WAS DESTROYED You've taken a human's soul. What a superb demon!" again


It's just down for maintenance. There's also a new balance patch in the works. Lots of people still play this and it's also coming to PSNOW. It's not going anywhere.

Maybe he wants to summon 2 phantoms to kill every boss?


I still got invaded even this year. Never experienced the pvp monk fight either.

>woolie can't summon OP phantoms anymore

>we would stop enjoying a game because of the community

So you don't like the game at all then? You just want to be a special snowflake that likes obscure games, fuck off.

The Old Monk's Collar is forever lost, though.

>Chance to obtain by being summoned for the 3-3 Boss special event and host dies.

So instead of the other statement where they were like "oh servers will go down on X date" now they're just fly by nighting it eh?

Was supposed to play with this chick in a few hours....

Aren't they supposed to give a decent time prior to server shutdown?
No listing on

Are you fucking serious me and a friend just started a playthrough

The next step is to reveal DeS for ps4 with online to get people who already have it on ps3 to buy it again.

The first paragraph is literally crossed out and follows up to say the dev contacted them to say its not Demon's Souls.

Do you even read shit before you post it?

He literally referred to the fact he can't platinum the game, mentioning nothing about summoning, even if he couldn't solo it normally, he could still use the super fucking easy dupe glitch to max all stats and dupe boss souls so he doesn't even have to go past the NG+ mid-game to get platinum.

You're also fucked out of the chance to get the monk's hat legit.

No, but i still want to have good threads
I played DeS back when i had to import the ASIA version for way too much money, don't even start that shit kid

>Balance patch

So they're tainting what's already fine? Awesome.

Never play online games. They are a trap. They will never keep them up forever and so the experience will be forever lost.

>server maintenance for a 7 year old game
Accept it, user

>yfw they nerf fists

They did on the original server shut down date like four years ago, since that time, though, servers have remained open by the sheer grace of Atlus. We've been playing on an extension all this time, they're way past the announced server shut down time.

>Headbuff nerf

Remember when they were supposed to be shut down in like 2011 or 2012 I can't remember.

>Don't have a PS3.
>Never got to play this.
Remaster when?

I'm not sure how that relates to being not being able to get all the trophies online. I'm only at the beginning and haven't read all the achievements but multiple guides suggest doing the entire platinum offline.


>frend let me borrow his piss 3
>Play DeS
>Got fucked by flame lurker
>Summon some other low level fucker
>We manage to eek out the fucker
>put the game down because school

Now this shit, fuck

Don't act like they're just trying to trick people. Demon's Souls HD would be excellent.

>platinuming this game last year, and decided to put my soul sign down randomly half way through the level for shits and giggles.
>Actually get summoned

The chances of that happening are probably super low, but now we are good friends.


>The online services are down
i'm literally playing right now and just invaded someone, the fuck you on about?

>future generations will miss out on the full experience of Soulsborne games because of bullshit like this

All of these moments we're experiencing now will be lost, like tears in rain.

>Sony Computer Entertainment presents...
>Japan Studio Δ O ⬜ X

Maybe stop falling for meme threads.

May 2012. They announced servers would be up indefinitely after the fan outcry. I was playing yesterday and there was no shortage of ghosts running about. I think they'll make an announcement if they decide to shut down. It won't be spur of the moment.

Dam son. I played with earlier this year and got invaded twice and saw multiple summon signs, and also played it two days ago and saw two blue summon signs.

I know but they should still announce if they're going to shut it down since there are probably tons of people who don't know about the original shutdown plans.

Honestly though, they could probably re-make the entire game world with just the Lothric, Dungeon and Farron assets.

Demon's Souls Archstone edition

>DS3/BB tier visuals
>Final archstone accessible
>Password matchmaking added
>PVP arena added

there will be remakes and rereleases

Where can I find out about the new balance patch?

Why is it currently offline, and why is the domain a stuck page?

Any one that didn't start out with DeS in it's prime will never experience it
Back then summoning for areas or bosses wans't considered casual or scrub. Going thorugh areas and figuring out strategies together was amazing and beating a boss together actually felt like you made progress because of your partner.
Now the wikis are ready day1 and everyone just shits on everyone that isn't using the fresh meme meta builds

>I know but they should still announce if they're going to shut it down since there are probably tons of people who don't know about the original shutdown plans.
That's what I'm saying though, they had originally announced the shutdown, whether people know about it or now doesn't matter, it was announced, I get what you're saying but at the same time that's like complaining they don't come out every month with a recap of every server they've ever shut down because some people might not know about the shut down. Its on them to announce, beyond that they've no responsibility to ignorance.

If only they would copy Capcom model of releasing it for 20 bucks

They could, but that would require effort from Fromsoft
If anything they'll give it to Bluepoint and they'll make it 60fps + better textures

They own the IP because they co-developed it with FROM.
Atlus published DeS in America and Blamco Bandaid published it in Europe.
Publish doesn't mean OWNS.
The same goes with Bloodbourne; Sony owns the IP.
You PCucks can petition until the world goes under and you still won't get your port.
Better start working on that PS3 emulator to make the game run more than 5FPS with tons of glitches and your non-existant PS4 emulator.


Damn I just started my 100th playthrough. That fucking sucks and actually makes me sad.