Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location

>Please stay in your seats

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's gonna have rides and shit.

more fem bots

It better have Springtrap.

It means his furry income will tank
Furfags want their fox cock

We know its going to be differnet style gameplay than the previous games.

Maybe you will be taken around the location in some sort of automated kart or something

Holy fuck, is this shit still going on? By the way, the animatronics would be a hell of a lot scarier if they looked like actual animatronics.

>Actual voice acting for the animatroncs confirmed
>Experience just got even creepier.

Means more rule34 and more SFM.



This shit is going to have tons of porn

Furry pandering: the game: the youtube video

Also I think it has to do with this line from FNAF World's 2nd Update



What if instead of a super repetitive reaction time micromanagement simulator, its a spooky survival game where you walk around and avoid getting captured by the robots which have various behaviors while searching for items that could help you survive each night?

You can damn well bet I'm going to just watch it on youtube like a little bitch instead of play the game myself

Learned my lesson after 2

>You track the animatronics by going around in an amusement park ride in a loop.

So basically It's A Small World featuring furries?


You can't make that using two decade old prerendering techniques in macromedia fusion, and learning new things is haaaaard :'^(

Neo Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen.

funny how fnaf 1 brought something new to the table tho

Springtrap is gonna be in this one? According to what?

>Still no Desolate Hope 2


Fancy photo editing shows some withered animatronic in the reflection of baby.

Really? This is what tipped you off? This thread in particular? Thank god we have you around to make these mind blowing observations. Take this (You), you've earned it, champ.

>tfw it's gonna be set in some sort of amusement park spinoff location

Baby looks like she can open her face in half. That would be really good for a screamer.

Yea i think that's what they are going to go for, also the "Please stay in your seats", screams Amusement Park or Movie Theater

Opinion about the new update of fnaf world, where the "Land of Memes" is included?

FNAF world has basically become a way for Scott to shitpost about his own series.
It's great.

The game wasn't bad to begin with, just annoying with the design of it.

The patch fixes most of those problems thankfully, but i say what really is bad about FNAF World is the uninteresting setting. I know it's meant to be a parody game but that doesn't mean i want to play it

You know, at first it wasn't a parody, but a full game, designed to be sold to the public.
I still fail what things do you find likable about this game.
It's a joke as a whole.

>FNAF 57 is a game you can play in FNAF World
>Big parody of Metroid, Freddy has a gun that you can obtain upgrades for
>Scott is the bad guy and is disembodied in a big tub that has pincer claws like Mother Brain
>Talks with you throughout the game and announces several more sequels like FNAF 58: Poopets in Space and FNAF 59: Cupcake takes Manhatten

Shit was fun

It keeps you in your toes and you will probably like it if you are a fan of the series

It's fine for its price

>Foxy Fighters is an aerial shooter you can play in FNAF World
>Big Parody of arcade shooters and Star Fox.
>Everyone has Voice acting
>Souldozer from Desolate Hope makes a cameo as the big bad
>Toy Chica is a Slippy type character.
>Do a Barrel Role.

Shit was indeed fun.
>Feeling of later night gameplay in FNAF 3

Can I see some videos or documentation of this, sounds hilarious

Literally took me 1 second on Youtube jackass. Just search for FNAF World endings

So much for FNaF4 being the last of the franchise.

Well here's mine.

Hey as long as the games are good and well made (And not priced higher than $10) i'm fine with it. If he wants to make money off the franchise that's fine, who woudn't?

As long as he doesn't start to fuck up the lore or making the same game every year

If you actually believed that, you're a funny man, man.

>implying it wasn't a Friday the 13th reference the whole time

>that .EXE parody


>it's finally going to use new mechanics

This is literally all I ever wanted out of a FNAF game. The premise and the idea of killer Chuck E. Cheese animatronics is fucking terrifying, but 2, 3, and 4 were just rehashes of a formula that's only good once.

If we get something with a little more substance, maybe some more story-driven attention to detail, the new FNAF game could be GOAT.

Did that entire game ever get fixed?

Plus the reference to Nightmare on Elm Street.

Wait so it's just human bots this time? OP's pic is clearly just a female clown.

I wonder how pissed the furries will get when there's no robot furbait in FNAF5

coffee is a playable character now too
Apparently we are getting funtime foxy and freddy too so it's not just humans.

Well, Springtrap might be coming back, so they'll have that mummified fuck to lust over.

wait but who's ssister is it is it freddy?

A lot of people allways miss out on pointing that "Fun with Plushtrap" was actually a really cool concept that integrates with the game, offering more bang for your buck

I hope we can see more of these "Win this minigame to skip 2 hours thing"

I can't wait to draw more robot porn!

Requesting the JoJo FNAF crossover drawings.

I honestly hope there's more to it than just a time limit survival thing. Unless Scott makes it wildly different.

My dream FNAF game would be a point and click with survival elements. Something like 4, except you're progressing through an area / facility and searching for clues. On occasion, you have to employ stealth elements and interact with the environment as the animatronics close on you.

The series could really use something more interactive like that.

it annoys the fuck outta me that you're not getting the powerups

You mean funtime mangle :^) Fuck that foxy shit, also source on that? scott said it?

That's not me playing, it's just a video I found.

Got another one for ya.

>It's a parody of Unfair games like IWBTG
>The rainbow is voiced by Jimmy Fucking Neutron. (Debi Berryberry)


>Debi Derryberry.

If Scott is so tired of FNAF why doesn't he just hand it off to other devs for shit tons of money?

>those names
what the fuck

Also fuck yeah Mangle confirmed

>"They know SHUT IT DOWN!"

>Foxy as Fox

Ok. That's clever.


>you wont get tired of my voice, will you?

Mangle is cute! CUTE!!!

Why does this game have so much porn
Isn't it supposed to be scary? Am i the only fucking person that's scared of this, every 10 year old kid is watching or playing it with no problem and i can't

FNAF just gets worse the further it goes.

I miss things being obscure as fuck and fun to speculate about.

Because furries didn't really think about robots until a game about animatronic animals got popular.

Sure, it was -there-, but FNAF caused a porn explosion because of the designs and popularity.

why won't it ever end?

why god?

mangle's a dude btw

is he still using that engine from 1998 or has he finally learned Unity?

Oh? did Scott finally confirm something for once?

Last I heard her gender was still being toyed around with, in Fnaf world the game calls her both she and he

go easy on the dude. if you had a successful franchise you would have milked it as well.

Just let it Rest, for god' s sake.

especially since he was 100% resigned to give up permanently making games if the first FNAF had failed(even if The Desolate Hope has a cult following and is actually rad as shit)

it was a pissing shot in the wind blindfolded and he hit a 100-point bullseye


Who would work there? This is the thread theme for me.

>people saying it should end

Hey guys, maybe if you want it to end you should not like it anymore and stop buying/wanting more of the FNAF merch/games/whatever.

Oh wait.
It doesn't matter if 20 people on Sup Forums hate it because there's 198231730193 fagets out there that fucking love FNAF. Kids, adults, youtubers, furfags, you name it.

tl;dr: the series will stop when people don't want it anymore.
It doesn't matter if YOU don't like it, because for every one of you there's 20 that do.

Such is how popular things work


I never liked it in the first place.

I was elated when I heard 4 would be the last but it was too good to be true.


You have a twisted view on successful.

>still no official fnaf dating sim or parody porn game

Sup Forums effect in full force

if its obscure they love it

if its mainstream they hate it

happened with minecraft

happened with dark souls

Oh, yeah, because we all know how swell the mainstream media is.

Hey hold it there, there's a good reason for Minecraft y'know? Notch became a lazy asshole y'see, it's success is no thanks to him.

That's about it y'know.

Vidya only please

Money already gone, scott?

Those names sound extremely odd. Im trying to figure out what the fuck.
The only shit I noticed it's that Bidybab contains "ybab" which is baby backwards.

Swedish Chef really let himself go.

It's gonna be some kind of clown thing. That's a lot of fucking non animal robots, though. It's like having a gave with 60% of the cast being balloon boys.

Into the fucking trash

What is this shit? Everybody' s opinion matters.

how so?

Wrong, faggot. The masses' opinion matters. That's like the small % of people that hate Disney's "Frozen" versus the fuck jillion of kids and adults that liked it and made it the popular clusterfuck it is. Only the large % matters, no one cares if you hate Frozen, you have no impact regarding it.

Only the numbers matter, what you think is nothing

>Chica goes from encouraging you to shit talking you