>He bought AMD
He bought AMD
Other urls found in this thread:
Uploaded now? Why do these Brits work late at night?
Nvidia definitely paid id not to release with Vulkan
>beta runs great on old amd cards
>nvidia sponsorship
>final game runs like shit on old amd cards
made it for you guys.
amd though
It's RAGE all over again. AMD dying in OpenGL
AMD always runs games worse on release day, but runs them better after a month or so.
how so if 2 consoles have amd cores and make 60 fps huh? with minor graphics downgrad
its just lie or lazy drivers from amd
Nvidia won.
>post you're yfw when you didn't fall for the PC meme
Neither console requires using OpenGL. You can use D3D on Xbox and GNM on PS4.
thanks nvidia
>There are actual people who are too poor to buy a 970.
>AMD is supposed to be "le open source friendly graphics cards!"
>always loses when OpenGL is used
>can't even run games at more than 15 FPS on the most prominent open source operating system
do you think id engine is that flexible? and they did not include somthing like this in options for PC?
like in origian half-life where you can pick:
software rendere
Defend this AMDrones.
>Buying AMD poo in loo technology
AMD on suicide watch.
>It's always Nvidia's fault when AMD performs poorly.
>AMD can never be blamed for making bad products.
The typical AMDrone logic.
>tfw i actually bought a r9 390
I'll be getting a 1080 when it comes out
D44M runs Vulkan, first big name PC game to. Nvidia literally only added in support for Vulkan like a month ago with the drivers.
It doesn't in the release version, support is coming in a patch later I think. They showed it off in that video but that's just experimental stuff right now. The game currently is OpenGL.
>post you are your feeling when
consolecucks everybody
>The Xbone and PS4 literally run on AMD
>your feeling when
Kill yourself retard.
>Xbone and PS4 run AMD hardware
>game runs perfectly on them
>Xbone can play Halo 5 at 1080p/60FPS
>PC can't
>PS4 can play Bloodborne at 1080p/30FPS
>PC can't
>your feeling when
>Nvidia cucks
>millennial console peasant thinks he knows hardware
>get BTFO because you went full retard
>samefag greentext because you still dont understand how badly you fucked up
>Halo 5 at 1080p/60FPS
Enjoy your sub-720p m8.
>doom beta runs perfectly on amd cards
>nvidia gets their hands on the game
>released version now runs like shit
>millennial calling others millennial
>twitter normalfag knowing anything about hardware
Scram you little runt.
>muh nvidia is to blame for AMD's shitty drivers
like clockwork
>console peasant
>all the games are literally made for me first and foremost
>PC Master Race has to beg for console ports
>not a mellinial
>literally 45+ and posting on cuckchan
>tfw fell for the AMD meme
will anyone assist in me killing myself?
>I-it's a driver issue!
Like clockwork indeed.
There's a reason why nvidia cards are about 50% more expensive than equivalent AMD cards, and it's all in the build of the card.
AMD shit is the graphics card with a heat sink and fans sloppily strapped onto the back. They run hotter, and end up slower than equivalent nvidia cards.
AMD will always be the second rate budget card.
enjoy the ban underage
Doom doesn't get enough credit for its amazing soundtrack and audio. I can close my eyes and still enjoy this video.
You're a gigantic faggot.
i think you like being fucked in the ass by Green monopoly.
It's well-known that AMD hardware is subpar compared to Intel + Nvidia hardware. This is also further compounded by the fact that Intel + Nvidia have better drivers and a better relationship with game developers. Intel + Nvidia is well-supported and well optimized.
AMD is the budget-bin bargain thrift-store 2nd-rate bottom-bucket off-brand no-name poor-people choice. AMD tried to make up for this with Mantle, but Mantle failed.
Why would you go to McDonalds for a hamburger when you can go to 5 Guys or In and Out?
Buying games on release date.
Having bought an AMD card i knew that i couldn't do that.
I'll just play anything else until a stable patch is released.
And if it isn't i simply won't buy it.
>I'm still posting
Nvidia will gimp them like
>you like getting fucked by nvidia
>I like not paying money to not be able to play my vidya
uhhh well played?
Protip, if you arent a millenial and youre posting on Sup Forums youre literally a middle aged living failure.
They set it post late to catch people here browsing before bed and americans.
>not being a middle aged failure
get the fuck off my board
>got a pre owned PC for £400 with a 970 and i5 over locked to 4.2 ghz and max every game 60fps 1080p got overwatch and total war hammer coming out in a week
Literally the best meme Sup Forums gave me
My specs are up to par and the game runs on shit. I have to put it on high instead of ultra with the screen scale set to like 80. And dont even get me started on vsync, its as if it forces it to run at 60fps which just ends up making everything seem like its underwater. I had similar problems with Street Fighter V, right specs with horrible performance. I just don't get it.
Those numbers are far better than the DF video, presumably not suffering from a driver bug, yet it still loses to NVIDIA.
what the heck is that flying screaming red lightning shooting thing?
>if youre (insert arbitrary condition here) and youre (insert activity here) then youre (insert insult here)
ok thanks for letting us know anonkun
>all the games are literally made for me first and foremost
So retarded you openly admit games need to be dumbed down to your level.
Also you still suck at knowing hardware, hint: halo 5's resolution and performance is not what you think it is and bloodborne's visuals are inconsistent as fuck in it's environments.
how do they manage to get this kind of quality on youtube? damn, i want the same... but youtube compression just ruin half the fun
>Hello, I'm your favorite everyday millennial hipster bernie fag shitposter, I
m8, my 53 year old dad browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
This isn't a secret club anymore, that ship sailed a long time ago.
This is very surprising as the 390 beats the 970 on most non-Gameworks titles tested on DF.
Yet Doom doesn't use Gameworks but utterly annihilates the 390 in terms of performance.
Well, here's hoping a driver or patch will fix this.
What's the point of these brand wars? Why do you care that someone bought something you didn't?
>still can't play bloodborne
>still can't play good games
>but muh multiplats
Of course, playing the Bitcher at 1080p60FPS is totally worth the 400 quid brick that's only good for shitty western multiplats.
People *need* to know and understand they made the wrong choice.
as always
>brand wars
literally worse than console wars
Polaris will literally destroy your shitty Nvidias, better hope you preordered a gun to shoot yourself with when the 480x runs laps around a 1080 in DX12.
>not waiting for Polaris
I don't get it
whats the point of Sup Forums at all?
Im like the only one that fucking plays vidya on this shit board
>literally the exact same thing
fixed for accuracy
Calm down Achmed, go back to molesting little girls.
>Your feeling when
WHY? are you retarded or just slow?
lkr?!!?! PCuck dont even have cinematic games like us real console gamers!!!!!
DOOM doesn't run Vulkan at launch, it runs OpenGL 4.3, Vulkan will get patched in later.
Vsync tanks my fucking performance, what am I supposed to do? I can force triple buffering but it still runs like shit.
>And dont even get me started on vsync, its as if it forces it to run at 60fps
The guy posted prices in British pounds, that's why I said quid.
maybe because it's not a bad product, fucking shill
Sure thing Achmed, just don't use your PSN account to plot any terrorist plots like an idiot.
its a ... i dont know, some teleporting bitch,
maybe it incarnation of Arch-Vile from previous dooms
It's great to know that Sony consoles can be used for more than just playing games, huh?
>tfw Sony will LITERALLY kill PC within your lifetime
Turns out it's a problem with the OpenGL version the game uses, which happens to be older than the one used in the beta.
What the fuck are you doing, Bethesda?
Shame they can't be used to fight terrorism.
But, that's expected, most Sonyggers are third worlders, so they support terrorism.
That's why Sony is trying to kill PC, baybee. With PC dead, Sony will take over the world. I am ready for my Japanese overlords.
It's over AMD literally cannot recover from this.
Fuck, you got a chuckle out of me with that chart, well done.
>He fell for the new doom is good meme
>inb4 a thousand and one angry marketer replies
>beta is on opengl 4.5
>runs great
>release version forces opengl 4.3 for amd
>runs like shit
user, Sony couldn't even take over Japan.
Hell, they sold their old Japanese HQ because they're sucking that western dick.
Thankfully, Microsoft actually WILL take over the world.
what happened?
One comment on the video says it's an OGL 4.5 addon compatibiliy issue which forced the use of 4.3 instead.
I see the marketers are evolving and learning the newest and hottest memes of the month?
>(you) a new and hot meme
Reddit is that way famalam
>comment on the video
no I mean like what really happened with facts and evidence otherwise its just some AMD shill and we can ignore them
>Reddit is that way famalam
O, the ironing.