How do PCfats even compete?

How do PCfats even compete?


>all that weeb trash on PS4

>Final Fantasy X/X-2

Oh my fucking sides

PCfat here. Right now I'm playing Battlefield Armada, and DoW2 Elite mod, and waiting for overwatch to drop. Then also later this month the Warhammer Total War game drops

I don't recognize most of those games there, I probably couldn't even fit any more into my schedule

>Multiplats to inflate PS4 exclusives
Do you really need to do that? I mean, it gets a good amount of exclusives so why lie? You have 5 that I spotted by just glancing at that image. Here's a tip for the future, if it's Squeenix, it's probably not exclusive.

>PC, console and handheld

OP Butthurt poorfag

>so why lie?
To shitpost.


all those ps4 "exclusives"
>also on PC

Forgot tekken 7.

Ori also. Not sure about the other xbone games though.

I'll go down the list of everything that isn't actually exclusive.

State of Decay
Guilty Gear Xrd
Akiba's Trip
Valkyrie Chronicles
Dragon Quest Heroes
No Man's Sky
HyperDimension Neptunia V-2
DengenRoppa or whateverthefuckit'scalled.

Probably a lot more there but that's how many I know aren't exclusives. Good Job OP. You didn't even do the research and made yourself look retarded.

>pcfats will never experience this

I dunno, man.

That's probably a good thing. No one likes fags.

>All low budget or indie shit most of which is in early access or not even released yet

PC gaming is dead.

Nioh isn't? Is it confirmed? If its coming to pc that'd be nice


>How do PCfats even compete?
By having more games

>A hat in time
>Descent Undeground
>Wild Star
>Star Craft 2
>XCom 2

>Low budget

By this logic, I suppose Halo 5 & Uncharted 4 were almost low budget too.

With hundreds of indie and and Early Access games

>not even released yet
OP's picture also shows games not yet released

DW8XLCE, SW4II, Nobunaga's Ambition, FFX2, and No Man's Sky are all on PC

the ps4 is filled with ports and vita shovel-ware and most of the xbone games have been ported already

>Games on Xbone right now
Forza Horizon 2 is the only one that's not either garbage, or on PC
>Upcoming Xbone games
Some of those are canceled lol.
Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 3, and Crackdown seem cool. The rest, not so much.

>Games on the PS4 right now
>Infamous Second Son and Battlebourne are the only ones not on PC, or garbage.
>Most of the exclusives are timed
>KOF XIV is the only actual exclusive that looks good, and it'll likely see a PC port later on

This gen is a joke.

>PC master race has emulators
>You have a tiny ass library of games to choose from
>As if most new games aren't complete trash.