Thank God Lionhead is Dead

>"They were going, 'You can't have a black person on the cover, and you can't have a woman. And you want a black woman.' And I was like, 'Yes, I do, because it's about be whatever hero you want.' [According to McCormack, Microsoft said] 'No. It's a white guy. That's just the way it is. We know what sells and that's f**king it. Stop the arguing.' I was like, 'F**k you!' That was a huge fight."

>"They said, 'What's the most unsuccessful Disney film? I was like, 'I don't know.' They went, 'Princess and the Frog. Work it out.' I was like, "F**k you, man.' I hated it."

>McComack went on to say that Microsoft "missed the point" of Fable III overall by putting a traditional-looking, male hero on the cover.

>"I was screaming at them in conference calls," he said. "I lost it at that point, because they just weren't getting the game. Especially because we were the first ever game that had gay marriage, we were about breaking down walls. It was meant to be funny and mature. They just took none of it and just did the usual white guy with a sword on the front. Damn it! You missed the point!"


I'm glad they're dead

>we were the first ever game that had gay marriage, we were about breaking down walls. It was meant to be funny and mature.

Sorry but I'm with Lionhead on this one.
Back to with you.

What's it like being a cuck?

McCormack sounds mentally unstable

>Biting the hand that feeds you so you can feed your ego and be "SO PROGRESSIVE", despite all evidence and facts
>Getting so buttmad about a cover you yell at your boss instead of just doing as your told

Talk about crazy

>Censorship is okay when it's getting rid of things we don't like

>glad they are dead
why? are you being ironic? I don't like the stupid fucking Politically Correct Garbage either, but it would have actually made sense for those games considering the way it is built. that would have been one of the few exceptions where it wasn't shoehorned it you dolt.

Lionhead should have been given the permission to do as they please with the game. In almost every case, publishers restricting development results in a shittier game than what the devs were trying to do. A happy, passionate development team will create a better game than a miserable one being told what they can't do.
Microsoft were, and possibly still are, a fucking garbage company for video games.

I was going to suggest you tell your wife what it feels like so she can tell me when I'm finished, but 2D doesn't speak.


pretty based tbqh

Bout as well delivered as a "your mom" joke.


he's probably right. I gave up on fable after the second game so i never played this, but I think developers should be allowed to go with their vision if its their original creation. Its not as if meddling publishers is a good thing by and large.

he sounds like he went overboard but if they're not willing to even consider it, can you blame him?

>not the tortoise, sheep or polar bear

>game content is the same
>cover character is chosen solely because it's the easiest to market
>seriously everything else is the same in game, nothing censored

Based MS

Idiots. The next Fable looked like dogshit anyway and F3 was terrible. Give me a black qt over some pasty faggot any day tho.

Yes. How about making a good game instead of trying to cram your sjw bullshit in it? I know it's a foreign concept, but when you try and force shit in, it becomes obvious pandering.

I guarantee this never happened, or at the least nothing like described. Guy is unemployed and is cashing in on SJW cred to land a new one.

Which seems like a huge mistake considering Microsoft is a huge industry employer even in the UK and other than mobile dev and Rockstar north the UK now has no games industry to speak of

So you want to kill yourself too then? Go ahead

Why are liberals so shit at retorts? Literal schoolyard shit every time.

It's not censorship though. You CAN be a black women. You also CAN be a white male. whoops, should of put could instead of can ;)

Retard should of requested a reverse cover instead of acting like a fucking child

Top lel, he talks about it like he was a badass renegade giving the midlle finger to all the suits while in reality he was probably all "yes sir, no sir, sorry sir".

Nice schoolyard retort.

>Tell someone they should make less money so you can make an ethical stand
>They refuse
>Don't quit
>Continue to do your job and collect your salary.

But microsoft are the dicks for not compromising their paycheck right?

When you are putting your money towards something (publisher) you should get every right to veto whatever you want. Publisher is essentially the client and Developer is working FOR them. Want your own vision? Start an indie company

>"N-n-no, wait, I mean, censorship is GREAT, when it's censoring black people and women from videogames!"

Pathetic hypocrites, the fucking lot of you.

SJWs cheer when Japanese games are censored

Why can't people cheer over this?

There it is again. Literally
>I know you are but what am I?
I question your reasoning and you splurg out in the exact same manner


They can, but if they complain about it happening to Jappoland games it makes them a hypocrite

Now watch as people rush to Lionhead's aid despite the fact that Fable 3 is a pile of hot garbage regardless of what the cover looked like.

Sup Forums

Simply fucking epic

>Their aid
And do want? Help them kikestart some half assed indie game? Good. Let them burn the little money they have left

>it makes them a hypocrite

Nah not really.

You see a hypocrite is somebody who says one thing and then does another. Having a laugh at some overly PC babies expense isn't that.

>game developer worrying about the cover when his job is to make the game good.
>the game ends up sucking

It's too bad Lionhead didn't take Molydeux down with them.

Now see, that's racism. Or at least, making decisions based on weird conclusions and racial averages. It was overt and it wasn't subtle.

I do love the idea of Microsoft having some sort of poster somewhere saying "The white guy goes on the cover"

What an autistic faggot.

This thread again? So soon?

>it's a trolls trolling baiters baiting trolls trolling baiters episode

I fucking hate you hypocritical fuckwits, if they had wanted to put anime tiddie on the cover for whatever reason and Micro$oft said no for some reason you'd be crying censorship, but since it's something you don't like you're all over their dick.