How this game

how this game






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Memes aside I love it. Downloading it as we speak.


One of the most memorable games of my childhood. Has genuinely creepy sections. Dat soundtrack. Dat atmosphere. Cozy safe spots. Go crazy man

kind of boring
The animals collection part was fun though

It plays like a 3D Zelda game, except with more stealth sections.

Tomb Raider with a female MC

Controller support?


None, which has me pissed because I can't remember how it was configured on ps2.

It's playable on KB+M. Played it 100% like 3 times on PC already.

Genuinely good game. Not outstanding but still well above-average for the time it came out.

I'm aware, I just like controllers more for third person action games.

One of the best games I've played, no doubt. Also, obligatory


the game

>Single daughter raised by a pig uncle
>Theres no white people other than the bad guys
>All males with the exceptions of the ones that obey the female MC and the evil guys are anthropomorphic animals
>There even a male cow that has a udder which e uses to give you milk, so it owuld be some sort of transexal
>The bad guys are white males and they are called alphas
>They are being mind controlled by a brain who hates women and beta males who it considers worthless,
>the brain feeds from the strengths of strongest dudes
>The MC beats the final boss with her inner woman power
>MC is a strong womyn who works as a reporter, raises orphan fights monsters while taking pictures of cute animals
>made by ubisoft

>SJW bait in 2003
I'm sure.

we need more porn of the MC

this, it's criminal

lol no. Actually one of the few games with a female mc that doesn't try to shove empowerment down your throat.
Not the game of its year, but definitely worth playing

If you like games like Zelda, you'll like BG&E. It has little to no replay value, though.

>Mammago garage, you know
>When your mamma won't go, you know
>Mammago garage, and so!
>ayy man, wat seem to be da problam?

>Actually one of the few games with a female mc that doesn't try to shove empowerment down your throat.
Most games that came out before 2008 with female protagonists are like that.

Pretty much. Accusing a pre-2010 game of pandering to SJWs is retarded, SJWs weren't even on the game devs' radar and it certainly wasn't a group they had any interest in pandering to.

Yeah, you're a fucking idiot. That or a troll. Either way, you're an idiot.

>lol no. Actually one of the few games with a female mc that doesn't try to shove empowerment down your throat.
What? She is literally perfect and everyone else is retarded and incapable

She even beats the final boss by channeling her inner power that she hsa becuase reasons, she says that the brain who is controlling all the white males called alphas underestimates the weak and other typical SJw garbage

Those tons of arguments sure showed me



the game

theres more i can't remember

>she says that the brain who is controlling all the white males called alphas underestimates the weak and other typical SJw garbage
Did you even play the game?

Like every other Ancel game it falls short of being a good game.

Yes i did

The alien thing mindcontrolled the army who was supposed to protect the people, they were called alphas and "picked on" the weak who were worthless the rest were sent to feed him and the strongest to serve him or something like that

This is like the first game i said well shit the memes are real

The domz made no distinction between the abducted, and the Alpha Section cooperated with them voluntarily. There's the exchange between the high priest and the Alpha section commander that even suggests there was a bit of a power struggle between them.

The game is older than Sup Forums. It outdates most memes.

What did he meme by this

Bad camera but overall, good. The characters are appealings, that's why people like this game. Imagine the ambiance in the desert like you see in thoses bge 2 trailers are amazing

ok ok the white alpha males are evil and cooperate to seek power and pray on the weak

everyone else is in the game is not white

I also remember there was a distinction, they didn't just abduct anyone

I played it like 2 years ago

They didn't even have skin, dude.

Honestly, it's shit.

i remember playing it on the pc with a controller.
it was a pirated version, tho


A lame Zelda clone with tons and tons of shitty stealth sequence

The only good part is playing the role of a sexy entomologist for cash and upgrades

Peepers and two IRIS members in the Akuda bar are white.

Beyond Bad

clearly stereotypical merchant

> IRIS members
Mexicans and furries


It is a great game OP and you will have a lovely time with it.