what did you think about the new overwatch animated short?
What did you think about the new overwatch animated short?
Entertaining, but predictable.
>can't even use is sword
Ayy lmao, nice game.
They are two Japanese people in Japan. Why are they speaking English?
Cringeworthy tbqh. Though I guess because tf2 did it they needed to do it too.
it was pleasant. nothing too good but definitely not bad.
they aren't, what you're hearing is essentially supposed to be a "translation"
How do you know that's Japan? It's a fictional world. And how do you know that they're not speaking Japanese and only understanding each other in English because most people who watch it are English speaking?
>The only thing these have in common are the location and genji and hanzo making an appearance
Are you actually legitimately retarded, friend?
>I predicted all of this
>I say this after it comes out
Quit shilling faggot
It's better than I expected.
Not at all.
Because that map is in japan?
dumb frogposter
I always like how they work their movesets into these shorts.
>we need to sell this soon to be microtransaction cash shop ladden game to the public
>i know lets make shitty videos like tf2 did!
HYPUUU! not gonna lie, I got a bit misty eyed aha xD
but yeah, got me pumped!
TF2's videos are character introductions and short stories to introduce the next map/gamemode update.
Overwatch is going for lore in world building, history, and character past and development, along with showcasing the abilities of the heroes.
They're pretty different.
did you... just use xD unironically?
Fuck off
Dragunz was actually posted before the official trailer came out.
trying a bit too hard to kill tf2 m8s
maybe you should try fixing your major flaws first
hes being ironic you dumbass
and i hope is too
Why though?
someone tl;dr the video contents for me
i got the general idea from another thread but i can't understand the hanzo/genji dialogue for the life of me and there's no subtitles
The fact that this has more likes than dislikes makes me feel really bad for the parents of kids born in 2010.
what? the video is in english you know?
>Overwatch is going for lore in world building, history, and character past and development, along with showcasing the abilities of the heroes.
Funny, because tf2 did all those things better unintentionally.
WOW I PREDICTED EVERYTHING THAT WAS IN THE PREVIEW TRAILER. Good job buddy everything that wasn't in the preview is wrong though.
i'm really bad with voices, i rewatched like 3x and didn't have much luck understanding it
After his brother (Hanzo) failed to kill him, he was saved by the Overwatch org and they offered to rebuild his body. Mercy (one of the support heros and main medic) was the one who created his cybernetic suit. After Genji got his new body, he began to hate himself and what he had become. He later left Overwatch and eventually came across Zenyatta (a cybernetic monk, also a support hero). Zenyatta was the one who was able to connect with Genji and get him to accept his new body and way of life.
Unintentionally? The entire focus of the comics is blatantly explaining the histories, you'll get next to no history or character development from the shorts...
Just go back to whatever nonenglish hellhole you came from.
cringe inducing
Wow, that was awful.
Battleborn is superior to Overwatch in literally every way.
>arrows bend and turn to hit people
Well its good they atleasted included lagcomp from 20 tickrate into the game.
So... Mercy when?
Honamura is in Japan you dope
it's my hearing though, i'm a native speaker.
When they start making canon porn.
I'm going to compare it to tf2 because fuck you the cinematics were way better and nuanced.
Tell me which overwatch cinematic gives you a better goof and gaff than this
Oh :(
how are you enjoying your borderborne experience my fellow man?
I don't think the Overwatch one was supposed to give you a "goof".
Blizz drones ladies and gentlemen. Gotta love them.
Strange. I actually did make both of those posts.
Battleborn is nothing like Borderlands (which is a great series btw), other than in color style.
That has nothing to do with Battleborn, you idiot
But I'm right? The only correct things are what was in the preview trailer.
This is some of the most generic, cliched and embarrassing writing I have ever seen. MUH ASIAN FAMILY HONUR. It's really sad that Blizzard try and appeal to plebs - i.e the widest market possible. They KNOW this is utter fucking garbage writing.
Literally the worst class short.
TF2's character intros are still more entertaining with unique lore.
doesn't really matter though, they are just short clips to get you to buy the game in the end.
Pretty cliche and shallow, BUT I did learn that I need Hanzo inside of me immediately.
Wrong, they are speaking grorious ENGRISH!
>t. gearcuck
the writing was so atrociously and childishly bad in overwatch's it made me laugh more than the actually funny one
fucking kek when they pulled that shit with the ROR RE JAPANESE DRAGON, HONORABUR BRODORS THAT FOGHT IZHOTHER FO JEALOSI!! i knew what was coming
Meet the Spy was the best one, senpai.
I honestly believe this game is marketed towards the ages 9-14
>no private servers
>"customization" is lame skins that just change colors and slight design aspects
>only 1 way to play a character with everything available on day 1
>private servers
>customization consists of hats to weapons to other clothing
>multiple ways to play a character with different weapons and gear which you need to work at to get so n00bs aren't wrecking your toon on day 1
There's literally no excuse to play Overwatch over TF2.
>predictable = bad writing
plebs everyone.
I find that Overwatch is the better game if you're looking for people that are actually playing the game they're in.
>Half the team are Snipers
>The other half are Demoman/Soldier
>Nobody's actually going for the intel, chat's flooded with trade requests
Heavy was the first and the worst
bad writing is predictable because it always uses the same bad tropes
literally (you)
>Sun Tzu
>it's called a zoo
Oh my god I am a fucking retard
>I purposely choose to play on bad servers so the whole game must be bad!
Get the hell out of here
Hanzo is a bigot for killing the Omnic guard but not killing the humans. Omnic's are people too.
$0.01 has been placed into your account
>playing 2fort
Legitimately the worst official map, even Dustbowl is better.
>Only nine classes and people praise their unique silhouettes to easily tell what you're up against
>Except every class has dozens of weapons now so you can't tell what kind of tools your opponent has until they actually use it against you
>Characters still look unique
>They don't have loadouts due to the number of heroes, which means you'll always know the kit your enemy is packing
TF2 used to be great, now it isn't Overwatch will probably turn to shit later but as of right now it's OBJECTIVELY better than TF2.
Well made but boring. The other shorts were better.
>you cant tell what kind of tools your opponent has until they actually use it against you
are you fucking blind, when was that ever a fucking problem in shooters anyway
>They don't have loadouts due to the number of heroes, which means you'll always know the kit your enemy is packing
i know the kit the 100+ dota 2 heroes are packing, what makes this different than a moba again other than the FPS aspect
Holy shit that goalpost just won an Olympic Gold Medal for the 100 Yard dash
>TF2 community and devs jerk themselves off constantly about how easily distinguishable their characters and kits are
>Oh since when has that ever been a big deal?
TF2 kiddies.
"bad" can be a subset of "predictable".
The only reason this is predictable is because it follows common writing conventions. How did these conventions become common? Because they worked.
Writing doesn't suddenly go from good to bad just because someone else wrote in the same manner before you did.
>That scene where they both unleashed their dragon spirits
it is still really easy to tell what someone is packing, especially with sound.
No, you're just an autistic manchild with a reddit tier video.
>Thread has devolved into TF2 vs. Overwatch
It's TV-Tropes the video.
I don't mind videos/movies being a cliche but this shit was just insane. It's like Blizzard tried to make the most Cliche video ever.
>Implying you can't just learn what they use by the sounds/looks that each weapon gives.
>Not understanding most of the weapons have a downgrade to it make it inferior to the stock, in most cases, so you can learn mid battle about what to do
>Not dying once to it and remember what they run afterwards because no one really switches their weapons mid-round
That might just be on you.
When both of them used their ults it was pretty hype.
>You have to die to learn what weapons an enemy has instead of knowing what they have right off the bat
>This is somehow fine
nu-TF2, lads.
Overwatch is "in" and has cute girls in it
What's with developers shoehorning in the most generic of backstory into their MP titles?
I really wish we would just get a TF2 cartoon like Venture Bros.
>pulling shit out of your ass for your new shiny blizzard game
D'Va short when?
You can't reflect Hanzos q with genji q right?
they gave up learning japanese
>Ignoring the first 2 reasons
>Implying you never die in video games
No, that was fluffed up you cant actually do that :(
u can reflect the arrow as genji in the fraction of a moment before the arrow becomes dragons though, just as D.Va can delete it too before it goes dragon-y
god damn it. I really planned on maining Genji. I hope weeb fags dont constantly pick him now
>There are still people who play and mercilessly defend TF2 just because they were children when they started playing it ten years ago
Just read the comic.
well said! love and peace!
The initial arrow Hanzo fires can be reflected but it seems to have no bearing whatsoever on the resulting dragon. It will still fly in the direction it was launched, doing damage to Hanzo's enemies.
I don't wanna watch it.
Post the ass shots and get it over with.