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November 2008***
FTFY. That's NXE.


inb4 literal retards pretend the blades were better in any way.


This is the 'old' dashoard

2008 was the best year in gaming, music, everything.

I'd say 2007 but Midnight Club LA wasn't out by then.

I spent like 60$ on different themes and shit like that. Then when the new dashboard came they all were pointless. Man I really miss the old dashboard. This brings back so many lonely sad memories thank you op

I really liked this menu. It's the only Xbox menu that I've ever thought was well designed

if i get a modded 360, will i be able to use blades again?

Shit, this takes me back to simpler times.

the 360 didn't have the blades

Never had a 360, but I remember this dashboard from Xbox 360 kiosk demos back when it first came out.

everyone i know calls blades

delete this

Yes it did

I always hated the 360 dashboard and how it was filled with ads. That was until I got a PS3 and the menus were a total pain in the ass to navigate and to find anything, not to mention how long it took for icons to load.

I find it hilarious/sad that people still defended the Xbox live subscription after they covered it in ads.

The Xbox 360 Welcome video called that menu the "blades"

Wsa i just my PS3 that was a fucking piece of shit for downloads?

It took me like 5 days to update a game

>That was until I got a PS3 and the menus were a total pain in the ass to navigate and to find anything
how is any part of the XMB a pain in the ass
everything is really easy to find

Honestly I really appreciate the Wii U's approach to menu design. If it didn't require the tablet I don't think I'd have a problem with it.

There's two-three adds tops off to the side. You might have autism if this triggers you.

>tfw they got rid of the best console UI ever made just to shoehorn in some shitty mii avatars

>paying money to see ads
Usually you pay money to NOT see ads

I remembered when Xbox fanboys defended the increase in the price of Xbox gold back when PSN was still free. People seriously justified it by saying that everything in the world goes up in price, like oil.

Jesus christ, this. I recently bought a PS3 and the store is total suffering. I've had it crash on me repeatedly. Movie deals being lumped with game deals is also fucking annoying.

Thankfully, there's some nice games that weren't available on the 360 like Lost Dimension and Samurai Warriors. Shit's fun.

Does the Xbone still have those Xbox Mii rip-offs? I always hated how they were such a transparent rip-off and cashcrab since 99% of their clothing had to be bought, and only a small handful of the earlier clothing could be earned through gameplay.

Still the best 360 dashboard.
>tfw still have original skins from Blades and can still use awkwardly on the last dashboard

It was back when Axe spray had that Bom Chicka Wow Wow! and every blade had a different girl dressed skimpy.
I can still use it but it looks fucked up as hell with the newest dashboard.

>Xbox Live
>Xbox live
>wat u w8n fo senpai

Wow Xbox has always been shitty and riddled with ads. If I booted this thing up the first thing I'd think is 'wow I paid money for this and it looks like freeware, what the fuck have they no respect for the consumer at all?'

I'm glad Xbox is done

Dat fucking early 2000's aesthetic tho.
I really hate the minimalist one they now and forever will have.

>Does the Xbone still have those Xbox Mii rip-offs?

Yes, you can even import your avatar from your Xbox 360 account.

You're on the xbox live tab. What did you think it was going to contain?

>early 2000's


>go to Xbox Live blade
>options to join Xbox Live


Jtags/rghs can use whatever custom menu you want user. Assuming you're calling that menu blades. Though there're much nicer custom themes for hacked xboxs.

Samurai Warriors was on the 360, it was my little brother's favorite game.

The golden age of 360 was 10 years ago.

Where did the time go?


I'm talking 4 and 4: Empires
I played 3 on 360

Into the Xbox One. Jump in.

>I recently bought a PS3 and the store is total suffering. I've had it crash on me repeatedly.
it's no secret that the console version of the store sucks fat balls, but you can get by using the web store and just downloading things from the download list

Going to the download list locks up my ps3 without fail 100% of the time

>Allen Murray, the Microsoft employee who largely created the technology that allows for ads on Xbox's dashboard, says he's sorry.

>Going to the download list
Not him, but
>PlayStation Network
>Account Management
>Transaction Management
>Download List
Don't touch the console store, period

>we will NEVER be able to put in a game and play it right away, don't even have to press start on a dashboard or download 10GB of data
>we will NEVER get a clean UI, always going to be some cluttered W10-looking like garbage (PS3 did it somewhat well, the PS4 is shit though)
When do you guys think simplicity will selling consoles? When will it be the big ticket item?

Hey did you guys see this hilarious video?


the sound of that menu was so nice but so spooky in a way

>that slow as fuck memory card viewing/editing

Look at these graphics, imagine how much better games will look after 5 years!

At least it was before I fucked everything up

I went from OG Xbox to XBONE. I never got to experience 360 in it's hightie

no way that isn't on low settings

Humans were always optimistic fools.

There's no logical reason to assume anything will ever be better.

I was on Sup Forums in 2007 and we all hated modern video games including the 360 and halo

Now you're all missing those 'simple times'

In 2026 a new generation will be posting here about how much better the PS4 was and the early days of underground twitch streaming and let's plays were so much better than the corporate side.

This is all such a waste of time

Look at these graphics, imagine how much better games will look after 3 years!

When the hell are they going to update the 360 to make it region free?

If I buy a new Xbox 360, how easy will it be to pirate it?

yeah except for a huge spike in technological development over the past decade you fucking idiot.

>hurr look at me trying to be deep guis am i cool yet

>people running Crysis at decent settings/framerate

Newer crowd on this board,plus when you think about it life was simple and nostalgic both at the beginning of the current gen and before it, to be thinking those corporate motives such as DLC and lets plays were truly the pinnacle of the new gen is rather upsetting

>Corporate side
Why don't they actually get some executives or ceo's of publishers to play some games on stream or youtube? I'd watch the EA devil guy play battlefield.

He'd rather pay the streamers instead of doing it himself.

>people seriously believe streamers aren't all bought shills

Anyone remembers the old PS Store?

actually rocks look like clay. Foliage and sand and water look godly

>Anyone remember the functional PS Store?
Everyone does.

Which one? You mean the older ones that actually worked real nicely instead of the recent fancy shit laggy ass one that literally crashes on the PS3?

Here have a article

even brote?

He looks like so evil. Didn't he wear white the next year? Also I still would like to see him lets play mass effect or dragon age.

>imagine how much better games will look after 5 years!
>yfw the answer is "not much"

the day they patched this out was the day consoles died for me

It wasn't always like that, it was smooth as hell until the PS4 came out and they decided to have the PS3 use the PS4 store. Planned obsolescence.

I hate my ps4. Xbox one is ok.

Nintendo's got a really nice minimalism thing going on, you can see where everything is in one screen.

The funny thing is that the store is still prone to crashing on the PS4.

Too bad they couldn't do the same for the eShops.

Is ps4 store supposed to be working fine?
I can't buy anything half of the time for no reason at all

That's not a glitch. They're looking in the back to see if there's any games left.

My god they couldn't even make it not crash on the PS4 as well?

This is what happens when you have retarded designers making the damn store.

Same. Went from Xbox to PS3 to Xbox One.

Still wondering why there isnt another Jet Set Radio game. I downloaded JSR on xbone today. They really should have continued after Future.

Fuck, this takes me back
>Opening up porn in the living room with family, courtesy of some random shit on PSU

gonna need the full memearrow story on this

I prefer the Xbox's one

What s ducking cutei

God, what a shitty time to be alive. Not too different from today. This world is so goddamn heinous, I just wish a meteor would crash into the earth already and wipe out this miserable species.

Games look far, FAR better than both of these now.

I wish you'd stop posting this shit like its still the pinnacle of graphics. Even fucking Crysis 3 looks better than both of these

Thats just Xbox.

Meming nigger.

Such simplicity.
I hooked up my Xbox the other day, and man I miss those days.
Simpler times.

Who the hell actually upload pictures in there?
>Hey Bob, show me your family photos from your vacation in the Bahamas!
>>Sure, Mike! Let me just turn on my fucking XBOX.

There's not much to say about it, considering I somehow dodged the bullet.

Looks like we got ourselves a lemon.

What show is that screenshot from?

>Xbox's one
>Xbox One

She canonically like.BBC. Don't even bother.


>Alien transmissions in the background when the console is idle


>unga bunga! Me play Halo 2 on Xbox Live


It's shit.