
Was this ever announced?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, today

Is the actually good or NepNep tier genericore?

You are very late

I would buy it for the ost alone

>>half-life 3

Gotta give hope to the retards


Ray Gigant, EDF (judging by the fact that no updates at all during this year) and HL3 are pretty much the BS ones.

It's certain that Criminal Girls will come on PC because people won't care about censorship as long as they can give money to based NISA.

EDF 4.1 when?

>Actually implying EDF won't be released
Come on m8.

It was back in the golden age of JRPGs where they didn't need to appeal to degenerates to make sales. The story is actually pretty emotional and downright fucked up at times.

Phantom Brave is nothing like Nep at all.

Probably soon, the app now is being update every other day. I expect it to be appear one day on the store and will be release in the following week.

>mustards once again shitting their pants over 10+ year old easily emulatable scraps

I remember playing that on my Wii like 8 years ago.

also this I mean the game is good but still

>forgettable weeb shit

Tell me its the PSP port which inluded the added content from the Wii version, and the new content from the PSP version?

>Buying shit you can emulate

Who the fuck does this.

Do they really have to put PC in front of it?

Disgaea 1 was the PSP version right? I don't see why this wouldn't be.

It's not.

>appealing to degenerates
It's literally moe shit and loli bait

>he doesn't hunt his food
>he doesn't live in some old person basement
>he doesn't kill nigas to get their watches and shoes

>can't tell front from back

Looks like japanese publishers are finally realizing how many weebs are using Steam.

All of them

Could be nice with mouse controls

It's easier to say you haven't played the game, user.

>no Nier
>no Drakengard 3
>no Catherine


Let's just hope it isn't hot trash on release like disgaya

EDF plz ;-;
Such an underrated series but sooooo fun

they are coming slowly, give them time, and dont take that list too seriously, just check what game its listed too.

>ray gigant
>half life 3

what's lol about those first two?

Soul Nomad when
da bes NIS game

NISA nty

>bad rats show

>Earth defense force.

Heard about this.

Is it good? Fighting giant monsters with an army sounds cool.

>instead of getting to D4-5, they're going to port every single shitty ps2 game they have first
Aaaand I'm out, fuck the japanese jew.



I thought Sony was heavily involved in this game's creation/release.

They should really port Catherine.
Although if I had my way all Atlus games would be ported, so I could stop having to use emulators when the systems are ded.

>half-life 3

april fools was over a month ago

>Phantom Brave PC
>Not Makai Kingdom
>Not Soul Nomad
>Not Disgaea 3/4
>Not fucking ZHP

Come on..Phantom Brave played like shit AND had an annoying protag to boot


Goddammit, just give me the PS3/4 Disgaeas already. I already have every game you made for the PS2.

>implying those will ever come
Just buy a PS3 you mong.

That's not the Journey you're thinking of

It's another game

Criminal Girls was already announced to be officially coming.
Ray Gigant is only recieving a digital release in the West so its not odd to see Bamco wanting it released elsewhere (similar to what Square is doing with I Am Setsuna). Its receiving consistent updates in the steam database too. And there's already an EDF game on Steam plus this is XSeed we're talking about so I don't know why you'd find that unlikely either.

Why would I buy a shit system?

It's $30.
You have to be poor to not afford one.

You're complaining about something that is only a good thing simply because it contains games that aren't of interest to you.

>Phantom Brave played like shit AND had an annoying protag
Get out of my FUCKING board

It's also not 1080p.
You'd have to have eye cancer to buy one.

Why is a remastered game in Early Access?

EDF is coming cuckold.

>it's also not 1080p
>caring about graphics in a JRPG

>no updates at all this year
>last updated 17 hours ago

>PS3 Disgaeas
I think you mean the Vita ones.

Unless you do want the shit versions of 3 and 4.

They are still working on it. Its not finished yet. I believe they have an explanation on the steam page somewhere, possibly in the announcements. Go looking.

>sonycucks once again showing how angrily cucked he is

>all these PCucks thirsty for EDF
Just more proof PCucks are jealous of PS owners, but shitpost to hide their insecurity.

Too bad it's not even coming to steam.

>tfw I bought a ps3 recently just to play Disgaea 3 and 4 only to be told later that those versions are shit
At l-least I can play Nier, r-right?

Ayy, stay mad you nigger.

Don't worry bitch.

Just buy a PSTV then, they're $20-$40 on ebay/Amazon.
Why would any PS owner be mad if they can already play all EDF titles?

>all this shitposting instead of people being happy that another game got ported
You're shitposting.
And you're probably wrong, as there is ample enough evidence to expect it. Never say never.

Because people like you shitpost all the time and shit up threads crying for ports.
Fuck you, people just want to discuss the game and you ruin the thread with your needy poorfag garbage instead.
End yourself, subhuman.

Because faggots like you don't give a shit about the game until it gets ported to PC.

>PS owner be mad if they can already play all EDF titles?
Nigga I played the vanilla version on PS3 too. Not buying a streambox4 for an updated version though. Also this post reeks of anal bleed.

Stop crying bitch.

Kill yourself.

EDF and Criminal girls (as long as it isn't censored) are the only games I'm interested

Why would someone who played a game over a year ago be upset some starving africans are being given the scraps?

both sides are fucking awful but dont take it out on the people genuinly enjoying games you retards, half of the shitposting is false flagging anyway

Welp, seems like yet another version of phantom brave to buy that I'll never finish.

I don't regret it, I just know I am going to get overwhelmed by the possibilities of what I WANT TO DO in min-max bullshit, and it will totally overtake my want to finish the story.


Can you not?

Stop crying already bitch, what's wrong with you?

Criminal girls when?





If you enjoy games, you wouldn't just wait and hope for a PC port of a game to get released. You would own the game already.
Also have fun PCkeks for getting another inferior EDF title.

Sorry you lost your food sonygger.

When did I shitpost? And asking for ports of a game is not shitposting. Shitposting is intentionally posting low quality content for the sake of inciting others and/or to get (You)'s. Expressing interest in ports is not that. For the record, I ask for ports of games I already own so please don't assume poorfaggotry and whatnot. I can even take a picture of all my consoles and games if you so desire.
That's not true at all. There is plenty of attention given to games as they go through development. Expressing interest in a port does not mean a lack of interest in a game to begin with. Do not misunderstand. Also, such is not a reason to react back with shitposting of your own.

This game in particular, Phantom Brave, is a quality game, and the fact that it has been ported is only a positive thing as more people will get to play it and people who already played it will get to experience it again in a new way if they so desire. Nothing is harmed, and there is no reason to be anything but happy that this occurred. Please stop shitposting in this thread so we can all be excited for Phantom Brave.

It's pretty fun

Is this supposed to be a FF Tactics type game ?


Christ, you are just the biggest shitposter of the day, aren't you?

But I do own the games I ask for PC ports in some cases. Do you want me to take a picture of my games and record myself saying "I want a PC port of this" along with a timestamp? I can do that, if you so desire.

This is what I came to this thread for. If any PS2 game needs a port, it's that one.

>Criminal girls

It's actually fucking trash. I thought it might be serviceable as a dudgeon crawler but it's just shit from start to finish.

Look up a damn video, turn based strategy with no tiles, you start with one commander character who summons other by using items in the landscape, also everything can be wielded as a weapon.

>implying it's better than 2017 or Global Tactics
Post your EDF collection then you fucking moron.

>dungeon crawler

Isn't it an SRPG?

I'm more interested in the eventual Makai Kingdom port, it's the only not-Disgaea NIS game I haven't played yet.

Losing it would imply its gone.

i do own the games dumbass i own both a pretty good rig and a ps4/wii-u, its called im not a brainwashed sheep and i actually want games i like to be played by others and edf is sure as shit one of them

more sales more chances of sequels + translations, fuck your exclusive bullshit.

No fuck you. I swear to god this will only make the comfy EDF threads even worse.

Unfortunately, I don't own EDF nor do I have much interest in EDF so I cannot do that. When I speak of the EDF port, I myself am not very interested in it. I was just pointing out that its likely its going to get ported. I cannot say that, but then again, I never asked for a port of EDF. I am happy for those who are interested in it, though.