I had a good time in the beta but fuck... haven't payed 40 euros for a game in years..
should i bite in?
I had a good time in the beta but fuck... haven't payed 40 euros for a game in years..
should i bite in?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Should I buy this game I enjoy
No you should just sit in front of your computer and shitpost on Sup Forums instead
knowing this site you probably haven't paid for ANY game in years.
i enjoyed it but do i €40 enjoy it
No, it's gonna go f2p in a year
but that means OP will wait one more year
Xbox or PS4 version?
thats next to no money, buy it poorfag
Better than shelling out 40 euros for a crappy game
if youre actually too poor to buy a video game dont play video games
>yurops have to pay 40 eurobucks for a $40 USD game
I don't know how online retailers keep getting away with it, but top kek anyway
Well put it like this
Do you see yourself getting at least 40 hours out of it?
At any rate, thats not a lot of money to begin with, get a job NEETcunt
>Even worth $20
No you don't especially since it won't have players in 3 months.
>Game costs probably 4 hours of your work time.
>Still wonder if you should buy it.
Just do it and stop penny pinching so hard.
>If you don't want to buy something that you don't value at a certain price you are poor
Ok buddy, whatever you say
How old are you, exactly?
You can get it for $40 if you know where to look and in some countries you can even get a physical copy of Origins edition for pretty much the same price or very slightly more.
Don't fall for the meme, Op.
Yes, and you should buy the 60$ version for extra pixelated textures. Also, don't forget their will be an in-game shop. So don't forget you can spend your money on even more skins.
Lastly, don't worry about the skill cap. Since their is no community content or maps, you'll be really good in the 6 existing maps and 3 game modes available.
You also don't need a good mouse. Overwatch has auto-aims!
how much do you value 40?
you pathetic europoor trash
The game is so awesome I bought 2 copies of it. That's right, that's how much I think the game should cost. Origins edition btw.
The other copy will be given at random, but only if you got TF2 before 2010.
f2ps can fuck right the fuck off.
This game will have 50,000 players in it in 3 months at least.
Screen cap this post, send it to your friends, idgaf. I know this to be true.
but i buy video games, especially on g2play, but 40 euros for this? cmon men
More than this game, obviously
I thought I made it quite clear, or are you having troubles with your comprehensive skills?
>europoor trash
>Free healthcare
>Free college
Why you so mad? :^)
>6 maps
>auto aim
>community content/maps even mattering at all
hello friend, sorry you didnt get to play overwatch
Does buying the Orange Box for 360 count?
give it to me right now
got tf2 @ 2008
Older than you.
sleep snug, smug
To NEETs, 40 is like a half a year's worth of mommy's allowance
I did, it's a really good introduction to the FPS genre.
>free college
>free healthcare
Just because your government makes you pay for it doesn't mean that it's free.
>40 bucks for a game you'll enjoy for guaranteed 3 months
> 60 bucks for Doom which you can finish in a single day
gee, what a problem indeed
this desu
your government taking it out of your paycheck doesnt mean its free bootlicker
enjoy your subhuman living standards, low pay, brick houses? its not the 1500s anymore, technologically advance with the rest of the world
nice tv license
It's free for me :^) and when I'm done I'll go to America and have a decent job unlike you neets.
Also, I can fuck around every semester and never get expelled or get in debt.
Just come on release date and be prepared with proof.
Showing orange box on PC/Xbox is an automatic entry.
that is way too much money for a mp only game. Wait until it comes down in price.
I've seen a lot of strange shit over the years on Sup Forums but I have to admin I am completely baffled by this picture. Anyone care to provide some request ?
Apologies to the other anons, carry on with your Overwatch thread my good sirs.
>technologically advance
Sure thing mate
>its not the 1500s anymore
Are you sure?
here in america your "education" will not be accepted, the weak minded are exported,
so feed me more of your europoor tears, they sustain me
>Blizzard games ever dropping base price
Hello newfag
No, don't need poorfag plebs polluting this game. Stick to f2p garbage
Jesus, is this real?
You think this would make front-page news.
>I will not pay for something I enjoy.
Why are you even in a capitalist society?
> Anyone care to provide some request ?
> some request
Damn I need some sleep. Meant context
IF you liked it buy it. If you don't, well don't buy it. Can you not think for yourself, do you need Sup Forums to do it for you?
>blizzard game
>price drop
I know I will as soon as I have time to dig in again. Blizzard rarely does any sales, so it is kind of pointless to wait for a pricedrop.
Uneducated peasants like you have no right to speak, so your opinion is invalid.
They do, it just takes a lot of time. 3-5 years.
>he buys his games from the Blizzard store
Hello newfag
yes that one is satire
here have something real for compensation
Not him, but how do those shops manage to price their gaming codes so low?
Also, have you ever run into any problem with those?
if they make a new game
tell that to my perfect grades in my private high schools honor program
The game is about 3 balance patches away from being relatively competitive but the core gameplay is fun enough to consider buying it after those patches.
No idea how they manage to keep their prices low. But no I have never had a problem with key sellers. They are pretty quick at giving you the keys as well. Fuck I sound like a shill
Comparing a tweet to an article is pretty retarded desu.
Yes it is good
>implying I mean't the Blizzard store
do you hold muhammad drawing contest in your """"""""country"""""""""" achmed?
I played tribes ascend when it was still active. Payed them 10€ at some point and had 600hrs of playtime. Then I switched to QL, where I had a Premium account for 30€, that I played about 400 hrs with (and 300 or so without premium and 700 in the superior Q3). In hindsight I consider that Premium account a really bad deal.
So OP, given my past experiences, if I were to pay 40€ for a MP game, I'd expect about 800hrs of playtime out of that investment. Make a quick evaluation in your head whether you see yourself playing 800hrs of Overwatch. Assuming 1hr every day (which is a lot), you'd need more than 2 years of playing this game to achieve that. Will anybody still play this game in 2 years? In 1 year? Does it get boring after 300hrs? If yes, is it still worth 40€? Do you want to make that sort of commitment? Questions questions questions.
Prices are much lower in other countries.
New games in Russia cost like 17 dollars.
Which is why steam now has their games listed by countries.
CSGO in Mexico is like 150 pesos which equals to about 8-9 dollars.
Blizzard has no lock so have fun buying for cheap.
>He's so cheap he buys from gray market sites
Enjoy getting banned at Blizzard's whim because you bought a code gotten by some dude's stolen credit card
Also enjoy getting billed 2 bucks a month for g2a shield or whatever that lame shit is called
You will play it for a couple of weeks at best, and you are very likely to just drop it out of boredom. I would say no
do they mean profiling? the thing where people take hard data and apply it to their reasoning?
>a couple weeks of play
>for 40 euros
that's a pretty good deal
For all I know the American article has the same muslim-hugging tone.
But hey I wouldn't expect a burgerclap to understand basic logic.
>Almost everyone who got in the closed beta constantly raves about how fun it is, how it doesn't get old, and how they put constant hours into it
>"It will die in a week", "It sucks" and "Multiplayer games just straight up aren't worth $40" in every thread.
Stop being so cynical and enjoy games again Sup Forums. Doesn't have to be overwatch but stop being mad shitters.
Really weird coming from a board that defended Hitmans price tag
>That autism
Mate a rational person would assume 1 dollar = 1 hour of playtime
Maybe a smelly NEET like yourself needs to do some idiotic quantification beyond that but I'm just letting you know
Goddamn user no need to be so salty. Just because you pay more than I do for games. Keep being a good goy and paying the premium, More power to you. Also you can not have the G2a shield shit but I don't buy from there anyway. Keep being a newfag
>living in a capitalist society means you must be a champion and intense lover of capitalsim
u wat m8?
When will autists learn that everyone shouldn't be forced to have the same shitty standards they do, just because they only make $15 dollars in allowance a month while others make so much more.
I mean fuck, I don't make amazing money but to me paying some where closer to $3 an hour is fine if I really enjoy the product, and I have way more than enough money left over to invest in shit.
I don't know, I got bored of the game on like the second to last day and stopped playing.
felt like the classes were too molded and predictable. Same with the maps.
>still posting this blatant joke
Its ironic that the place that loves to use jew and jewish as an insult behave the most like them
>I REFUSE to pay more than 5 dollars for this game unless it gives me 100000 hours of playtime
Really not that unbelievable. Didn't the UK have some really totalitarian looking poster of a bunch of eyes watching busses/the city and keeping you "Safe"?
>had fun
>40 euros
>being so poor that this is a hard decision
Im not trying to be condescending, I honestly feel bad for you.
I played it and found it decent, but not "WOW MOST FUN THING EVER".
I had enough of it in the beta time, but i might buy it when they add more content.
It's been proven putting an eye on things improves good behavior
Like if you have an "honor" system fridge where people are supposed to leave a dollar when they take a soda, they're more likely to pay if you use an eye instead of a smiley face on the note
>Blizzard hasn't made a good game since WC3
>"Hey everybody, let's buy Overwatch!"
For the love of god, fuck off. You aren't fooling anyone.
Doesn't every country do this?
>My dog should be allowed to shit wherever it wants
Yeah nah anybody with a brain agrees with this one
You buy an animal you clean up after it
why exactly are you in this thread?
to bitch and moan. just answered my own question nerd.
>Play in the open beta
>have loads of fun
>"but the game is obviously bad"
D.Va is going to be completely useless outside of two roles.
1. Boost+ultimate combo your mecha to blow up enemy strong points.
2. Defense Matrix bitch
Not the one I mean. They're like "CCTV" camera eyes implying that they have "Eyes everywhere" and can see you anywhere.
This. My friend keeps trying to argue that her matrix is so good because it can block ultimates but outisde of just being designated ulti blocking bitch every 13 or so seconds, the fuck does she do for the team?