So we all agree this is much better than Dark Souls III

So we all agree this is much better than Dark Souls III

We don't agree on anything you fuck go fucking die in a hole you fucking jack off


also this

BB is the best of these style of games while Dark Souls 3 is middling as fuck.

it is pretty much a fact, they tried to make Dark Souls similar to BB with 3 but the original is simply better

fucking Dark Souls 2 is better than the abortion that is Dark Souls 3

Well that's just a stupid thing to say.

Maybe. Depends on taste.
>much better

Also can't really decide until DaS3 DLC comes out.

>game being played at 30 fps cap
>with no AA and shit AF

no thanks bruv. Lol enjoy those framerates though you fat fucking pleberoni

I've only recently beaten Gascoigne, and I haven't played any of the other Dank Souls games at all, but this, OP.

Are you ok user?

Bloodborne was made by the A team, while DS3 was made by the B team. Their next game is probably going to be the one of the good ones.

You're talking shit, DS2 was the one made by the B team.

>A-team/B-team meme
Doesn't exist. Actually read the credits. Shibuya is the primary reason DaS2 had so many flaws.

Campaign is better in BB, but I enjoy chilling and pvp more in DaS3

How do you chill in a Souls game?

everyone who has played bloodborne agrees, its not even an argument if youve played bloodborne

its not THAT hard ffs


I liked Ithryll though, both the upper and lower parts.

Not really, depends a lot on the quality of DaS3 DLC.

>needing DLC to become better than Bloodborne
that's an admission of inferiority, isn't it?

the DLC made bloodborne even better than it already was, so the same could happen to DaS3

I have to admit. I'm a bit jealous of having not played it. The "MLGS" just looks so fucking delicious in this one.

>doesn't summon two red phantoms at Irythill unofficial arena

>Doesn't break up honorable duels for the lels

learn 2 chill

I do.
DS3 really is "deja-vu".

BB > DaS > DeS > DeS3 > DeS2

u wot? Bloodborne WITH its amazing dlc is better than DaS3, but without it... it's a whole different story. We wait and see what we get for DaS3. The bar is set pretty damn high though.

Why do you insist on our approval to justify your purchase, but instantly go damage control when you are faced with negativity?

If all youre gonna do is seek for a hugbox then you can go to better sites for that, like geonaf

What did he mean by this?

BB > DaS3 > DaS > DaS2

I bet I would love DeS, but never owned a PS3.

I can't fairly judge DaS3 yet because no DLC but yes the base game of BB is better than the base game of DaS3

I love all of em equally aside from maybe DaS2