
>free to play
>great customization
>lots of different play styles
>established community
>private and custom servers
>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry

>customization is nothing but different colored skins
>each character has a single play style
>no community at all
>no private servers
>backed by Blizzard, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

If you’re thinking about getting overwatch, I implore you to play TF2 instead.

No, TF2 aged like shit, Overwatch is the new hotness.
Your game is gonna gie

But Battleborn is better than TF2 and Overwatch

>tumblr nose girl and pixar-tier personalities
uhhmmmm overtards????

Can people not comprehend the idea that both could be popular at the same time?

Man, just stop. Just admit you got tricked. There's no need to try and justify your purchase after realizing the game sucks.

You should be doing the right thing and telling people not to make the same mistake you did and to stay the hell away from Battleborn because it blows.

>free to play
>a positive

fuck off underage/BR

Ooh this thread wasn't filtered for some reason thanks for making more filters.

Is there any reason I can't play and enjoy both for different reasons?

> paying for something you can get for free

Why don't you just give me all your money?

>a game with 10 years to update has more play styles than a game not even released yet


>the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry
Square Enix

>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry.
Valve is probably the shittiest devs out there, they give zero fuck and effort into their games even if they're super popular.

>Prior to Overwatch open beta.
>No TF2 threads.

>After Overwatch open beta.
>Lots of TF2 threads.

>its an Overwatch vs. TF2 thread

Still worth it for the porn

TF2 > Overwatch > Battlecuck

heres your reply.

next time can you at least type it yourself?

Just ask your mother, she's in debt to me after I pity funked her brains out.

I love how neo neo Sup Forums thinks TF2 is the most competitive and hardcore game in history. It's hilarious. When TF2 was new, it was considered the most casual game ever and shat on all over Sup Forums.

I'm enjoying Overwatch a lot though. Games get boring after 10 years.

Also I much prefer paying $40 over all the hats and csgo skins shit and screaming 11 year olds tbqh

>Cast full of men
>Only two women
>One is old hag, other is lesbian

>Lots of waifus for all tastes

How many times will we tell you it's 30$
>>no community at all
Do you do something else than shitposting on vee? Obviously not.

TF2 is simply boring compared to Overwatch. And also old.

What is about overwatch that makes tf2shitters shit in their pants?

the value of their hat collection is about to plummet

Soon enough valve will launch tf3 and all you morons will know

you know TF2 cost money for a long time right?

>play OW
>pretty fun, but feel like it's missing something, kinda shallow
>redownload and play TF2, feel complete

I'll just keep masturbating to OW and playing TF2.


his is the answer

re-downloaded tf2 to fill the void overwatch left during the beta.

9 fucking gigs, it finally finished, played for 2 minutes and was bored out of my mind.

TF2 is dead, DEAD.

But Overwatch isn't as good. It hurts to be a classed-based shooter fan.

this would honestly be amazing and would completely obliterate overwatch

The price of the hats is controlled by the high profile traders, they have control over the market, locking accounts or making unusual not rare would be the only way to accomplish that.


You forgot Activision... oh wait

We've had this thread earlier today.

Played the open OW beta for 1 minute and I was bored out of my mind, body and soul.

See? Anyone can shitpost.

I love bait threads.
TF3 won't happen any time soon seeing as TF2 is making Valve millions every month. The flagship Source 2 title we'll see is likely to be L4D3.

>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry

>backed by Blizzard, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

This is bait. Valve has the most jew greed in the industry. Enjoy your hats goy.

TF2: zero interest in playing

Overwatch: something i'll play casually on weekends and on and off between other games

TF2 has had its day, time to step aside and die with grace

Why do you faggots keep trying to start a rivalry between these two games? Is this like an extension of console wars shit or something?

Didn't you post exactly this yesterday?

Literally these exact words and picture

Waiting a day doesn't make you any less wrong OP

What's up OP how are you doing friend

Tf2 got a series of updates and alterations to its characters and visual design over the course of its lifespan, absurd character and class changes like making the DEMOLITION MAN a melee oriented character, rainbow texture goggles, my little pony stuff, it went FREE my dude

It's just a janky mess with very little of the original identity intact at this point in time

Sorry you missed out on so much but at least we can remember the good times and move onto Overwatch, Dirty Bomb, Battlefield 1 or Lawbreakers...

Have a good day bro

TF2 Valvefags on suicide watch.

Only reason I want overwatch is because valve stopped caring about tf2 years ago...

all FPS games that are F2P or very cheap are riddled with cheaters and literal 12 year olds who can't afford games

to me the 40-60 price tag on OW is a huge plus

if only Blizz implements a solid anti-cheat i'll be playing OW for a long time

Please don't play TF2
Everytime someone installs TF2 is one stop closer to pony fandom that spreads like wild fire in TF2
TF2 has the worst memers, shitters, cheaters and just straight up faggots
TF2 has so blatantly just been a cashcow for over 6 years that the game isn't even recognizable anymore
TF2 is so trash, that valve has all but abandoned the game that isn't just dumping new cash shop items
TF2 has lost any and all respect from anyone who plays team-based shooters
TF2's only appeal now is to children that want to be like their favorite funny GMOD vid or SFM that they saw on youtube
TF2 has no more redeeming qualities
Please, stay away from TF2 and its 100+ crates that require a cash shop key to open.

>Valve shills trying their best.

Sorry Gabe but people will try other games.

Please don't play TF2

Everytime someone installs TF2 is one stop closer to pony fandom that spreads like wild fire in TF2

TF2 has the worst memers, shitters, cheaters and just straight up faggots

TF2 has so blatantly just been a cashcow for over 6 years that the game isn't even recognizable anymore

TF2 is so trash, that valve has all but abandoned the game that isn't just dumping new cash shop items

TF2 has lost any and all respect from anyone who plays team-based shooters

TF2's only appeal now is to children that want to be like their favorite funny GMOD vid or SFM that they saw on youtube

TF2 has no more redeeming qualities

Please, stay away from TF2 and its 100+ crates that require a cash shop key to open.

This actually baffles me. Suddenly Tf2 which no one gave a fuck about on Sup Forums is suddenly the best game ever made.


Dude look at tf2 when it started and it's the same as overwatch is now. Give it time laddy

>Friendly reminder that valve tried to sell mods
>They aren't being called money grubbing

>They're slowly trying to introduce them,
>Blizzard is money grubbing


Overwatch will die on PC:
- no mod support
- no community servers or interaction, literally have not even heard one person speak on voice chat
- shallow gameplay and the "play of the game" system will
- not on steam, which is a huge setback for any online game that comes out after the steam monopoly.
- full price tag when it has about as much content as gears of war judgment.
- managed by modern-day Blizzard, who fucks up so much that even their gem (WoW) is dying.

I suspect that it will live on consoles like all the shooters do though.

>>- shallow gameplay and the "play of the game" system will
... drive the most repetitive gameplay elements like ults into the ground.

>Things die on pc but live on consoles

Everything you just said is out of the window.

>TF2 babies are actually THIS threatened

I don't understand why anyone still plays TF2 anyway. It's gotten so fucking stale these days.

if overwatch can even get half the life that WoW had before it went to shit than it'll be worth it.
but this seems like copypasta garbage as you just kinda trailed off on the potg system

The damage control is real. TF2 autists are blown the fuck out every single day and it's getting worse as the 24th approaches.
Sorry, no refunds on those hats.

>WoW is gem
>Not Hearthstone
lmao nice post, kiddo
you sure know a lot about things and stuff