btw this is a good game aye
btw this is a good game aye
Whats good about it?
It just launched, but its already dead
Good game, a really good one.
Sometimes I spread my cheeks infront of a mirror and look at the hairy nexus of wrinkled flesh and shit that is my asshole, it really reminds me of the way battleborn looks
Why is 75% of the character design so shit and uninspiring?
It's actually average, I would've felt deep regret if I didn't use a key site.
Then again I should've paid full price and got a full fucking refund.
Dead in a month.
>Good game
Yeah maybe good at being dead lmao
Just go F2P already.
I'd try it then.
Holy fuck I dodged a bullet
I bought it and it was a huge mistake
At least I bought I off a shady russian key site so gearbox won't get my money
More like Stillborn am i rite
Is this shitposting?
The amount of desperate shilling for this is hilarious.
it's not shilling, it's a meme
>looks like an interesting game to pass the time untill the 24th
>PC AAA multiplat multiplayer game not having active community
>doesn't notice the fact that Borderlands 2 (a gearbox game) has more players right now
Bread in a month.
>Sup Forums of all places falling for the argument from popularity
i don't play battleborn but i play plenty of multiplayer games that have less than 500 players online just fine. as long as you can find other players it doesnt matter what the player count is
how retarded are ya
>generic f2p shootah
>60$ price tag