Will they ruin Tifa in the FFVII remake?




Her boobs were fine in the recent mobile game, so I guess she'll be fine.

I hope they reduce her boobs, those boobs are way too big and they will look weird as fuck in the remake.

Tasteless faggots.

They're making her less voluptuous with every appearance, so probably.

>those tits
Excuse me xir I have spent too many hundreds of hours masturbating to those tits to have my experiences marginalized like this.


fuck off back to tumblr

What? All they need to do is keep them the same size as Nigri's.

Hmm I dont remember Tifas breast being that huge or her panties being that visible

Just for that:

inb4 that image claiming modern iterations of Tifa have the same bust size. Pro-tip: using head size as a measure does not work for original art Tifa because of her exaggerated skeleton.

>fuck off back to tumblr
What? who the fuck do you think I am?
I honestly think Tifa's tits are way too big and look bad, to each their own but I personally think C cup would be very good on her, not to mention more proportional, with realistic models those tits will look out of place and fucking weird.

Not my fault if you like shit like Hitomi Tanaka

probably, but there's still hope


I hope not.

Off yourself.

Shit taste much?

>Thinks liking big breasts is shit taste

If underdeveloped girls are your favorite maybe you are underdeveloped yourself. Fag.

I'll tell you what shit taste is, being a footfag.

Love those titties.

Get out, stinky pedophile. Go jack off to your loli

My man, not too big, not too small, P R O P O R T I O N matters.

Tifa would look better with smaller boobs and a more accentuated behind.

But since her breasts are iconic keep the size relatively similar bue tone it down a bit or else it will look weird.

But hey, thats just me projecting.

>doesnt find cow tits attractive
>has to be a lolicon or some shit


Tifa a shit either way.

just keep them the same size as Jessica Nigri's, and give her an ass like Cammy from SFV.

pic related is nigri's size

>and give her an ass like Cammy from SFV.

Hell no. Original Tifa all the way.

Yeah I guess that would be great, but E3 is very soon and they might show Tifa so lets all wait familia.

>not liking strong firm booties

tifa isn't cloud. it would be silly if she wasn't a bit more muscular in this game, especially around the hips/legs/glutes from all the jumping she does.

I love them, but I don't want your aliens masquerading as Tifa instead of the real deal.

ur an alien