>game has like 6 hot chicks
>has 1 dyke looking bitch
>suddenly it is SJW propaganda
I know Sup Forums can be retarded but damn this is another level of stupid.
>game has like 6 hot chicks
>has 1 dyke looking bitch
>suddenly it is SJW propaganda
I know Sup Forums can be retarded but damn this is another level of stupid.
it is sjw propaganda shitlord. can't wait for zarya mounting chicks with her dildo though. that'd be hawt.
It's funny because Zarya is actually one of the most bigoted heroes in the game. She outright despises Omnics and will even take shots at Genji because he's a cyborg.
>Sup Forums screams SJW because of her hair
>beta comes out
>is basically generic Russian meathead, praising Mother Russia
>really hates Omnics, the "oppressed minority"
The hair is still kinda stupid.
Zarya's p fun to play as
who cares?
Remember when we would laugh at SJWs for taking the content of games so seriously?
Remember when we would mock someone for suggesting that certain portrayals of female characters in games would have real life consequences?
Well here we are. Look and see what you've become.
People are literally arguing that scenes like this have "consequences" just like how Anita used to say.
>it's insane to think that sexism in games creates real world misogyny, haha!
>it's logical to believe that a strong female character in a game creates real world problems like cultural marxism, the erasure of family values, a rise in cuckoldry and the fall of the west by the bloodied swords of ISIS
Look at yourselves.
Her alt skin makes me think of timesplitters future perfect
This alone makes her gr8
>who cares?
lonely retards that want to get angry about something
>inb4 someone calls me an sjw
This triggered Sup Forums when she was announced
It has faded now
You're a bit late user
These dudes get it.
slippery slope faggot
but Mei is the SJW propaganda
There was a thread that ended just a few minutes ago telling people to boycott Overwatch and Blizzard and play TF2 because Zarya is in Overwatch.
>have all races and minorities
>not sjw
Mei is cute, I won't say thicc
Personally i hate it just because pink hair and fade.
>i hate SJWs but dont you think anti-sjws are just as bad.tga
yeah you're right they didnt rework a pose because it was triggering the pink haired crowd
Lucio is actually the most SJW out of all of them.
>LĂșcio is an international celebrity who inspires social change through his music and actions.
They aren't minorities if it takes place on a worldwide scale you fucking autist. That is like saying Street Fighter II is SJW bait. kys.
That's just a front to get people to click on the link that takes you to a GG site. Report it for advertising.
White people make up 18% of the world's population.
You really need to try harder, SJW
>Guys get an anthropomorphic animal character
>Girls don't
It's 2016, how is Blizzard so behind on the times?
what kind of animal girl do you want
Don't like the hair color and tattoo but would still cum full force on ass face and vagina.
Personally I would like a scalie, but designed to be more reptilian than human
Far right extremists are equally as bad as far left extremists and often have the exact same goals just for different reasons.
>game doesn't have a female
>game has a black character
>trying to hand wave away horseshoe theory with your fallacy
All I see is fetish pandering
-Muh pure blonde waifu
-Muh brown sugar waifu
-Muh another brown sugar waifu
-Muh quirky petite waifu
-Muh backstory waifu
-Muh weeb waifu
-Muh thick waifu
-Muh death by snu snu waifu
snek girls if possible
I remember user, and it scares me that even Sup Forums is falling victim to PC censorship. Maybe it's just incredibly good b8?
>implying horseshoe theory isn't literally "you're just as bad as your opponents"
Tell me more about how the secret cabal of evil right wingers have gotten this game censored, blacklisted or banned though
>it's a blizzard shits on both gamergate and sjw episode
how can they get away with this?
Are you implying Zarya is not hot?
>Sup Forums is triggered over pink hair
that's the main complaint. Sup Forums digs muscle chicks, but if it has pink hair THEN HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE CODE RED CODE RED THE SJW CHOPPING OFF DICKS
you faggots are worse than tumblr.
There is no difference between two ends of a horseshoe
Youre trying to use a fallacy because you can't accept your political extremism is just as bad
Sup Forums is just nega tumblr since Sup Forums took over
change the hair and she's hot.
i refuse to play her until i get a skin that will cover that fucking awful hair
The sad part is Zarya's one of the least used characters because of her looks. She's a good character who would be used twice as much if she looked like D.va or Mercy.
Pink hair is hot
>>has 1 dyke looking bitch
You forgot about Tracer.
this is why overwatch is a pile of shit game the sjws have gotten into it and are ruining it. i already didnt get it as blizzard has gone down hill after shutting down nost but this shit with them sucking off sjws needs to go
and tattoo
theyre disgusting and have no reason to be there
Yeah, I guess long hair does look pretty good with muscles.
>"I want to let my videogames be poluted with people that just want to fight a cause over a retarded point of view through my hobbie"
We need Trump.
their there because she wants them to be there, that's all the reason she needs
>they're pointless and i hate them
if there ever was a point, the pencil's broken.
Could you imagine if there was a hot female animal character? The furry's would orgasm. If you think the waifu fanbase is bad, it will get even worse.
It's not propaganda, its pandering. Zarya was released because SJW's were complaining about all the sexy ladies.
I haven't followed the Overwatch hype that much but I barely see anyone on Sup Forums call the game SJW propaganda.
>Tell me more about how the secret cabal of evil right wingers have gotten this game censored, blacklisted or banned though
Muslim run governments say hi as does North Korea
do sjw go out on dates?
I find it hard for someone like an sjw go out with a girl without feeling ashamed of seeing her in a sexual way.
Blizzard stated one Character in overwatch is gay
So, who is it? My guess is Soldier 76
Do you have a single fact to back this up?
>it's bad when video games are polluted with THIS side that wants to fight a cause over a retarded point of you but not when the others do it
Trumptards and other assorted Sup Forums-types act just as bad
It's not just pink, it's also a shit style. If it was longer but tied into a bun or something no one would care.
junkrat and roadhog
Yes. The first set of female characters were all sexy. SJW's complained. Zarya was released.
Its fact that it was pandering. I was just replying to the OP to help clear up the difference between pandering and propaganda.
What side? There's only one side here, the side that wants videogames to be just fucking videogames not propaganda or a media for people to fight over a cause.
Let cinema, literature and such hand over that shit, videogames were created for a certain kind of demographic and 10 years in the past till today we have been suffering a plague of fucking casuals and you are one of them.
I hope it's Mercy
Nobody cares. SJWs don't actually give a shit about people, they just want their "enemies" to be a disappointed father. Because they have daddy issues. So they come on here and pretend to be a pissed off Sup Forumsirgin and shitpost about a character that was announced months ago.
We didn't really care back then, why would we suddenly care now?
It's definitely 76. Look at that hair.
But really though its going to be one of the sexless robots because they are classified as male characters so why not throw sexual preference in there too.
>Blizzard stated one Character in overwatch is gay
God this pisses me off, not because they're making a character gay. It's the people that will make this into a big deal and say "oh yeah I'm buying the game now/ ugh fucking lgbqt314 pandering"
Also this is litterally pandering, but whatever.
Is pandering always a bad thing?
It's obviously McCree
Cowboys are gay as fuck
hanzo, I hope
too obvious.
I'm on that side.
I am aware both liberals and conservatives try to use video games as a vehicle for pushing political agendas.
>tfw you unironically like zarya's industrial skin
A-am I a closet edgelord
>It's not SJW, you're just paranoid. Everyone knows SJWs don't exist! It's just a boogieman!
I just like goth and punk chicks. "SJWs" are my girl of choice.
>Soldier 76's husbandfu turned into an edgy skeleton
Short when?
Something existing doesn't prevent it from being a boogeyman
Beat me to it, user. What a collection of morons. All this talk and no one bothers to hit Google for one fucking second.
I am yet to see a conservative connotation in a game, my man.
If you were as kind as to show me one I will appreciate it.
The goth chicks I've met have been alt-right types. Maybe its because I'm from the south.
Yes but the results can be good.
As a creator of intellectual property, if you pander to fans or critics you are admitting that you have little or no faith in your creation and you are more concerned with your profit. The act of pandering is bad but the result of the action is far more subjective and not necessarily bad.
You've never seen conservatives try to force their shit on others in vidya? Do you even browse Sup Forums?
What the fuck is trump going to do? destroy capitalism? You are never going to get rid of pandering in mass media you fucking retard.
>"we wan't everyone's money, not only people that play videogames, but liberals that will buy this game because anita told them so."
Conservatives were the driving force between MUH VIDYA IS EVIL shit in the 90's.
but zarya is the only attractive female of the whole cast.
>implying she's not just another hot chick
>tfw you're Liberal so aparrently you care about/like Anita
This is slightly related.
Memes appart Im still yet to see something conservative related out of the usual "too violen t, ban this game!". And I've been playing games since the 90's.
I think that as the internet is accessible to any retard, everyone can just post their shitty opinion in the web and somehow if you have enough credibility or power in the media you can move masses.
But who cares? Big deal feminists got their 1 amalgam of generic diversity qualities that came out looking like a circus attraction. If anything that is an insult to feminist so why are people here crying about it? It literally doesn't matter at all.
Honestly I think they should have just made her Arctic skin her default appearance.
It sounds to me like just the right kind of cop-out rather than pandering. "Are LGBTQs represented in your game?" Sure, we have a gay character. "Which is it?" Who the fuck cares.
People not listening to you does not somehow make your actions non-existant. It's an argument I see a lot
>Y-yeah but WE don't do X
No, you WANT to do it you just don't get to because society thinks your shit is even more nuts than SJW propaganda and adding a single black character to a game is likely to cause no stir except with butthurt racists where as removing every character who isn't white might.
Worst skin. Top tier hero (mechanically) but worst skin.
>Im still yet to see something conservative related out of the usual "too violen t, ban this game!"
There was a huge controversy about having sex in the mass effect games. I remember seeing a fox news report on it being a space porn simulator.
I want Zayra to be my personal trainer.
>tfw she will never spot you for benching and have her sweaty musky crotch just over my face ;_;
This nigga gets it.
Yea. It's just like Fury Road.
>Reduced Widowmakers butt
>Removed Tracer's pose because it was too sexy
>Removed sexy magazines from the maps because it might offend someone
>Lord knows what other decisions are being made in development rooms to censor/avoid offense
SJW shit harms everything. It's never just one thing.
This is her best skin because it covers her bad features.
I'm going to be mad if she's a lesbian. In fact, I hope there aren't any lesbians, gays, or fucking mentally inflicted trannies who think they can change their sex.
Its unfortunate they made half the female cast into fucking shit skinned filth.