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Majority doesn't mean it's right

wow ur so rite!!!

ok, it's still shit by my definition which is the only important definition for me

>implying the opinion of an individual can even determine what is right

I liked Undertale and I still voted Yes to this.

But it does prove that the squeakiest tire gets the oil
The only reason that Undertale is hated on Sup Forums is that the minority shits on it more than the majority praises it

>Implying Sup Forums doesn't just pick yes during polls to troll others.

I got bored and stopped

I mean in all fairness, the worst thing about undertale is its autistic fanbase

im not a bandwaggoning faggot and play what I like

Eat shit, retard.

neither does spamming sonic images like an autist

Holy shit, what an assmad queer. Get anushurt and defensive more, son.

no u

Found the triggered Undertale fan

source on that?

i played through undertale for the first time a week ago

it was fun and clever and i literally don't understand whatever problems people have with it

what even is so awful about the fanbase? i don't go on tumblr and i wasn't around Sup Forums much when it came out

he posted one fucking image


shouldn't you be complaining about blue arms

Most people on Sup Forums like Undertale. Those that claim otherwise are mostly shitposters, contrarian faggots or are afraid of tumblr. Only a few dislike the game because it's not the type of game that they like, and that's okay.

Reminder that if you let a fanbase ruin your views on a game, you're a fucking retard and need to kill yourself

What's wrong with blue arms?
Also, shouldn't you be jerking off to that yellow Barney character?

It's mostly furries since Sup Forums is apparently frequenting places like furaffinity and e612 and getting upset when they see glowing skeleton dick.


Unless it's Sonic, then it's totally okay
>$0.05 has been added to your bank account


Is the low money to bank account posting the newest shill meme?

>still shilling

Unless the game is based predominantly around multiplayer.

>Those that claim otherwise are mostly shitposters, contrarian faggots or are afraid of tumblr.
As proven by:

>strawpolls doesn't matter anymore

So that means the Sony fanbase is good? Riveting



Outside of extreme cases, there is no such thing as something being objectively be good. There's an absolutely fuckhuge middleground that's entirely up to opinion. And the majority opinion is that it's good. In this case, majority does mean it's right

>If people like things I don't like it means they're getting paid to

Undertake is fine. Sup Forums is hipster as fuck and their opinions are more often than not contrarian just for the heck of it.

Majority doesn't mean it's right

Majority does mean it's right in this case

Doesn't mean it's good
it is right that a good chunk of Sup Forumsermin like undertale but that doesn't mean it's actually a good game and i don't have to say it's "objectively good", because it's not

Not the other user, but he's right; majority just means more like it. In plain non-context, everything is subjective period.